Playground Games - Chapter 1 - TheQueenOfBubbles - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Before we start, let's get some things clear.

  1. This a rewrite of an old Fic I made.
  2. Out of character characters are obviously in. (Every girl is Toga-ish in a sense.)
  3. In this story, for both moral and legal issues, all student characters in this are in the 18-19 age range. Makes things feel less sick to me.

[Side note, never liked that these kids were being sent to war in the canon story. Goddamn, they should be dealing with Calculus, not the fear of and actually losing limbs and other such bodily harm.]

'It was supposed to be a simple game, just something to ease stress, they said! If it was just a game, why do I feel like I stepped into a den of hungry lionesses and they were watching me like I was drenched in sardine oil?' Izuku thought, as he had his back against a tree trunk in the shadowed treetops of Ground Omega, keeping his best to not let out a cry. If it was one of being caught or one out of fear is unknown, either one would surely possibly doom him.


"Come on, it can be super fun! We all played games like this as kids, why not relive the glory days? I mean, we practically live in the biggest amusem*nt park in the world, what's stopping us?!" Exclaimed Class 1-A's self-proclaimed queen of aliens, Mina Ashido, as she said to her group of gal pals.

They were, however, met with a chorus of mumbled to this statement at first.

Mina gently prodded the other girls in her room. An odd energy was felt by those who passed by, a mix of emotions that ranged from anger to excitement, even if the ones inside didn't show it.

To the girls, however, they did not really care if anyone heard them at the moment. All that mattered to them was that they hoped their secret green haired trophy wasn't the one who walked by.. It would be ludicrous to not see that at this point in time, each one had a personal motive to claim that green field for their future.

"I think that sounds fun!" A certain brown haired girl with a round face said, folding her hands together. "Do you think Deku will actually agree to that too? I mean he does seem like he would but what if he thinks it's too... kiddish? I don't want him to see me like that... I mean I don't care if he sees you all like that, it makes it easier for me. The sooner he sees I'm a real woman, the sooner I can make things official and leave all you hussies back in the sand pits where you belo-."

Kyouka Jirou, the living Aux Core, had to poke her friend's forehead with one of her jacks. "Down, girl, heel... You know, if you're sure about this, we can't just like... walk up and say to him, 'Hey, you want to play tag?"

The Invisible Man's secret child, if Todoroki's theory is correct, Tooru Hagakure, could not help but squeal. "The more the merrier, obviously! Less likely the plan will be found out."

Tsuyu Asui, a more straightforward woman, chimed and said quite bluntly, "We've been going through so much stuff lately from the USJ incident, to the League of Villains and the workload of the festivals that we could use something to ease the stress, kero. We could add that in if we need to."

One by one, the other girls have agreed to join the game. Uraraka yelped out. "Great! We're gonna meet up at Ground Omega around 10 pm sharp! Be sure to get your work done beforehand so we don't need to worry about it."

As the clock struck 7pm, the dormitory that held the next generation of heroes was once again lively. Chatter amongst men and the smell of dinner wafted through the halls and rooms. Well, all exept one, one where they come to find a much peculiar sight.

"You're going to feel one hell of a burn, sweetie, but not by fire if you get in my way..." Golden eyes locked with onyx black ones. "Good burn, for once. Remind me to make you some dentures when I'm finished with you if you get in MY way..."

"I just need one moment alone with him. My mucus would put him out for the count just long enough... Just abit of it and he'll be paralyzed long enough for me to swoop on by, kero..." Green eyes locked with brown eyes. "Lovely. You know, NASA stopped sending animals into space a long time ago due to it being animal cruelty. But I'm sure no one's gonna miss a slimy frog when she goes up..."

"As if you will even get a chance to get to me... I'll just sneak by when the moment is good, and you'll never know the wiser..." An unseen gaze was felt looking towards another set of onyx eyes. "You think I don't hear it all? You're nothing but a scared little girl... hiding from the world..."

The energy shifted from anger to one another to curiosity, as Momo snapped out first. "Wait, are we really going to risk possible death to one another for a hunk of man?" The room was silent for a moment... then had a fill of various types of yes. "Good, just making sure we were all on the same page."


