AEW Double or Nothing live results: Anarchy in the Arena (2024)

AEW will celebrate five years tonight in Las Vegas, Nevada, with Double or Nothing from the MGM Grand Garden with three main events.

The headliner is expected to be the Anarchy in the Arena match featuring The Elite (Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada & Jack Perry) against FTR, Bryan Danielson & Darby Allin.

In another main event, AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland will defend against former TNT Champion Christian Cage while the other will see the AEW in-ring debut of Mercedes Mone as she challenges TBS Champion Willow Nightingale.

AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm will defend against Serena Deeb, Will Ospreay will challenge for Roderick Strong’s AEW International title, and Chris Jericho will defend the FTW title against Hook & Katsuyori Shibata in a three-way.

In a barbed wire steel cage match, TNT Champion Adam Copeland will defend against Malakai Black while The Bang Bang Gang (Jay White & The Gunns) will defend the AEW Trios titles against Death Triangle (Lucha Bros & PAC).

Other action on the lengthy card includes Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takesh*ta and Orange Cassidy against Trent Beretta.


Buy In

The Wrestle Aunts (Renee Paquette & RJ City) along with Jeff Jarrett welcome us to the Buy In. For those wondering, RJ made a Barbara Streisand reference 30 seconds into the show. They run down the nights matches and throw it to multiple video packages. Lexy Nair spoke to Charlie Ramone backstage, who helped construct the barbed wire steel cage for tonight’s TNT Title match and said it’s built for destruction.

Deonna Purrazzo defeated Thunder Rosa

(Hard hitting match to kick off the show, as this was another chapter in this story, as you can tell it’ll be leading to a stipulation match down the line. Purrazzo stealing the win here made sense, especially when it was a standard singles match. The crowd were loud for this, which bodes well for the rest of the night.)

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & Matt Menard are on commentary, as Rosa’s entrance attire has some Elvis flare, but also has 21 crosses on it as a tribute to those who lost their lives in the Uvalde, Texas school shooting in 2022. After an early back and forth, Rosa sent Purrazzo to outside and followed with a baseball slide, as the crowd is loudly behind Rosa. Purrazzo tried to create space and it worked, as she leveled Rosa in the face with a big boot. Back inside, Purrazzo worked over the arm for an extended period until Rosa escaped, tried a pendulum swing, but was kicked in the face. Both ladies got a full head of steam and collided with a double clothesline for the reset, as the crowd is now doing dueling chants.

Both rise to their feet and it’s Rosa who wins the slug fest, leading to a dropkick in the ropes. Purrazzo lured Rosa into trying to go up top and hung her up in the Tree of Woe before hitting a diving shoulder to the midsection for two. Rosa fought back with a Cobra Clutch into a discus forearm for two. Purrazzo spun out of a Tijuana Bomb into the Fujiwara Armbar, but Rosa escaped into a backstabber. Rosa reapplied the Cobra Crossface, but as Rosa went to kick away from the ropes to avoid a Purrazzo rope break, Purrazzo spun close to the other ropes and held onto them to steal the pin.

-The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass are backstage with Lexy Nair and cut a fired-up promo on Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony.

-Renee Paquette welcomes Dr. Martha Hart & Tony Khan to the stage, as the Owen Hart Cup is set up on the stage. Hart said it’s great to be back in Vegas and talked about 25 years of the Owen Hart Foundation, so they have something special in mind for the Cup this year. Khan said the men and women Owen Hart Cup Tournament winners will get World Title shots. The finals will once again be in Calgary on July 10th and the title shots the winners earn will take place at All In at Wembley.

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Daddy Ass defeated The Cage of Agony (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

(Standard party match to get the crowd going before the PPV starts, as Cage, Liona & Kaun controlled a majority of this until the finish. Crowd popped big for the post-match celebration.)

Bobby Cruise announced the Las Vegas Golden Knights mascot, Chance, to the crowd before the match. Kaun & Caster had a brief back and forth before Gunn tagged in with Cage and we got a pose down. Cage used his agility to float over in the corner and fire off a snap dropkick, as Kaun & Liona attacked Bowens & Caster as everyone spilled outside. Liona trapped Bowens’ taped up leg between the steps and threw Gunn into them. This left Caster in the ring to be triple teamed, which included a back breaker over the top rope, running senton on the apron and finally a suplex from the outside in by Cage for two.

