PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (2024)

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More

05 / 22 / 2023

Client Update
There is a new MANDATORY Client update for Outlands

Players MUST run the Outlands Launcher and update their client in order to play the server!

Details of what has changed in the client can be found below:


  • Players will no longer be able to perform eitherMiningorLumberjackingHarvest actions if they haveTeleportedor used anAdventurer’s Ropein the last60 seconds(similar to our Recall Handling)


  • We have removedResearch Materialsjobs from theAdventurer LodgeSociety
  • We have removed the“Tame X Creatures of Type Y”jobs from theAdventurer LodgeSociety

Kill Gold Worth of Creatures With Tamed Creature

  • The Adventurer Lodge Society now features a new“Kill Gold Worth of Creatures With Tamed Creature”job type
  • Each of these job features arandomized, TameableCreature type that the player musthave under their control(with sufficient Animal Taming and Animal Lore) while they arekilling creatures(of any type)

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  • Progresson these job types will increase based on the (Gold Value of the Creature Killed * Damage Dealt % by the Player and their Followers * Total Control Slots of Creature Type That Player Has / 5)
  • The“Damage Dealt % by the Player and their Followers”the player deals to the target creature can be from“any”source available to the player (including their own Spells / Melee / Traps / Tamed Creature Damage / Provocation / Etc), so long asthe player has Tamed Creatures required for the job under their control while they are killing creatures

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A player has a Society Job to kill 116,735 Gold worth of Creatures while using Flame Purgers

The player has 2 Flame Purgers under their control (2 x 2 = 4 Control Slots) and collectively the player and their followers do 80% of the total damage to a creature worth 1000 Gold

The player will make 80% * 1000 * (4 Control Slots / 5) = 640 Gold Progress towards the Society Job


  • EmbarkingorBoardinga Ship will nowcancelany existingTargeting Cursora player has up
  • EmbarkingorBoardinga Ship willreseta player’sMelee Swingtimer (i.e. cannot board and instantly attack targets)
  • Ships must now bestationaryfor0.1secondsbefore they may attempt toBoardanother ship
  • If a player uses anExplosion Potionor casts anExplosion Spellwhileonboard aShip, and then is onboard adifferent ship when it detonates, thedamagefrom the Potion/Spell will bereduced to 25% of normal

Damage to Controlled Creatures

  • Players and Tamed/Summoned Followerswillno longer receive PvM Bonusestowards damagingTamed/Summoned FollowersorPlayer Ship Crewmembers(i.e. PvM Bonuses will no longer apply in PvP-like scenarios against controlled or partially controlled creatures)
  • Players will still receive theirnatural Damage Bonuses from Skills(such as Camping/Tracking Damage Bonus) towards these controlled creatures, however they willno longerreceive any bonuses fromCodexes/Mastery Chains/Aspects/Aspect Procs/etctowards them
  • Tamed/Summoned Followers willno longerreceive anyTrait bonusesagainst Tamed/Summoned Followers or Player Ship Crewmembers
  • Backstabswillno longerprovide Damage Bonuses against Tamed/Summoned Followers or Player Ship Crewmembers

Damage Reflection

  • For mechanics thatReflectdamage back at their attacker (such as Tailoring Skill, Earth Elemental / Summoned Mummy Ability) there is now amaximum capat how much damage can be reflected on any hit/effect
  • Playerscan now Reflect at most a maximum of500 Damageon any hit/effect
  • Tamed or Summoned Followerscan now Reflect at most a maximum of(100 * Control Slots) Damageon any hit/effect

Note:This mechanic is intended curb certain scenarios where a large number stacked bonuses may result in wild amounts of damage being reflected, that far exceeding the intended range of damages for the mechanic