Earlier that day...

Class was pretty simple, all things considered. Word got around through notes that the girls were planning something fun for everyone, much to the hidden dismay of their teacher. He saw the notes, but wasn't bothered enough to check. As half of class was now hyped for what the girls were planning, the other half were still trying to make sure they got today's lesson.

Although the lesson took up most of the attention of the fairer sex in the class, at least 10% of their focus was on one particular teen, with a mess of green hair who had his full focus on his work. When the girls weren't looking at the board, their eyes would drift away to him. They would turn to empty pages midway through the lecture to doodle as best as they can a likeness of him. Well, a pink girl did only that, forgetting about the classwork all together. Each one of them did, though, have the same thought when they got their prey in their sights...

'Deku-kun, you are...'

'going to...'

'be mine...'


'if it...'

'kills me…’

"Girls, I would suggest you all pay attention to this part." Their disheveled man of a teacher, Mr. Aizawa, said in a deadpan tone as he put his attention back towards the board.

One of the more froggy of the ladies was blushing, while the others were trying their best to hide the fact they were embarrassed, causing some of the surrounding students to give some murmurs to their fellow men.

Surely, one of them is going to make up for that little event of shame by walking away with a bit of minty arm candy later.


It was getting closer and closer to the hour they were supposed to meet up. A large group of guys gathered at a large front door gate, chatting amongst themselves as to what the big surprise may be. One said an outdoor party, another believed a dine out under the stars... a more mischievous one had vile thoughts as to why a group of ladies would invite them, a large group of men in their physical prime, to a place like this. They stayed around, chatting in their normal clothes, worried they might be underdressed or not prepared for whatever it was. Even a night time lake party was talked about, and they didnt exactly bring their trunks.

They were, though, caught off guard when the girls showed up in their hero outfits.

Mezou Shouji, a teen with several appendages that made him look more octo than man, raised one of his many hands. "Where... we're supposed to dress out for this?" The guys all just looked around, seeing that they might have all been wrong for the proper attire.

Momo was the one who walked up. "Well we figured beforehand that it would be best to come in whatever we feel most comfortable in. I thought one of us told you all." The tall girl looked towards her compatriots next to her, feigning concern, even if they all knew that was a lie.

They say the clothes make the woman, and in this case, the costumes they wore were all they were hoping they needed for a time being. The charm of the costumes was in order to better woo their target. It didn't matter if it was because they enhanced their curves, made them appear more mature or accentuated their personalities, hopefully for the better.


There was a strange aura that came off of the girls, and something could feel it. It was as if when the ladies were talking to the guys, their eyes were locked onto one and one alone, as the memory of the death glares during the Sports Festival played in his mind . It was as if they were singling him out from the other guys, and for some reason, he felt scared. Not like the normal type of scared, but one that could only rival when he is near Kacchan alone, like his very life could be on the line...

Mina walked up beside Momo. "Alrighty, boys, here in Ground Omega, we brought you here for something special. Call it... training, in a sense, but a little bit of fun. We're gonna make it a game!" She clasps her hands together to try to come off as cute as she can be.

"The only rule is you can't leave the area, otherwise you're disqualified. We'll give you all a 3 minute headstart. Think of this as if you were... lets say infiltrating a villain's hideout. If we find you, you're out. The round ends when either 1 hour passes or everyone is found, whichever comes first." A floating set of gloves said, feeling the breeze where the sun didn't shine.

"Hold on, you brought us all out here for training? I'm out of here." An electric blonde haired man said, as 4 of the other men followed suit, namely a bird man, one who shined like glittering light, one man pissed he stayed up for this, and a man whose silver hair met with his fiery red down the middle.

"H-hey, don't worry!" A certain green haired hunk walked in front of the gang of guys. "They might not be into it, but I am! I'm sure the rest of us are too, it can be fun! Right, guys..?" The man tried to rally the rest of the men, who were met with slight approval and belligerent agreements.

"Let the games..."'and the real game...'Ochako thought as she licked her lips, "...begin!"

The group of boys scattered, and Tooru was about to run after the green blur before she was grabbed by the other girls.

"Easy, tiger... good things come to those who wait..." Kyouka said

Back to the present...