Caster was isolated until finally able to get free and made the hot tag to Gunn, who ran wild before hitting a One and Only on Kaun for two. Fame Asser attempt was thwarted, as Liona flew in and mowed down Gunn. Caster jumped off the top and slipped doing so, but got enough for Liona before Kaun laid him out with a lungblower. Cage hit a discus lariat before a triple powerbomb connected, but Bowens made the save. Cage grabbed a chair ringside, but Chance the mascot took it away. Caster cut him off with a Fame Asser, but Liona ran around and just dove on top of him. Back in the ring, Gunn caught Kaun with a flash roll up and got the win. Post match, The Acclaimed, Gunn & Chance all scissored in the ring.

AEW Double or Nothing

Excalibur welcomes us alongside Tony Schiavone, Taz & Don Callis, who is there for the opening title match of the evening. Excalibur mentioned how Callis hasn’t been around Will Ospreay much this weekend, as Callis said it’s not a social club, it’s a business arrangement. The rubes in the crowd should give him credit for bringing Ospreay to AEW.

Will Ospreay defeated Roderick Strong (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) to win the International Title

(One hell of an opener, as it almost ended horribly before it truly got going, as the bump Ospreay took from The Kingdom just narrowly avoided disaster. The crowd were so loudly behind Ospreay, who is an absolute superstar. Credit to Strong, who, once the Kingdom was gone, got to show off why he’s also one of the best in the game. The story continues for Ospreay & Callis as well, as I liked the little touches they had on that as well.)

Ospreay looked for Hidden Blade right as Strong was posing during his entrance, but missed, as Ospreay flew outside and quickly disposed of Taven & Bennett. Strong tried to slam Ospreay on the unprotected barricade, but Ospreay flipped over it onto The Kingdom, brawling with Strong and slingshot him into the ring post. Match officially begins, as Ospreay was in control until Strong took the ref, allowing Bennett & Taven to hit a Doomsday Device/Suicide Dive, but Taven’s legs clipped the top rope and Ospreay appeared to land on his head on the floor. It was a scary landing, as Callis even took his headset off to check on Ospreay, who appeared ok, as Strong grounded Ospreay inside.

Ospreay battled back with hard chops, avoiding a Strong backbreaker into a Corkscrew Kick. Taven & Bennett again distracted the ref, as Wardlow appeared behind Ospreay and was about to powerbomb him when ref Bryce stumbled back into them. Instead of throwing them all out, he just told Wardlow to go to the floor, as Ospreay hit Cheeky Nandos on Strong and a Sky Twister Press onto the entire Kingdom outside. It was then that Bryce ejected Wardlow, Taven & Bennett, as security escorted them out. Back inside, both trade chops before Ospreay hit the wall walk enzugiri into a Fisherman’s Suplex for two. Ospreay tried a Leap of Faith, but landed on his feet, jamming his knee. Ospreay wanted Hidden Blade, but Strong rolled through into the Texas Cloverleaf.

The echoes of the chops from Strong are incredible, as that was followed by a superplex, but Strong held on into a Torture Rack backbreaker for two. Strong hit the fireman’s carry gutbuster, but as he went for the Sick Kick, Ospreay countered into a powerbomb for the double down. Slugfest to the feet, as it led to a crazy sequence of counters until Ospreay fired off an Oscutter, but couldn’t follow up. For some reason, Bryce wanted to check on Strong and backed Ospreay off, as Callis got off commentary and demanded the Tiger Driver 91, telling him to snap his neck for the title. Ospreay shoved Bryce out of the way and was going to hit the move, but hesitated too long, allowing Strong to hit another gutbuster and Sick Kick for a close two. Callis said you can’t be weak in these moments.

Ospreay countered End of Heartache into a hurricanrana pin for two, but Strong popped up with a knee lift. Strong again went for End of Heartache, but Ospreay landed on his feet, hit a Hidden Blade and Storm Breaker for the win and the title. Callis kept screaming “We won! We won!” as Ospreay celebrated with fans ringside before going to the back.

Adam Cole Is Haunted By a Familiar Face

Adam Cole’s music hit and he walked to the ring pretty well, as Tony Schiavone called him an ass for dragging this entrance out so long. Cole said it’s story time with Adam Cole and told the Vegas crowd they all suck, as he should be checking on Strong or hanging out with The Kingdom, since they just got thrown out of the building. Cole said he should be home resting to get back in the ring, as the crowd don’t know what he’s been through and calls himself one of the greatest of this generation. Cole brought out The Devil match and said there’s a little Devil inside all of us. Cole said when he’s 100%, you will give The Devil his due and his name…

The lights went out, but when they came on, a video played on screen with a figure walking a hall and going to a room where all of MJF’s gear and items are. They show a torn up picture of Adam Cole and MJF as the music for MJF hit and the crowd exploded. A shredded MJF walked out with a leather jean jacket on like he’s 2002 Triple H, as Cole dropped the Devil mask and MJF looked down at it. Cole wanted a hug, as MJF obliged and immediately punted him low before connecting with a brainbuster. MJF took the mic and called Cole a noodle arm, bobble headed son of a bitch and told security to get this sh*t stain out of his ring.