Creature DifficultyValues

  • A large number of Creatures have had theirDifficultyValue adjustedbased on a number of adjustments (listed below)
  • Fixed an issue that was causing ourDifficultyValuecalculation algorithm to not linearly scale up the DifficultyValue of creatures based on theirArmor Ratingcorrectly
  • Loweredthe impact thatDefenseandDamage Reductionelements of creatures (such as Wrestling, Armor, Magic Resist, Parry, Poison Resist) has on their DifficultyValue
  • Raisedthe impact thatHit Pointshas on the DifficultyValue of creatures
  • Loweredthe impact thatWrestlinghas on the DifficultyValue of creatures
  • Raisedthe impact thatPoisonhas on the DifficultyValue of creatures to account for the“Beast Sting”ability (explained below)

Debuffs on Creatures

  • Creaturesof100 DifficultyValue or higherwill now have diminishing returns onDebuff Effects(such as Pierce, Cripple, Hinder, Hexed etc) placed onto them (similar to the current handling already in place for Debuffs against Boss-type creatures)
  • The effectiveness of Debuff Effects on creatures is(100% – (70% * ((DifficultyValue – 100) / 900))of normal
  • The effectiveness of Debuff Effectscannot be reduced below 30% of normalon non-Boss Creatures (this cap occurs at 1000 DifficultyValue)

A player inflicts a Pierce Effect of 25 against a creature that is DifficultyValue 150
The Pierce effect will become (100% – (70% * ((150 – 100) / 900))) = 96% of normal, resulting in 24 Pierce applied to the creature

A player does a Pierce Effect of 25 against a creature that is DifficultyValue 300
The Pierce effect will become (100% – (70% * ((300 – 100) / 900))) = 84.45% of normal, resulting in 21 Pierce applied to the creature

Loot System

  • TheLoot Systemon Outlands has undergone a massive overhaul
  • We have moved away from a “Loot Tiers” system that was based onpre-set rangesofDifficultyValues(such as 10-20, 20-30, etc) and have now implemented adynamically scalingsystem based on creature DifficultyValue
  • Under the old system, a creature at 49.9 DifficultyValue would fall into the 40-50 DifficultyValue Loot Tier range and would have the same Loot as a creature at 40.1 DifficultyValue (despite having a 9.8 DifficultyValue difference)
  • Additionally, under the old system the highest non-boss creature Loot Tier was capped at around 250 DifficultyValue, meaning a 500 DifficultyValue creature would be treated Loot-wise the same as a 250 DifficultyValue creature
  • In the new loot system, the Loot for all creatures willdynamically scalebased on their DifficultyValue withno upper limit, allowing us to implement very, very high-level non-boss creatures that will reward players appropriately based on their DifficultyValue

Gold Baselines
We have updated theGold Baselinefor a number of systems that determines theaverage amount of Golda player will encounter from them, with amounts as follows:

Dungeon Chests

  • Level 1:100 Gold
  • Level 2:300 Gold
  • Level 3:600 Gold
  • Level 4:900 Gold
  • Level 5:1200 Gold
  • Level 6:1500 Gold
  • Level 7:2500 Gold
  • Level 8:3500 Gold

Treasure Map Chests

  • Level 1:5,000 Gold
  • Level 2:7,500 Gold
  • Level 3:10,000 Gold
  • Level 4:12,500 Gold
  • Level 5:15,000 Gold
  • Level 6:17,500 Gold
  • Level 7:20,000 Gold (will now be possible)
  • Level 8:25,000 Gold (Lore Boss Chest)

Ship Holds

  • Small Ship:1,000 Gold
  • Medium Ship:1,250 Gold
  • Large Ship:1,500 Gold
  • Carrack:2,000 Gold
  • Galleon:2,500 Gold

MIB Salvage Crate

  • Small Salvage Crate:4,000 Gold
  • Medium Salvage Crate:5,000 Gold
  • Large Salvage Crate:6,000 Gold

Trade Caravan

  • Standard Difficulty:100,000 Gold
  • Challenging Difficulty:115,000 Gold
  • Dangerous Difficulty:130,000 Gold

Boss Creatures

  • Lore Boss:25,000 Gold
  • Mini Boss:50,000 Gold
  • Boss:100,000 Gold
  • Shrine Boss:100,000 Gold
  • Omni-Boss:200,000 Gold