As we return back to Izuku, he cannot help but feel somewhat terrified with this whole ordeal. The girls invited them all out here, and for this? It seemed odd, even for how they act sometimes, but he didn't want to let them all down if he joined the group of guys that left. So, he played along. In order to not make the girls feel bummed, he needed to take it seriously, he needed to survive this round. Unlike Ground Beta, which had many easy hiding spots, Gamma has next to nothing that isn't tree, tree or more tree. As he stayed in the foliage of his tree and his breath being held for so long, he thought it was finally a good time to breathe out, and that's when he heard a sound that caused a bolt to go right up his back.

A twig being snapped below him.

As Izuku heard the snap, all color seemed to have faded from his face as the horrible realization of his breath gave away his location. Shaking, he peered down to the ground, expecting either a woman climbing up the tree to get him or worse, a group of them.

Luckily, fate was on his side.

A muscular man with prominent lips, Rikidou Sato, had stepped on a few twigs as he rested himself against a tree after running for a solid minute or 2 at full sprint. Surely after this, he'll be needing a full buffet from the stress of this stress reliever.

Izuku let out a loud whisper, "Sato, up here!" At first, he wasn't able to be heard, so he ended up throwing down pieces of bark to hopefully get his attention.

Sato looked up just as a piece was falling, as it landed right in his eye. "... First of all, ow. Secondly, Midoriya, is that you? You're looking like you've seen a ghost."

Midoriya climbed down to the possible illusion of safety. "Rikidou, thank goodness it was you. I thought I was gonna lose my cover. Glad I found you and not one of them. There were a few close calls though..." He put his hand to his chin to think. "First was Uraraka, she walked right under me about 5 minutes or so ago, and I could've sworn I heard Hagakure..."

"Really? I haven't run into any of them, they seem like they're not really taking this seriously... Not even a glimpse." Sato looked around and then at his phone to keep track of time. "It's been 20 minutes. Come on, we need to get back to hiding. Hey, maybe the big prize if we win is a full course meal cooked by the ladies."

Izuku looked up at his tree. Since he climbed up and down a few times now, many branches and leaves peppered the area at their feet, scattered across the ground thanks to his movements. "Y-yeah, agreed. Any idea where the rest are?"

Sato shook his head. "Nope, that's the whole point, remember? Gotta stay hidden. Lucky for you it was me that was under you, you might've been caught by now." He did a quiet chuckle and slapped his friend's back.

The green haired teen nodded at his sweet toothed friend, stumbling a moment from the slaps with a similar chuckle. "I-I get it. Well, good luck on hiding, hope we win..!" He had a smile as he activated Full Cowling, doing what he can in order to get some more distance in case anyone heard them.

Rikidou watched as his green haired classmate went off in the distance as he looked around for something to hide his massive size. "Now where is a good spot for me to g-" He felt a small splatter on his neck as he reached for the source. "What was... that..? I'm feeling kinda..." He fell to his knees with a semi loud thud as he stopped moving... and started snoring. Out of the bushes, a tall girl in red stepped out with a small paintball gun in her hand.

Momo mildly cursed under her breath. "sh*t, I spent too much time keeping my cover, I zoned out..." She went to her sleeping classmate and produced a blanket from her arm, covering the large man. "Sorry, Sato, didn't mean to hit ya, that shot was meant for... him." She checked the rounds and saw there were only 2 paintballs left. "A little bit of a delay, but mark my words, Izuku... You're going to be mine tonight."

A few hours earlier, in Kyouka's room...

Mina slammed a pillow in her face as she began to whine. "Youmomo should've been here by now! What's taking so damn long?!" She ended up banging the floor like an impatient child as the other girls either ignored her or tried to comfort her.

"Relax, if this plan is working like it seems to, she'll have them and is on her way." Jirou said as she sat there, twirling her jack in between her fingers. "In fact, I can hear her right now."

Momo opened the door and quickly shut in behind her as she proceeded to take out a container of a odd purple liquid from within her pocket labeled 'Midnight #5' and put it on Kyouka's desk. "Ladies... gather around."