MJF said he gave Cole something he had never given to anyone before, trust, but that’ll never happen again, as all Cole did was wake MJF up. He’s a generational talent and hit his Better Than You line. MJF said instead of those schmucks in the back, he doesn’t need a New Japan or Vince McMahon to make him a star, MJF made MJF. No more ha-ha, no more Kangaroo Kicks, no more bullsh*t, it’s all about hate, hate, hate. When you’re driven by hate, no one is safe. MJF picked up the Devil mask and said they’re adorned by cowards and he’s done hiding. No one is more complete in this sport than MJF. It’s not his fault everyone else’s favs suck a big back of donkey dicks. He doesn’t need a mask to show that no one is on the level of the Devil. The dumb mask and everything it symbolizes can go to hell. MJF put the boots to the mask and dropped a Flair-esque elbow on it.

In regards to his contract status, he’s All In, he’s Double or Nothing. To quote one of the greats, MJF told the camera to zoom in on his tattoo on his calf that said Bet on Yourself with the AEW logo. When it comes to MJF in AEW, you can call him the Wolf of Wrestling, because he’s not f*cking leaving! The crowd went wild, as this was one hell of a return promo.

Switchblade Jay White & The Gunns (Austin & Colten) defeated Death Triangle (PAC, Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo w/Alex Abrahantes) to retain the Unified World Trios Titles

(The match was filled with action, but the big story here is the return of Juice Robinson. It happened so quickly that I don’t think the crowd even had time initially to realize what had just took place. Bang Bang Gang have their running buddy back and it’s someone who can hold more titles, as they are obnoxiously carrying I believe 9 of them at this point.)

White bailed from having to face PAC to start, but it resulted in the Gunns taking multiple hit tosses. The Lucha Bros made fast tags and offense on Austin, as Colten tagged in and suffered the same fate. The Gunns were beat up, as Austin took a diving double stomp low from Penta, before Penta & Fenix hit double dives outside. White tried to blindside PAC with a Blade Runner, but instead hit a DDT that absolutely spiked PAC violently.

PAC remained isolated until Penta made the hot tag and the Lucha Bros ran wild together, as Fenix hit the rope walk kick and splash off his brother’s shoulders onto Austin. Taz said he did that move with Spike Dudley once in training. White tagged in, immediately ate a bounce back Fenix kick and spinning fireman’s carry Jackhammer by Penta for two. PAC tagged in and dropped White with a bounce back German, but from there, the match broke down and left all six men down for the reset.

White ran into a PAC thrust kick, but avoided Black Arrow, as Colten & Austin were dropped with German suplexes. Locomotion offense by Death Triangle on White, who was spiked with Fear Factor, as Fenix took out The Gunns with a dive. Apparently before the dive, The Gunns threw in the gold baseball bat, which took referee Rick Knox’s attention, as PAC went up top for Black Arrow, only to be crotched by the returning Juice Robinson. White connected on a Blade Runner and got the pin.

Timeless Toni Storm (w/Luther & Mariah May) defeated Serena Deeb to retain the AEW Women’s Title

(After a pretty quiet first half, in which the crowd cheered for Storm and not much reaction for Deeb, these ladies got the fans the last few minutes, so credit them for that. I love the callbacks to May wanting to throw in the towel, but Luther refusing, only to be caught with the towel as a result. Maybe had they just committed to Storm as a complete babyface and Deeb as a heel to start this program, the crowd would’ve reacted better throughout. Regardless, the storyline continues to build with Storm & May, as I look forward to seeing what’s next.)

Nigel McGuinness joins commentary and references Greta Garbo in describing Storm, but Excalibur hilarious thinks he made a Gabbo name drop, a character who appeared once on The Simpsons. Deeb tied Storm up in a Paradise Lock early and dropkicked Storm to break the hold. Storm fought back by sending Deeb to the apron and leveling her with a hip attack to the floor. Back inside, Storm’s leg was caught in the ropes, as Deeb hit a neckbreaker on the outside before going back in the ring for two. Flying Octopus Hold applied, as Luther got the crowd behind Storm, who got the rope break by biting the ropes. Deeb zoned in on the left leg, but Storm dodged a Dragon Screw, but Deeb disoriented Storm with a spinning backslide for two. Storm popped up and fired off a headbutt, as both ladies collapsed.