Special and Rare Loot Item Scalars

  • We have removed the“hard-coded amounts”of someSpecialandRareitems (such as Aspect Cores or Treasure Maps) that would always occur on some certain systems such Bosses or Treasure Map Chests
  • The chance forSpecialandRareLoot to occur for various loot systems will bebased on the Gold Baselinedetermined, but then further increased by anItem Scalarunique to each specific system

Item Scalars for systems are as follows:

  • Normal Creatures:1x Item Scalar (no adjustment)
  • Dungeon Chest:2x Item Scalar
  • Ship Hold:2x Item Scalar
  • MIB Salvage Crate:3x Item Scalar
  • Black Goods:3x Item Scalar
  • Bosses:5x Item Scalar
  • Trade Caravan:5x Item Scalar
  • Treasure Map Chest:5x Item Scalar

A player resolves a Level 3 Treasure Map Chest which has a Gold Baseline value of 10,000 Gold

The chances for Special and Rare Items to occur on the Treasure Map Chest will be treated as if the chest was worth (10,000 * 5) = 50,000 Gold
Effectively, a Level 3 Treasure Map Chest should yield the amount of Special and Rare items that killing 50,000 Gold worth of creatures would generate

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Individual Item Loot Changes

  • Arcane Scrollsshould occurmore oftenas loot
  • Plant Chemicalsshould occurmore oftenas loot

Player Loot Bonuses on Bosses

  • Loot Bonusescoming fromindividual players, such as those fromFortune AspectorMastery Chain Links,willno longerprovide any benefit onBoss Creatures(they will still provide bonuses on Boss Minions, however)

Treasure Maps

  • Treasure Mapsacquired as rewards or loot drops will now randomize betweenLevel 1andLevel 7(with progressive chances to increase level)
  • Treasure Maps willno longerhave anyhardcoded Minimum or Maximum Levelassigned to them when occuring as loot (i.e. previously Treasure Maps on high level creatures would have a set minimum level, but also could be capped at Level 3 when dropped from non-Boss creatures)
  • Creaturesspawned from Treasure Map Chests willno longer dropTreasure MapsorResearch Materialsas loot

Lore Books, Lore Bosses, and Level 8 Treasure Map Chests

  • ThelootforLore Bossesand their relatedTreasure Map Chestswill now becalculated independently(previously items would be generated on the Lore Boss but then randomly divided between the creature and the chest)

Mugging and Pilfering

  • Players mayno longerperform Mugging or Pilfering attempts onnon-aggressive creatures(such as Goats/Bulls/etc)
  • Players are now capped at amaximum of 1000 Goldreceived on anyMugging/Pilferingsuccess against anon-Boss Creature
  • Mugging/Pilfering against Boss Creatures will continue to have a maximum of 2500 gold per Mugging/Pilfering success (same as before)

Thieves Codex

  • Fixed an issue that was causing theRansackupgrade to not inflict its full intended damage bonus (based on unused Stealth Steps)

Black Market Goods

  • Players should now see moreSpecialandRareloot items occur from turning inBlack GoodsatThief NPCs
  • Certain items likePlant Seedswillno longer occuras potential loot from Black Goods

Guild Dungeon Progress

  • Players willno longerearnGuild Dungeon Progress(for summoning Bosses) from gold earned from anyBossorBoss Minion

Trade Caravans

  • Rebalanced the difficulty ofCreature Spawnsthat occur duringTrade Caravan Encountersto scale more appropriately with the Difficulty value selected by the summoning guild (overall should be harder)

Disease Effects

  • All Disease effects now occurevery 5 secondsover a20 second duration(previously was 30 seconds)


  • Mind Rotwillno longerincrease the Tick speed ofDiseaseeffects (will now just boost Disease damage)

Weapon Codexes

  • TheFencing Blackguardstance will now inflict its Disease damage over a20 second duration(previously was 30 seconds)