Uraraka kneeled beside the desk as she was now eye level with the vial, mouth agape in amazement. "You ACTUALLY got it! How did you..?" She looked a bit nervous to ask as she was unsure of what possible extent her friend in class but enemy in love may have gone through to get it. "M-Miss Midnight wasn't hurt by any chance, w-was she..?"

Momo felt a bit attacked by that statement. "Of course not, Uraraka! We aren't monsters; I just asked her if she knew what her gas consisted of chemical wise a few days ago. Told her it was for a project on her for next month's hero report. I also had a little help from the chemistry department to recreate it in a liquid form. I told them it was for a science experiment. Luckily with my status, they believed it." She proceeded to make several small ball shaped casings from her palms, exactly 18, and 6 small paintball guns.

Tooru cheered. "I can't believe we actually got it! So, about the plan... mind filling me in again? I zoned out preeeetty badly last time..." She took one of what was essentially a toy and struck a few poses, semi zoning out again, resulting in her getting smacked by Tsuyu.

Tsuyu, a bit nervous that she was actually holding one of the guns in her hands, was the one to speak. "We have 3 shots each. If any of us find Izuku, kero, they're allowed to either tell him their feelings then and there or paint him. The scent of these things can knock someone out in moments, kero. If you can make it out of the playing field without the others finding out, you win. Just know, we can still use the remaining darts to put any of the others to sleep. No one gets immunity just because they found him first, kero."

Momo had an oddly enthusiastic smile. She had her reasonings to wanting to make Izuku be hers. Ever since their little mission to save Bakugo from the League, she was enamored by Izuku's dedication to save a life of someone who seemed to have only hateful bones in his body, even while still recovering. If that was the extent that Izuku would go for a friend, her mind raced as she thought of the lengths he would go for a lover. Not only that, Izuku had many desirable traits that she was witness to. His hard work and dedication, his physique and mind, his caring attitude and his sometimes reckless spirit... not to mention the fact she found him downright adorable with all his little shy antics.

If there wasn't a bigger picture the day she, Izuku and a few more of their classmates went out to save Bakugo, she would've swept the green haired shorty into her bosom after his little "Stealth Mode" pose.

Momo regained composure. "Alright, everyone get ready. We got a game to play." She looked down at the gun as she loaded the darts in. 'Izuku-kun... You and me... We're gonna be living it up when we're pros... I can see the baby now...' The imagine of a small green haired child with a ponytail haircut making her own toys appeared in her mind. The kid was sitting on her daddy's lap after a long day of hero-ing as Momo saw a much older version of herself making a hearty meal for her No.1 Green bean. After dinner, her hubby would sweep her off her feet and toss her on a bed fit for the life heroes deserve as they began to get ready for bed. Her Man would pull her close into him, wrap his strong scarred arms around her and whisper sweet words into her ear... A gentle nibble followed, hands making their way down to feel every inch of her body, savoring it as if it was all he knew. Next thing she would feel, her PJ shorts slowly get taken off and...

"Yo, earth to Momo!" Kyouka was snapping her fingers in front of her tall friend's face, breaking her from her trance. The other girls already left to get ready as Yaoyorozu was the last one in Jirou's room. "You gonna head out, or..?"

Momo shook her head, "S-sorry... See you later, KJ." She left Jirou's room to get ready in her own room... Just before she proceeded to take care of a small feeling in her lower areas.

Back in Omega...

Momo sighed as she saw her prize dart off. 'Just you wait, Midoriya...'

All across the field, the other girls were having similar problems of either missing the prey their eyes were set on, or hitting other classmates as they thought it was Midoriya under the light of the moon. As it neared the hour mark, many of their classmates were nothing more than a bunch of sleepyheads at the front doors of Omega's walls. Paintball splotches on their bodies, the gathered men drifted together to dreamland. The only ones that weren't sleeping and were still in the forest were the last 3; Mineta, Ojiro and... him.

Speaking of him, Midoriya had never stopped running the moment he left Sato back there. As he approached his exhaustion point, he caught sight of a possible blessing, the other 2 "survivors" by a small cliff as they were both on the verge of sleep. "Thank... goodness... guys, I can't believe I found y-" His mouth was covered by Ojiro's tail.