Storm hit a backstabber in the corner and fisherman’s suplex for a near fall, as she wanted a Choke Bomb, but Deeb countered into a Triangle choke. Storm slammed free and sank in a Cloverleaf. After the break, both ladies slugged it out, with Deeb winning that exchange with a flying clothesline. Neckbreaker through the ropes connected, but after a series of counters, hit another spinning neckbreaker. More reversals until a bounce back German led to a wrist clutch lariat for two. Deeb toyed with Storm and we got another strike exchange before some miscommunication led to a Storm Choke Bomb for two.

Deeb dodged Sweet Cheek Music into a single leg crab, slammed the knee down repeatedly, as Mariah May was about to throw in the towel, similar to how Storm did for May a few weeks back, but Luther put a stop to it. Storm got the ropes, proving Luther right, as Storm regrouped outside and saw Luther was holding the towel and called him a bastard, throwing the towel into the crowd. Back inside, Storm hit a snap German, but Deeb flipped Storm off, who ultimately hit Storm Zero for a close two. Storm wanted one on the apron, but he knee gave out and Deeb hit Deebtox on the apron and a proper one back inside for a super close two, which popped the crowd. Both ladies went to the corner up the ropes, as Storm hit an Avalanche Storm Zero and a proper one to follow for the victory. Storm celebrated and rolled around in confetti on the stage with May in the post match.

Orange Cassidy defeated Trent Beretta

(Cassidy once again got the flash pin on Beretta. Post match seemed to be the bigger story here, as Beretta seemingly just left the arena, as despite losing multiple matches to Cassidy, this story feels like it’s just getting going.)

Don Callis rejoined commentary, as Beretta has new remixed Best Friends entrance music, as Cassidy walked out to his old Pixies Where Is My Mind theme. Both slugged it out right at the bell, as Cassidy sent Beretta back and forth on turnbuckle shots before a spinning DDT sent Beretta to the floor, as an elbow suicida followed. Cassidy kept up the attack around ringside, but breaking the count allowed Beretta to gouge the eyes and target the throat. Beretta stayed in control with a series of suplexes, as Cassidy slowly put his hands in the pockets, which only infuriated Beretta.

Cassidy fought back with dropkicks before the little kicks ramped up in the corner. Cassidy nearly ran through referee Bryce, as he dropkicked Beretta in the face. Beretta tried to bail to the apron, as he suckered Cassidy to try a dive, but was caught and dropped by a Gotch Style Piledriver on the edge of the ring. Beretta tried to use the ring steps, but Cassidy swept the legs out on the steps and hit Beach Break on the floor. Both back in the ring, Cassidy faked a hug and hit a Michinoku Driver for two. Series of counters showed how well they know each other, as Beretta hit the Half and Half and Strong Zero for two. Beretta mocked the hug, but ran right into Beach Break, as Cassidy wanted Orange Punch, but ran into the Gogoplata. Cassidy used the bottom rope to float over and get the flash pin.

Beretta was in disbelief post-match and was going to walk to the back where he was stopped by Rocky Romero and Renee Paquette. Beretta said he’s not doing this and shoved Romero away before leaving through the crowd.

Chris Jericho defeated HOOK & Katsuyori Shibata to retain the FTW Title

(You’re either a fan of the FTW Rules matches or you’re not, as I thought this was fine and had some clever moments, but on a show that also has Anarchy in the Arena and a Barbed Wire Cage Match, it felt like the crowd was almost saving it. The finish plays into the promise Keith made to Jericho on Collision that he would do something about what happened to him on Wednesday. It appears The Learning Tree has hired a Bounty Hunter.)

HOOK & Shibata briefly took turns just kicking Jericho’s ass to start before HOOK hit a release German on Shibata before setting a table up ringside. HOOK wanted a T-Bone off the apron on Jericho, but Shibata booted both men to the floor. Jericho brought a bag from under the ring and instead of tacks or hockey pucks, it’s Vegas, so it was a bunch of dice. Jericho then promptly got suplexed onto the dice, as Shibata & HOOK chucked dice at Jericho, hitting a back suplex onto them, but also folding Jericho up on his neck. HOOK & Shibata took turns suplexing each other on the dice, as the match resets.

HOOK & Shibata both get kendo sticks from under the ring, but Jericho re-appears with one of his own. HOOK & Shibata no sell Jericho’s shots and light Jericho up. Shibata dropped HOOK and brought a table into the ring as during this, Nigel McGuinness compared Jericho to a modern day Lionel Richie. Jericho was set up on the table, as Shibata tried an Avalanche Death Valley Driver on HOOK through Jericho & the table, but over shot and Shibata nearly landed on his head in the process, which was terrifying. The table also didn’t break, but did when Shibata chucked him through it, followed by a stalling dropkick for two.