Follower Abilities

  • Corpse Barrage, Corruption Blast, Disease, Giant Corpse Barrage,andSpellblightnow inflict their Disease Damageevery 5 secondsover a20 second duration(previously was 30 seconds)
  • Eldritch Breathnow reduces target’smagic resist by (Control Slots * 15)
  • Spellbreaknow reduces target’smagic resist by (Control Slots * 15)

Beast Sting Ability

  • The creatureStingability has been renamed to“Beast Sting”to better differentiate it from the player-based “Poison Sting” effect that occurs for poison magery
  • All creatures(including non-Tamed)that can inflict Melee Poisonnow automatically have theBeast Stingability
  • The Beast Sting ability now has a(Poisoning Skill / 100)chance to increaseDamage of Melee Hits by 33%if target is poisoned withGreater Poison or above
  • TheReactivefollower trait will continue to adjust theChancefor Beast Sting to occur
  • TheWrathfollower trait will continue to adjust theDamage Bonusapplied to Beast Sting

Elusive Form Ability

Ability Description
“Creature has an innate 25 Parry skill against melee attacks”

The following creatures now have the“Elusive Form”ability:

  • Aegis Slime
  • Arboreal Wisp
  • Bonfire Wisp
  • Darkscale
  • Muck
  • Sandmuck
  • Shallow Water
  • Smoke Dragon
  • Smoke Drake
  • Smoke Faerie Dragon
  • Snowdrift
  • Void Slime
  • Volt Wisp
  • Wisp

Prevalia Market and Reward Item Purchases

  • Players can now purchase items from thePrevalia Marketor from Reward Menus (such as Society Reward Menu) even with afull bank box
  • Items purchased will becomeQueuedfor a player’s bank box if purchased while their bank box is currently full

Map Updates

  • A clearing has been razed onNusero Islandto accommodate nearly 50 new houses. To enter the Lottery to win one of these houses,see here.

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  • TheSociety Hallin Prevalia has been redesigned. Players should notice improved performance as well as better navigability and less congestion.

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This update ismandatory. After the next server patch, you will not be able to log in without updating to the newest client.

UI Improvements

  • The scale of items within a container can now be adjusted using a slider.
  • Whenever a new follower is obtained, if a follower health bar for a follower that is out of range or dead exists, automatically replace it with the new follower’s health bar.
    • This behavior can be toggled using an option in the options menu
  • Improved support for hotkeys when using Korean keyboards
  • Alt-click to auto-follow has been removed
  • Double click to pathfind to a location has been removed.

Visual Improvements

  • Large statics, light sources, and other objects that clip the edges of the screen should now render correctly and no longer “pop” into view too late.
  • A third circle of transparency algorithm has been added which more aggressively forces the surroundings transparent


  • Updated the potions hotkey section to match Outlands mechanics (night sight -> magic resist, apple -> mushroom)
  • Removed light level controls. Use the slider within the main client options instead.
    • Look for more lighting controls and updates in the future!
  • The ‘walk’ script command and the ‘walk’ macro action have been removed


A brand new journal has been added! By default, the journal is skinned to look similar to the previous scroll-style journal, but don’t be fooled! To access the options on the new journal,right click to bring up a context menu. The new journal has the following important features:

  • Resizable in both dimensions
  • Use any font installed on your system
  • Select any font size, add a stroke (outline), and change the color brightness.
  • Multiple tabs with filters
    • You may further break out tabs into their own windows
  • Customizable backgrounds, borders, and scroll bars.
    • The journal can be made to look like the original scroll or select from one of the many new styles
  • Background opacity, including automatic fading when not focused
  • Adjustable history buffer

Detect Hidden and Remove Trap Skills

  • TheRemove Trap skillis now beingremovedfrom the game for all functional purposes (i.e. it is effectively a “dead” skill similar to Bowcrafting)
  • TheDetect Hiddenskill will nowreplace the Remove Trap skillfor performingTrap Removal on Chests that have Traps
  • Detect Hiddenwill also remain the secondary skill usedGround Trapsthat are created with Tinkering