Ojiro shushed his green haired classmate. "Dude, something isn't right. I've been out here for a while, and all I've run into was this kid..." He wiped his eyes from sleep as he pointed to Mineta, who at this point was asleep with ugly snoring, not from a paintball, but sheer tiredness. "I get it, it's supposed to be like this fancy game of hide and seek masks as training, but I've played this game many times enough to know that even when you're hiding, you'll run into a decent amount of hiders by accident... I only found the one and now you." He patted the ground beside him as Izuku sat down.

Izuku had a nervous look on his face. "S-so what are you saying, Ojiro? You don't think something is up... do you..?"

Ojiro took a moment to think. He looked towards Mineta's sleeping body as he got a plan. "Okay, so hear me out on this... Have you noticed the girls acting kinda... weird?"

Midoriya looked at the trees, confused but understood it enough. "Not... really? They seem the same-old-same-old to me."

"Midoriya, I have a hunch..." He got close to whisper what he was thinking into the ear of his green haired friend.

Back with the girls...

As time was running short, the girls decided to stay with their human hearing device of a friend, Jiro, in order to track down their target. They ditched the whole 'first come first take' mentality as they were getting desperate. Now, they had agreed that the game really begins when they get Izuku immobile. They looked to their dwindled resources as each felt like their life was on the line; each had one paintball left, so if they wasted them, they might be forced to catch some live prey.

Tsuyu croaked annoyed, "Come on, Jiro, we're burning moonlight!" Kyouka has been getting similar remarks for the past couple minutes.

Jiro finally barked back, "Well maybe if you stopped fiddling around with your fingers and actually helped listen out, we would find him and not be walking around with our fingers jammed up our-"

Ashido covered her purple haired friend's mouth as she pointed to 3 shadowy figures. One looked like he had several round things on his head, one looked like he had a trunk on his back, and the third one... the third one is the one they focused on, as to the girls it looked like the figures had their backs turned away from the group.

Uraraka made a movement of pointing fingers to each of the three figures. The girls silently readied themselves as some aimed the guns, while others were ready to launch themselves at the shadows. A silence took over them all as they got close... and then... the sounds of ammo going off and flesh hitting something hard echoed out.

Mina cheered. "Yes, we got them! Oh, let's see the game we bagged!" She and some of the girls dragged the figures into the light to investigate and practically screamed. As they looked down at their work, they saw that they were tricked.

On the ground were 3 dummies; 2 made of twigs and leaves and one a literal dummy as Mineta layed splattered with the liquid sleep, this time knocked out for sure.

"I can't believe it, we got baited!" Mina kicked the dummy of Ojiro hard enough to send the fake leaf head flying into a tree trunk, making it burst. Tooru was checking a certain part of the Izuku dummy. "This one is not even built right..."

Momo looked paranoid, "Do you think they're onto us? That they knew we were going to fall for this trap?"

Uraraka was pacing back and forth. "N-no, come on, we still got time! 5 minutes left on the clock, we can find him if we all split up! Deku-kun can't outmaneuver us all. Eyes on the prize, girls, we gotta get that man back home..." And so they did, getting up from the dummies with one carrying Mineta begrudgingly, they made their way back to the entrance.

Unbeknownst to the girls, 2 people were watching from the hidden safety of a bush as both were pale as snow. Ojiro's plan seemed to work as they see their classmates have ulterior motives.

The tail man looked towards his pale buddy. He pretty much screamed as he believed the girls were safely out of earshot, "Dude, they're after you!"

The green haired child was as white as paper as so many thoughts raced through his mind. 'They're after me?! Why, what did I do?! Did I anger them? No, they would've told me to my face if I did. Am I being part of an elaborate prank? N-no, that can't be it... Unless they're... you don't think they're spies, do you..?"

Ojiro punched his own palm. "That has to be it, that explains why they've been extra buddy buddy lately, they're trying to lower your guard!' Izuku shoo, getting up to check the dummies they left. "Ojiro, we need to run and find a teacher, now! Ojiro? O-Ojiro..?!" Izuku's heart sank as he saw the blonde tailed man catching enough Zs to fill a dictionary as his big muscly tail now sported a new purple splotch on its length. As if death himself was behind him, he shakily looked behind himself to see a purple haired vixen trying her hardest to look intimidating and alluring by blowing away nonexistent smoke from the barrel of the paintball gun, her eyes locked down on a green haired Adonis, never breaking contact. Damn, she was doing a mediocre job at it, though. "J-Jirou?!"