Shibata shot a double leg on Jericho and applied a Muta Lock, while also having an ankle lock on HOOK. With the dice still scattered all over the ring, Jericho still hit a Code Breaker on HOOK for two. HOOK dodged the Judas Effect and sank in REDRUM, but Big Bill appeared and hit an elbow to break it up. Bill brought HOOK to the apron and wanted a choke slam through the table, but HOOK instead hit a T-Bone off the apron through the table on Bill. The legs of the table damn near impaled Bill, as they were the only part of the table that didn’t collapse.

Back in the ring, Shibata locked in the Figure Four, but HOOK applied REDRUM at the same time, call back to last week. A masked man hit the ring and placed a trash can over Shibata before hitting a senton. HOOK was taken out with a Judas Effect, as the masked man was revealed to be Bryan Keith. Jericho pinned Shibata, who was still covered in the trash can to win it. Post match, Jericho demanded security save him from HOOK, who wiped them all out before storming to the back.

Jon Moxley defeated Konosuke Takesh*ta (w/Don Callis) in an IWGP World Title Eliminator

(The story was had Takesh*ta not listened to Callis in going to get the chairs at the end, then he would’ve won this match and not looked pretty silly in the process. For a match where Moxley was pretty much working on one arm the whole time, this turned into a fantastic match. The problem was I don’t think anyone believed Takesh*ta was winning, even if this was an Eliminator. Despite that, I enjoyed both men’s performances and want to see what’s next for Takesh*ta. We know that Moxley has EVIL at Dominion, which, I can only hope Moxley leaves still champion after that.)

Takesh*ta immediately zoned in on the bad heavily wrapped arm of Moxley that he attacked last night on Collision. Moxley tried responding, but Takesh*ta answered with a Takesh*ta-line to stay in control. Hammerlock slam led to Takesh*ta playing to the crowd too long, as Moxley exploded up to try a piledriver on the apron, but Takesh*ta violently slammed Moxley down on the edge of the ring. Callis whispered he thinks Moxley’s arm is broke, as he landed pretty badly. Takesh*ta pinned Moxley’s arm in a chair and booted it against the railing. Takesh*ta once more slammed Moxley into the steps, as we finally go back to the ring.

Moxley fought back with his good arm, but Takesh*ta no sold and crumbled Moxley with a forearm. Brainbuster connected, as Moxley started waking up after absorbing multiple shots. Moxley side stepped a charge into a Cutter, as the match reset. Takesh*ta spun out of a piledriver into an arm breaker, but Moxley countered into a Triangle. Takesh*ta raked the eyes and hit a powerbomb into another arm bar, but Moxley got the ropes. Takesh*ta argued with the ref, which was long enough for Moxley to send him outside and hit a dive.

Back inside, Takesh*ta tried to charge, but ran into a King Kong Lariat. Takesh*ta spun out of the Paradigm Shift, hit the Strong Zero into the Wheelbarrow German, but as he went for the Power Drive Knee, Moxley met him with a desperation Paradigm Shift. Both strike their way to their feet and Moxley collapses off a forearm. Takesh*ta connected on the Power Driver Knee, but Moxley kicked out. Moxley dodged the home run forearm and sank in the Bulldog Choke, wanted Death Rider, but the arm gave out, Takesh*ta posted him and hit the home run forearm. Death Rider spiked Moxley for a super close near fall. Callis signaled for the end, as Takesh*ta threw chairs in from under the ring. Rick Knox proceeded to toss them out, but as his back was turned, it allowed Moxley to hit a Curb Stomp on a chair, followed by a Death Rider for the win.

Adam Copeland defeated Malakai Black in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match for the TNT Title

(One of the most violent matches in AEW history I’d say, as this was a war from the very start. If you’re going to have a Bloodbath on Wednesday and The Brood entrance, you had to have a Gangrel cameo and that’s exactly what we got. The story here wasn’t just Copeland retained, he survived this one.)

South of Heaven by Slayer played as Copeland rose up from the stage in a ring of fire and The Brood was shown on the big screen. Both swung chairs right away, as Black wanted The End kick, but Copeland dodged and grabbed some barbed wire. Black tried to powerbomb out of the corner, but Copeland raked the barbed wire across the face, busting Black opened immediately. Black looked for The End again, but Copeland hit an Impaler. Copeland charged for a corner spear, but landed in the ropes, had his legs swept and came face first down on the barbed wire, busting him opened as well.