Note:The removal of the Remove Trap skill is occuring because we have deemed the skill “too narrow” of a focus to warrant maintaining it as a standalone skill (much like how the Bowcrafting skill was too narrow of a focus, and became merged into Carpentry)

Detect Hidden Active Skill Usage Restriction

  • When a player attempts to make progress on aDungeon Chest/Treasure Map Chest, orDetonates a Ground Trap, they will receive a30 second restrictionpreventing them fromactively using Detect Hidden to reveal players

When Patch Goes Live

  • When this patch goes live, if a player currently has ahigher Remove Trap skillthan theirDetect Hiddenskill, their Detect Hidden skill will be set tomatchtheir Remove Trap skill; afterwards all players will have theirRemove Trap skill set to 0
  • Echoesfor players will also be adjusted to have theirDetect Hidden value adjusted(if needed) and theRemove Trap skill removed
  • If a player has increased theirRemove Trap skill Skill Capabove 100, that amount will be applied to theirDetect Hidden Skill Cap(until a cap of 120 is reached for Detect Hidden)
  • Any existingSkill Mastery Scrolls for Remove Trapwill beconverted into Detect Hidden
  • AnyRemove Trap Scrolls stored in Skill Mastery Tomeswill beconverted into Detect Hidden
  • Any player who selects Remove Trap oncharacter creationwill automatically have itconverted into Detect Hidden skill(similar to current handling with Bowcrafting)

Treasure Map Chests

  • Treasure Map Chestswillno longerspawn asTrapped(they will still spawnLockedas normal)

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  • The difficulty ofCreature Spawnsof Treasure Map Chests have beenincreasedand willscale more appropriatelyto the level of each Treasure Map Chest

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Multi Clienting Prevention

  • Iftwo or more charactersfrom thesame IP addresseitherBardorDamage creaturesspawned from thesame Treasure Map Chestwithin the last60 seconds, all characters on their IP address will have theirDamage Dealt reduced to 1against creatures from that Treasure Map Chestuntil 60 seconds passwithout any multi-clienting occuring

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Lockpicking and Remove Trap

  • Once a player resolves either aLockpicking or Remove Trapattempt on aDungeon or Treasure Map Chestno other player may attempt to make anadditional attempton that same chest for the next3 seconds(i.e. only one player may attempt chests at a time)
  • “Effective Lockpicking Skill” Mastery Chain Linkshave been renamed to“Effective Skill on Chests”to better clarify their purpose

Treasure Map Chest Experience Sharing

  • If the player thatsuccessfully lockpicksa Treasure Map Chest is in aPartyand has“Share Experience”toggled in their party settings, anyMastery Chain ExperienceandAspect Experiencethey earn will bedivided evenlyamongst all other members of the partywithin 50 tilesthat also have“Share Experience”toggled

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Trap Wire

  • Iron, Copper, Silver,andGold Trap Wireare nownon-functionaland no longer have any usage
  • Existing Iron, Copper, Silver, and Gold Trap Wire have been automatically converted intoRustedversions of each type to indicate that they canno longer be usedby players

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  • Platinum Trapwire, however, is now known as simplyTrap Wire,and is now theonly trap wiretype used when creatingContainer Traps

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Prevalian Exchange Officer

  • Players can exchange the now-defunctRustedversions of Trap Wire at thePrevalian Exchange Officerin Prevalia for their originalcrafting amounts

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Container Traps

Trap Placement

  • Players must have100 Tinkering Skill or higherto create aContainer Trap
  • Container Traps will now always be consideredExplosive Traps(can no longer do other types)
  • Players can create a Container Trap bydouble-clickingaTrap Wirein their backpack and thentargetingthe desiredcontainer
  • Successful placement of a Container Trap willconsume 1 Trap Wireand1 Greater Explosion Potionfrom the player’s backpack

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Ground Traps

  • The existing PvM Traps system has been converted into a new Ground Traps system
  • Ground Trapsare a physical item that can be crafted using theTinkeringskill under theTrapscategory
  • Ground Traps are always considered to beExplosive Traps(there are no longer 8 different types of traps)
  • Ground Traps arestackableand areconsumedupon successful placement