She couldn't help but let out a small pre-victory laugh. "Quiet, my dear. The others will hear you if they're still around. You know, I can hear better than most, I hear all around me. I heard your little whispers a mile away... Thinking of us, a little rag tag group of ladies could be villainous, even in the slightest? My my, how one's mind can work..." Her jacks snaked around his wrists as they pulled him up, their eyes giving off the feeling of that similar to a cat and mouse.

Izuku could barely let out a cry for help as he knew if he did, the only ones that would hear him would be the other girls and sleeping bodies. It might have been from fear, but Izuku felt as though he could not activate One for All if he even tried, so he was at the mercy of this punk rock predator. "P-please, don't kill me... I know there is still good in y-" a finger was pressed to his lips.

Jirou saw the puzzle pieces fall almost perfectly, she just needed a steady hand to put the final one in. "Calm down, Greenie, no one is going to hurt you. Not on my watch, at least." As if her mind was on a one way track to make sure her prize was secure, it was as if she had to play the part. Her mind began to race, as ways this conversation may go split along, trying to assume the best course if he said the right things...

"I would never turn you into the League." She was going to run with this thread. "I've seen you, you've got a great head on your shoulders and a heart of gold in your chest..." She jabbed her finger into his chest. His... muscular chest... "So, I'll make you a deal." Her jacks eased up. "You're an awesome dude, and no doubt will be a great hero one day. I'll make sure you will live to see that day..."

Izuku could begin to see small tears begin to form in her eyes. They looked so real, and as far as Izuku knew, they were. Too bad the girl mastered the art of crocodile tears... "K-kyouka..?"

"Shhh... You don't need to worry. Let's saaaaay... you've kinda won me over. You've done so much for me and for others... the time you've spent with me to get the performance for the festival perfect, being a source of laughs, being a beacon of hope and joy in a bit of an empty and lonely world..." Jirou was shaking a bit as her headphone jacks fully came off his wrists. "I don't want that to be taken away from me... It gets lonely being a solo act..." She gently wrapped her arms around him.

Izuku was unsure of what had just transpired within the few short minutes that passed by. As if instincts kicked in, he returned the hug silently.

Jirou's eyes went a bit wild. Here he was, in her arms as she was in his. She silently cursed herself as her face still had tears rolling down it, as her jacks were pointed at his back. "So... I just want to say... sorry for this." As one jabbed into his back and one into his ear, she laughed as she let out a frequency that messed with his insides just enough to immobilize him and have him fall over, passed out. She could not help but marvel at her prize and proceeded to carry him towards the exit.

The remaining girls have realized they ran out of time. It looks like Izuku won, him and whoever else was awake and still hiding. As they made their way to the main wall and to the intercom to tell everyone the round was over, they caught a glimpse of a sight that made them bolt to the door just as it was closing in on them. The last thing they seen and will see until morning when a teacher reopens the doors was a petite looking purple haired girl with a green haired hunk being dragged as she gave them a wink as the doors closed, a locking sound being made shortly after.

At the dorms...

Kyouka could not help but marvel at her prize. She did it, by their own game's rules, she won. The girls have to back off from her man from now on. Maybe if she's feeling generous, she'll let the other girls look at and talk to him now and again. It might take some hard coaxing and some pulling strings to get things working, but she will go beyond to make sure she is not only the best girlfriend Izuku could ask for, but also make sure Izuku will thrive like never before. "Now the moment I've been waiting for..."

As she got to work discarding her lower half of her clothes, her jacks got to work by sending some waves to the still passed out Izuku's waist as she saw something move in his pants as her jacks got to tugging. "Heh... python was a good description, Tooru... I can barely get these down."

Jiro finally got to tugging off the pants and All-Might themed boxers as a large appendage launched free, smacking her right in the nose. "Feisty little guy, arent ya?" She took a moment to marvel at the sight. In front of her was something that she herself knew she was going to love no matter the size, but even so, it was still a sight.