Dueling chants from the crowd, as Black hit a high kick before grabbing a barbed wire bat hanging on the cage. Black raked it across the head before trying a Con-Chair-To with the bat, but Copeland dodged and smacked Black in the ribs with the bat. Copeland returned the favor and raked the bat across the head of Black before placing him on a table. Copeland climbed the ropes, but Black kicked the legs out and crotched Copeland. Black managed a sunset flip powerbomb through the table, as The End missed a third time, this with Copeland countering into a Spear for two. Copeland set up Black on another table, this time wrapping him up in barbed wire in the process. Copeland climbed to the top of the cage, took a long look and hit an elbow through the table. It almost looked like Copeland blew out his knees, but thankfully it appears he didn’t.

Black barely kicked out at two, as Copeland charged for a Spear, but Black finally hit The End, only for Copeland to kick out. Black pulled out a spool of barbed wire and tried to stab Copeland with it, but was unsuccessful. Copeland placed against the cage door and Black kicked him through it to the floor. As Black went out after, Copeland fired off a desperation Spear, as both men are down. Brody King & Buddy Matthews walk to the ring and act like they were siding with Copeland, but it was a ruse and King took his head off with a lariat. Everyone went back to the ring, as Black placed Copeland’s wedding ring around his neck. Copeland had a crown of barbed wire placed on him when the lights went red and started flickering.

Matthews & King appeared to be misted, as Gangrel showed up from under the ring. Gangrel hit an Impaler on Matthews, as Black decked him with a knee. Copeland flew in with a Spear before wrapping the barbed wire around the face of Black while trapped in a Crossface. Black faded and went out cold, Copeland retains in a war. Copeland ripped his wedding ring from the neck of Black, as Gangrel smiled and hugged Copeland as the House of Black retreated.

-Lexy Nair is backstage with Don Callis, who said it was a mixed bag tonight for The Family, but Callis said it was a great night, it’s never been brighter. Callis put over Orange Cassidy and said he has a scoop, this Wednesday, he’s presenting a contract for the Don Callis Family.

Mercedes Mone defeated Willow Nightingale (w/Stokely Hathaway & Kris Statlander) to win the TBS Title

(While I don’t think the presentation of Mone has been a home run by any means, you’d be lying if you said she didn’t knock it out of the park tonight. For being a year out of action, I thought this match was very well done and as much as I wanted Nightingale to retain, I never believed Mone was losing in her debut. The turn many thought would happen, did in the post-match, as Mone can now go off as champion, while Nightingale begins her feud with Statlander & Hathaway.)

Before Mone’s entrance, a video shows about believing in yourself and being the change you want to see, as historic female athletes were shown in the video. A drumline wearing flashing lights played on stage and played Mone out along with Vegas showgirls, Excalibur called this an entrance for a star. Hathaway & Statlander carried out a huge friendship bracelet for Nightingale’s entrance. Big match introductions from Justin Roberts for this one, as Nightingale charged at the bell, but Mone ran away and got a cheap shot as loud dueling chants rang out.

Mone again ran, suckered Nightingale into a chase and hit a step-up knee back inside. Mone with multiple arm drags, as Nightingale no sells strikes, stopped a third arm drag and waffled Mone. Both ladies missed dives to the floor, as Nightingale dodged a baseball slide and hit a gut wrench powerbomb on the edge of the apron. Back inside, hit almost a Croyt’s Wrath and folded Mone up in the process. Nightingale wanted an Avalanche Powerbomb, but Mone swept the legs and chop blocked the leg. Mone got a leg lock, as both ladies traded slaps, but Mone kept on the leg. Backstabber got a near fall for Mone, as Nightingale countered an abdominal stretch into an ankle lock. Mone rolled out, charged, but Nighingale launched her with a Pounce.

Mone fought out of the corner and dove off the second, but Nightingale planted her with a spinebuster for two. Nightingale used her power to remain in control until both ladies scaled the ropes and Mone slipped out into a powerbomb for two. Nightingale rolled to the apron and Mone tried a double stomp, but Nightingale moved and hit a knee breaker on the edge of the ring. Inverted Cloverleaf into a Giant Swing briefly was a great visual, as Nightingale hit a DVD into the corner, but missed the follow up senton.

Mone again stomped on the leg and hit a Meteora off the second for two. Nightingale rolled outside, where Mone hit another Meteora. Statlander cheered Nightingale on, but got shoved in the process. Hathaway argued with referee Aubrey, as Nightingale visibly had a pin on Mone after a Doctor Bomb. Hathaway & Statlander realized they cost Nightingale the match, as she went for it again, but Mone countered into the crossface, transitioning into the STF, but got the ropes. Mone flipped out of the corner and managed to get Nightingale up enough to hit the Money Maker for the clean pin.