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Trap Placement

  • Players must have80 Tinkering Skill or higherand80 Detect Hidden Skill or higherto place aGround Trap
  • Players can place a Ground Trap at theircurrent locationbydouble-clickingit in their backpack
  • Players may also type[PlaceTrapto place a Ground Trap at theircurrent location
  • Ground Traps take3 seconds to place, and willHinderthe player during placement
  • The Ground Trap will beconsumedupon successful placement

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Trap Mechanics

  • When placed, Ground Traps will remain for up to5 minutes, unless they aredetonated
  • Players may only have1 Ground Trap placedin the world at a time
  • If a player attempts toplace an additional Ground Trap, it willremove their previous Ground Trapfrom its location
  • Players canonly see their own Ground Traps(they cannot see traps belonging to other players)
  • There isno restriction on placementlocationof Ground Traps relative to other player’s Ground Traps
  • Ground Traps have a defaultRadius of 2
  • TheCenterof the Trap is depicted by the centerGround Trap Marker
  • TheRadiusof the Trap is depicted by surroundingPurple Radius Markers

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Trap Recovery

  • Players canrecovera placed Ground Trap byshift-clickingthe centerGround Trap Markerand selecting“Deactivate This Item”

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Trap Detonation

  • In order toDetonatea Trap, players must have aTrap Detonatorin theirBackpackand bewithin 8 tilesof the centerGround Trap Marker
  • Players canDetonatetheir Ground Trap bydouble-clickingaTrap Detonatorin their backpack
  • Players can alsoDetonatetheir Ground Trap bydouble-clickingany of itsPurple Radius Markers
  • Players can alsoDetonatetheir Ground Trap by typing[DetonateTrap

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Trap Cooldown

  • Once a player hasdetonateda Ground Trap, they must wait for aTrap Cooldownduration to pass before they maydetonate another Ground Trap
  • Players have a Trap Cooldown of(30 – (0.25 *(Detect Hidden Skill – 80))) seconds
  • Playerscan place a new Ground Trapwhile they have a Trap Cooldown in effect (they just cannot detonate it)
  • Players will receive asystem messageinforming them when they are able to detonate another Ground Trap
  • Players can alsosingle-clickaTrap Detonatorto see how much time remains before they can detonate another Ground Trap

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Trap Max Targets

  • When a Ground Trap detonates, it willhit a number of Creatures within its Radiusvalueup to the Trap’s Max Targetsnumber
  • Ground Traps have adefault Max Targets of 5
  • If the number of available targetsexceeds the Trap’s Max Targetsnumber, it will prioritize hitting creatures with thelowest remaining Hit Points

Trap Damage

  • When Ground Traps are detonated, they will have aBase Damageof(800 + (10 * (Tinkering Skill – 80))) Damage
  • Ifmore than one creature is hit bythe trap, theBase Damageof the trap will bereducedby(10% * (Targets Hit – 1))
  • Each creature hit will immediately take33% of the Base Damageof the trap
  • Each creature hit will then also take66% of the Base Damageof the trap spread outover 9 seconds(in 3 second tick intervals)
  • Players will be able to substantially increase the damage of their Ground Traps with additional resources such as Mastery Chain Links, Aspects, Codexes, and other mechanics

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A player has 120 Tinkering Skill and places a Ground Trap

The Trap’s Base Damage is (800 + (10 * (120 – 80))) = 1200 Damage

The Trap will hit 3 creatures, resulting in a (10% * (3 – 1)) = 20% reduction to Base Damage

The Trap’s adjusted Base Damage is (1200 * 80%) = 960 Base Damage

Each creature hit will immediately take (33% * 960) = 320 Damage

Each creature hit will then take (66% * 960) = 640 Damage spread out over 9 seconds (i.e. 213 damage per tick every 3 seconds)