The "Dicku" she and the girls affectionately called it was quite the monster. A solid 6 inches, bordering 7, and just veiny enough to boot. Hard to imagine someone so kind looking was working with this beast.

"You know, Izuku, I always wanted to say this to you, call it a bit of foreplay... I can't wait to finally get my greens." He was silent, no groans or laughs. "Wait, that's right... our cold... S-still, not going to stop me..!" Jiro gulped and then stuck her tongue out. Bringing it closer and closer, her hot breath hitting the shaft as it got slightly twitchy. "Eep! Uh uh uh..!" Opening her mouth wide in panic, she slammed it down around the sleeping green haired man's co*ck, only making it halfway as her eyes went wide, causing her to back up and cough. "They... make it look so easy in the videos..."

Jiro huffed as she readied herself again. If she is going to make it a point to do this often in the future, she needs to get better at it. "Okay... second time... first acts aren't always the best..." Opening her mouth once again, she licked from where her hand grasped the member steady to the head, gagging at the taste at first but slowly coming to like it. ' The thought 'His taste...' clogged her mind as soon she found herself treating it like a lollipop. A lollipop that tasted like sweat, but still. Finally mustering the courage, she adjusted her position as her head hovered above his member. "I can do this..."

Jiro wrapped her jacks around the co*ck to keep it steady, as she closed her eyes and relaxed herself, slowly lowering her mouth around it. 'First the head... somewhat soft... then comes the shaft part, hard as rock...' She thought to herself as her eyes stayed closed, until... She hit something. She was nose to skin with the base of Izuku's co*ck! It took her a second to realize what she did as her eyes were wide. Seeing as she was this far in, she did the next step as she bobbed her head, the girth of Izuku's member filling her mouth.

A hunger overtook Jiro, all her mind could think of was this. The taste, the feel, his scent, it was almost too much for her. Pulling away and freeing her jaw, gasping for air almost, Jiro got all that she needed for a break as she immediately went back down to suck the side of the shaft. An odd twitching came from the sleeping man as her eyes widened.

Stopping herself from going farther THIS way, she pulled away again, watching the twitching stop as a devious smile crept on her face. "Now time for the real thing~"

Discarding her boots, pants and panties, she got herself up and took a deep breath. Hovering above only slightly her soon to be new favorite ride, her mind raced as she saw their future in her head while she was lowering herself. The papers and the magazines, the interviews and after parties, not to mention the news...

'Number 1 rockstar, Kyouka Jirou, seen with No.1 Hero, Deku at a clothing store. Baby on the way?!'

She will end the night of being a hero with a show alongside her band she had since high school to another sold out arena, one girl having the biggest fake smile imaginable as their lead singer went back home to her muse. She would see her husband learning to play a guitar and failing until she guided his scarred hands with her own dainty ones, her rear rubbing against her favorite seat throughout the lesson. Later, she'll be carried to their bedroom to make what she just did seem like a handshake. He would toss her on the bed, and admire her figure, from her head to her toes... Kisses planted as he made his way up, stopping at her more personal areas until his lips met hers. Never breaking...he would spread her legs wide to accommodate, ready himself at her entrance... and just like that... treat her not just as a woman, but HIS woman...

And with one little movement, their fate was sealed. A wave of pain shot through her, but the pain died down slowly... ever slowly... until it began to change, from pain to pleasure as she let out a loud moan, her sound proof walls being a godsent once again. "Aaaaaahhh, f*ck!" She took a moment to ease herself as she let all the pain leave her, being replaced with a newfound enjoyment. "Now... time for... what I want..!" Lifting herself as high as she could without disconnecting, Kyouka slammed herself onto his meat, each smack feeling better than the last. It didn't even cross her mind at first that her legs began to feel more and more like jelly. She was the one doing all the work at the moment. She just hoped that her little ride wasn't going to end anytime soon...