Mone celebrated up the ramp, as Statlander consoled Nightingale, while a pissed off Hathaway chastised her. Statlander shoved Hathaway down and said that’s not how this is going to go and walked up the ramp with Nightingale…only to turn on her. Hathaway laughed as Statlander ripped off her friendship bracelet and hit a discus lariat. Statlander flexed and Hathaway kissed her bicep over the fallen Nightingale.

Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) defeated Christian Cage (w/The Patriarchy) to retain the AEW World Title

(Despite a questionable start, my goodness did this pick up and got the crowd big time. Strickland had to fight off the numbers against him and was able to do it and stand tall. This was a good first title program for Swerve, as Cage was a solid opponent and I’m looking forward to seeing who is next for the AEW World Champion after Dynamite this week.)

Video package is shown for Strickland before his entrance, which sees Prince Nana walk out with bottles clanking saying “Swerve, come out to play!” like The Warriors, as Strickland walks out with gear inspired from the movie. Excalibur talked about the hell The Warriors went through to get home, Strickland had to go through hell for weeks to get to this moment. Taz mentioned how old of a movie reference that is, but loved it. For having such an intense build to this match, we started with a long delay before a lock up and headlock, which feels odd and left the crowd quiet outside of Swerve’s House chants.

Cage countered a rolling suplex into a neckbreaker, but missed a follow up headbutt off the top. Strickland wanted a submission, but Cage bailed to regroup. Cage suckered Strickland into trying a dive to the floor, where he side-stepped and Strickland crashed into the barricade. Back inside, Cage kept Strickland grounded, as Nick Wayne got in a cheap shot for good measure. Strickland reversed a whip and Cage took a hard corner buckle. Cage tried to explode out with a Spear, but Strickland connected on his powerbomb into a spinning powerslam for two. Both trade straight right hands, as Strickland starts putting things together, as he pulls Cage’s turtleneck over his head and hits a neckbreaker through the ropes. Taz said Cage looked like Kenny from South Park, while Schiavone made a Cornholio reference, which is hysterical. As this happened, Strickland connected on a Fosbury Flop outside.

Strickland winked at Mother Wayne, but missed the House Call, allowing Cage to sink in a Sharpshooter. Strickland fought out, but both men clonked heads. Mother Wayne grabbed the title belt, but Nana took it from her. Nick showed the ref and Nana was caught red handed and ejected. Cage threw Strickland to the floor and took the ref, as Killswitch & Nick attacked before Cage tried picking up the pieces, but only got two. Mother Wayne took the ref this time, as Killswitch tried a headbutt, but hit Cage instead. Nick was dropped with a big time back body drop on the floor, as Cage dodged a Swerve Stomp in the ring and hit a Spear for two. Nick took the ref, as Killswitch was about to interfere again, but the ref caught him and ejected the entire Patriarchy. Schiavone somehow managed an Englebert Humperdinck name drop, in a reference so dated it popped Taz, but shocked him it took 5 years to make.

Strickland connected on a rolling Flatliner for two, as Cage rolled outside and tried to set up the ring steps, but Strickland was waiting for him. Cage raked the eyes, wanted a powerbomb off the apron, but Strickland caved the chest in with a double stomp. Strickland tried a Spear through the ropes, but Cage side stepped and Strickland smacked the steps. Cage tried taking off the top buckle pad, but the ref’s attention turned, Nick Wayne flew in with a Cutter and back inside, Cage hit a Killswitch for two. Prince Nana ran down to the ring and chased off Wayne with a pipe, as Cage cleared off the Spanish Announce Table. Cage wanted a Killswitch, but Strickland exploded with a Swerve Stomp. Both beat the count, as they trade avoiding home run shots from the other, as Cage went for another Spear, but Strickland hit a House Call out of mid-air in a great visual. This led to a Swerve Stomp flush and proper House Call for the victory for Strickland. Post match, Strickland celebrated with Floyd Mayweather ringside, as I also saw Q from Impractical Jokers right next to him.

The Elite (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson, Kazuchika Okada & Jack Perry) defeated Team AEW (Bryan Danielson, Darby Allin, Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) in Anarchy in the Arena

(Similar to Anarchy in the Arena matches in the past, this went super long and had a whole lot of spectacle behind it. This match certainly lived up to the billing though, as the crowd went wild from the moment the opening notes hit for The Final Countdown. To the credit of everyone involved, this was a match I’d go out of my way to see if you love chaos. This was the biggest win of Perry’s career and I wonder what’s next for The Elite and honestly everyone involved now that this is over.)