Trap Kit

  • Trap Kits are aBlesseditems that players can use toimprovetheir Ground Traps (effectively a “Trap Codex”)
  • Trap Kits can be crafted with theTinkeringskill under theTrapscategory
  • Trap Kits require80 Tinkeringand80 Detect Hiddento use
  • Players will earnExperiencetowards their Trap Kit whenkilling Monsters
  • By accumulating experience, players unlock up to a maximum of20 Pointsto spend onUpgradeswithin the kit
  • Upgrades willonlyaffect GroundTraps, and not any Container Traps
  • Players canReset their Spent Pointsfor a Trap Kit if they haveno Ground Trap currently placedand have noTrap Cooldownin place

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Upgrades for the Trap Kit are as follows:

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  • Players on theTEST SHARDcan click the“Complete All Codexes” button on the purplePlayer editorstatue’s Menu toreceive a Trap Kitand have theirTrap Kit Points Unlockedset to the maximum for their character for testing purposes

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Trap and Wand Mastery Chain Links

  • Trap and Wand Damage Mastery Chain Linkswill now simply be known as“Trap Damage”links and will only provide aDamage bonustoTraps(no longer to Wands)

Trap Damage Links will now provide the following bonuses:

  • Bronze Link:+3.0% Trap Damage
  • Silver Link:+3.75% Trap Damage
  • Gold Link:+4.5% Trap Damage
  • Corrupted Link:+4.875% Trap Damage

Fortune Aspect Armor

  • Fortune Aspect Armor bonuses have beenoverhauled
  • The previousTrapbonuses from Fortune Aspect have been shifted into a newGadget Aspect(see below)
  • The previousHarvesting/Lockpickingbonuses from Fortune Aspect have been shifted into a newHarvesting Aspect(see below)

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Gold and Loot Item Chance Bonus
Provides a(5.0% + (1.5% Per Tier Level))flat bonus toGold Lootincrease and increasedchance for Special or Rare Itemsto drop

Chance for 50% Damage Increase
Provides a(5.0% + (1.5% Per Tier Level))chance onany Damageinflicted by the player toincrease the amount by 50%

Global Experience Bonus
Increases allExperiencegained by the player by(5.0% + (1.5% Per Tier Level))

Experience includes all systems available to players such asCodexes, Grimoires, Mastery Chains, Taming Levels, Ship Crewmember Loyalty,and evenFortune Aspectitself

Gadget Aspect

  • Gadget Aspectis a new Aspect available to players focused onTraps

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Gadget Aspect Armor

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Trap Damage Bonus
Increases allDamageinflicted with Traps by(10% + (3% * Tier Level))

Trap Cooldown Reduction
Reduces player’sTrap Cooldown Durationby(1.2 sec + (0.4 sec * Tier Level))

Damage Resist for 10s After Trap Detonation
Player will receive a(5.0% + (1.5% * Tier Level)) Damage Resistanceeffect for10 secondsafterDetonating a Ground Trap

TheDamage Resistancebonus willnot stackif player is able to detonate multiple Ground Traps within the effect duration

Gadget Aspect Weapon/Spellbook

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Aspect Special Effect: Innovation
Player’s next Trap Detonation within 60 seconds will have itsBase Damageincreased by((1200 + (120 * Tier Level)) / Creatures Hit)

Damage bonus is aflat amountthat is applied after all other existing bonuses (similar to Shadow Aspect’s ‘Vanish’ effect)

Note:Aspect Specials can only be triggered with Melee Attacks and Spell Damage; the larger than average damage bonus of Innovation is designed to offset this

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Harvest Aspect

  • Harvesting Aspectis a new Aspect available to players focused onHarvestingandDungeon/Treasure Map Chests

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Harvest Aspect Armor

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Effective Skill on Harvesting or Chests
Increases player’sEffective Skillsby(3 + (1 Per Tier Level))used whenHarvestingorLockpicking/Removing TrapsonDungeon ChestsandTreasure Map Chests

These Effective Skill bonuses willnotapplyto Weapon Damage bonuses derived from Harvesting skills (such as Lumberjacking and Axes)

These Effective Skill bonuses will alsonot applyto the calculation of Trap Cooldown (which uses Detect Hidden skill)

Chance at 2x Yield/Loot For Harvest or Chests
Player has a(6% + (2% * Tier Level)) chanceon anyHarvest successor successfulopening of Dungeon / Treasure Map Cheststo have anyStackableitems have their amountsincreased to 2x normal

Successful double yields for harvesting willnotstack withGuild Favorsfor extra harvest yield

Double yieldwillapply toColored Resourcesharvested,Seedsharvested, andSpecial Fishsuch as Lobster/Crab/etc (but not Aquarium Fish)

Double yieldwillapply to any resources gathered fromResource Maps, Fishing Spots,andMIBs

Double yieldwill NOTapply when HarvestingLeatheronBoss-typecreatures

Damage Resist for 60s on Harvest/Chest Success
Player receives aDamage Resistancebonus of(3.0% + (1.2% Per Tier Level))for60 secondsafter anysuccessful Harvest Attemptor when makingprogresson aDungeon ChestorTreasure Map Chest

TheDamage Resistancebonus willnot stackmultiple times (only applies once)

Harvest Aspect Weapon / Spellbook

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (33)

Aspect Special Effect: Nature’s Lash
Inflicts(800 + (80 * Tier Level)) damagedivided among creatures within a6 tile radius

AlsoEntanglestargets for(3 + (0.3 * Tier Level)) seconds

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (34)

Experience Gain

  • Experience Gainfor Harvest Aspect is unique in that it canonlybe earned byHarvesting ResourcesandOpening Dungeon/Treasure Map Chests

Harvesting Experience

  • Theamount of Experienceplayers earn towards Harvest Aspect whenHarvestingwill be scaled based on the“relative value”of the resource harvested, similar to earning progress on Trade Caravans from harvesting
  • Nearly all activities that result ingathering resourceswill be validsources of Harvest Aspect experience(including Resource Maps, MIBs, etc)
  • If a player isHarvestingwhilewearing Harvest Aspect Armorand theirequipped Weapon/Spellbook does not have an Aspect,they will receivedoubleExperience Gaintowards theHarvest Aspect(otherwise players would be forced to constantly “re-aspect” a new Pickaxe/Hatchet/Fishing Pole each time the old one breaks from usage)

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (35)

Dungeon Chests and Treasure Map Chest Experience

  • Players can earn Harvest Aspect Experience fromopening Dungeon ChestsandTreasure Map Chests, similar to other Aspects

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (36)

Fortune Aspect Swap For Gadget / Harvest Aspect

  • Because we have removed the previous Trap and Harvest elements of the Fortune Aspect and created new standalone Gadget Aspect and Harvest Aspects for those mechanics, players will be allowed to perform aone-time, permanent swapof theirFortune Aspect Tier/Experiencewith eitherGadget AspectorHarvest Aspect
  • Players can swap theirFortune Aspect Tier/ExperienceintoeitherGadget Aspect or Harvest Aspect by typing[SwapFortuneAspect
  • Using the swap command will launch aSwap Menufor the player that allows them tochoose which Aspectthey wish to swap into, and toconfirmthe action

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (37)

Fortune Tier Increase Restriction

  • Players canONLYperform this swap if they haveNOT increasedtheirpermanent Fortune Aspect Tier levelsince thepatch has gone live
  • This restriction is to prevent players who did not have Fortune Aspect initially from leveling it up solely for the purpose of switching to Harvest Aspect

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (38)

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (39)

A player has swapped their Fortune Aspect for Gadget Aspect

Aspect Item Tome

  • With the addition of new Aspects, there are nowmultiple pages of Aspectsto display for each item type in the Aspect Item Tome
  • The Left/Right“Aspects Page” buttonswill navigate between multiple pages of Aspects for the displayed Item types
  • The Left/Right“Item Type” buttonswill switch between which types of Aspect Items (such as Cores / Extracts / etc) to display

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (40)

PATCH: New Aspects, Updates and So Much More (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.