Justin Roberts introduced us to the upcoming sh*t show before making the ring introductions. The Elite were just about finished with their entrances, when Danielson & FTR attacked Perry during his. Allin music continues to play, as he’s wearing a mask that has thumbtacks on it. It’s chaos from the start, as Matthew took the mic and demanded they cut the crappy music and instead play their entrance music instead. Danielson attacked and told them to turn that sh*t off and to play the greatest song in the history of wrestling. The Final Countdown hits and the crowd goes nuts. The return of Remix Jones, as Taz is singing along on commentary.

Matthew & Harwood, Okada & Danielson, Darby & Perry and Nicholas & Wheeler are all paired off throughout the arena as Harwood smashed beer and a trash can over Matthew, while Allin flew off the balcony onto a pile of guys with a Coffin Drop, which the cameras missed. The visual of Bryan Danielson standing tall in the crowd as they hit “It’s the Final Countdown” was quite the sight. Matthew screamed at the camera man to cut the music, as it’s costing them $200,000 every time it plays, they’re on a budget for God sake! The music stops, as Perry & Allin fight out of the arena, while everyone else fights around ringside, including Okada wielding a Rainmaker Drive sign before clearing the barricade on a dive onto Danielson.

Allin is drowning Perry in a bucket of cold water outside, as they continue into the parking garage, where Perry smashes him with a pipe. Back to the arena, The Bucks hit Shatter Machine on Harwood for two, as Danielson has to fight off The Bucks, who accidentally hit Okada with the 15%. Danielson tried a dive onto Okada outside, but ate a chair shot in mid-air. We cut to outside, where a bus with Scapegoat on it crashes through the pile of wreckage that Excalibur questions if Allin is in it, as Perry is shown in rough shape behind the wheel.

Back to the ring again, Nicholas is dropped with a Spike Piledriver on the ring apron, as Matthew suffered the Power-Plex, leaving Okada to hold his own against both Harwood & Wheeler. From the chair shot earlier, Danielson is bleeding, as is Harwood. Okada faked the Rainmaker pose and flipped the crowd off, hitting Wheeler with a picture-perfect dropkick and Tombstone. Allin stumbles down the aisle and we’re to believe he’s back from being hit by a bus, again, as Okada goes right after the ankle. Allin fights back with a Code Red for two, as The Bucks trip him up and hit a double powerbomb through chairs.

The Bucks drag Allin up the ramp and told them to raise up the stage, as they place Allin in the elevator they use for their entrance and lower him down into the ground. Danielson makes the save and is going at it alone, as Nicholas sends him off the stage. Matthew smacks him into a giant poker chip before hitting a TK Driver off the stage onto the chip. FTR make the save, as Nicholas was sent into the LED board on stage. Wheeler sets up a table, but Okada appears, hits a DDT, sets Wheeler up, as Nicholas & Okada hit double dives through tables onto FTR.

Perry appears once again, soaked, walking through Gorilla and stops to grab Tony Khan, but the camera cuts away. Allin reappears on the stage with his flamethrower and right as Perry walks out with Khan, Allin literally lights Perry’s legs on fire and he had to be put out by The Bucks with fire extinguishers. That actually just happened. Allin is taken back to the ring by The Bucks, his tack mask taken off and placed over a trash can, but Nicholas missed a 450. Okada missed a Rainmaker, Allin hit a low blow and Coffin Drop, but The Bucks saved. The Bucks call for a hook to be lowered from the top of the arena, as they hogtie Allin. FTR make the save with a Shatter Machine on Nicholas, but Okada broke it up. Right as Harwood was about to hit a piledriver on Okada, Matthew swung a chair shot and it exploded. Meanwhile, Okada put on a thumbtack sleeve on his arm and hit a Rainmaker on Wheeler.

Okada brought out some of The Bucks new Reebok pumps, with thumbtacks on them. Allin is raised in the air and The Bucks proceed to hit him with superkicks like he’s a pinata. Danielson rolled back in, as Matthew accidentally struck his brother with a superkick with the tacks, as Danielson got a shoe and leveled The Bucks. Yes Kicks by Danielson, who stomps out The Bucks and hits a Busiaku Knee with a chair for two, as Okada saved. Allin has been hanging upside down for like 5 minutes now, as the crowd chant “Please Help Darby” but no one does, as commentary said they’re fearing for their jobs. Okada hit a Rainmaker, The Bucks with the EVP Trigger and Perry reappears and hits the charging knee to pin Danielson. The Elite thank the crowd and barely stand tall, holding Perry on their shoulders to end the show.

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AEW Double or Nothing live results: Anarchy in the Arena (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.