Stopping only for a moment to let her legs catch a break, she turned herself around as she no longer faced Midoriya, riding reverse cowgirl, as the videos online called it. Even though was the least gifted in certain departments compared to the others, she felt like she could make it up somehow in this way. She wouldn't be a standard missionary type of girl, not for either of them. "Oh, Greenie... if only you knew how good you're making me feel right no-" She stopped as she felt something on her ass cheek.

It felt strong, it felt firm. And then it squeezed. Slowly looking back at the hand, her eyes went to Izuku's face... as it was still asleep. It seemed that her little joyride was moving on his own, this time, in his sleeping state. "S-sh*t, he's sleepwalking? f*cking? Sleepf*cking..." Jiro sighed as she felt the hand push her back down, her blush getting bigger. "Oh... my..." She reached for his other hand to make it grasp her other cheek now as she continued her ride. "Don't worry, Izuku... I'll make sure... I'll make sure my puss* learns to mold itself around this!" Despite her yells, she forgot... the room is soundproof.

To those outside the walls.

Slightly stirring awake, still in dream land, Izuku couldn't make much out of his blurry vision. All he could see... and feel... was something warm, wet and wrapped around him... followed by the sounds and smacks of something hitting his pelvis. Slowly, something came into view... It looked... "Pur...ple..? What... is going..." Barely able to finish his sentence, all his energy was already being drained as his head reeled back into the pillow as the energy was being drained from him, as something felt like it was rising.

Kyouka covered her mouth to hide her moans now that she was dealing with a partially asleep Izuku. She needed to be done and fast. Grabbing onto Izuku's legs with her jacks for more balance, she used all her remaining strength to make her bounces harder, tensing herself more and more. "Go on, dreamboat... Give it to Kyouka..!"

Izuku's still blurry eyes couldn't make heads or tails of anything, and it didn't help that his ears were buzzing, only hearing a few words. "Dream..? Kyouka..?" A surge of twitching came from his legs, and soon the twitching traveled up to his co*ck. His apparent sleepish self was unable to hold back, as a sea of sem*n erupted up into a painting purple haired woman. No longer feeling up, Izuku groaned out loud, and fell back to sleep...

Jiro, though...

Covering her mouth to stifle her loudest moan yet, Kyouka could feel the baby making batter shoot into her. Using all her might to not freak out then and there, she waited until she was certain Izuku was done. Looking back to see her prize was still asleep, the second she heard gentle snoring, she used what energy she had left to raise herself off from his shaft. "Oh... God..." She looked down at their work... despite so much leaking out, she could only feel and imagine what was still inside of her. "It... wow..." Crawling away, Kyouka was left a panting mess as she reached down to get some that leaked from her onto her fingers and sucked them clean. "Damn, Zuzu... If I didn't know better, I'd think... you did this on purpose... Trying to make sure I walk around this school plump with your work..?" A devious smile crept onto her as the thought of showing off to other girls made her feel on top of the world... Until reality set it.

Jirou couldn't help but laugh at her newfound victory, but also put several thoughts together. "Aizawa will kill me if he finds out about this... Oh, Izuku, you are going to be a great hero, I know you'll be a great daddy too..." She looked down a bit sadly, a smile still on her face. "But not yet. I wouldn't want to add extra pressure on us with a kid just yet. I'll take care of this in the morning."

She slowly got off the bed so as to not wake him up, a sad whimper as she realized her next issue. "Let's get you to your room. Good thing the losers are still in Omega." She mustered all the strength she had left as she practically dragged the poor boy back to his room as he still was knocked out. Using her jacks to make sure she doesn't walk into anyone else, she made her way back quietly enough to open the door and was assaulted by the surplus of All-Might merch. "Yeah... This will be the... one thing I gotta get used to..." Tossing Izuku on his bed, she was about to leave...

"Crap, he's still hard..." Walking over, Kyouka had a brilliant idea as she pulled his pants back up and let her jacks slide into his pants. "Hey, Midoriya? Still asleep..." She laughed to herself as she tried to make sure he didn't let out any noise. "Don't worry. Consider this a going away present. I'll be back around you soon..." As she used her jacks to make him finish once again, her little job was complete, she left for the door and took one last gaze at her secret lover, content of her tracks being partially covered.

"Goodnight, love..."

Playground Games - Chapter 1 - TheQueenOfBubbles - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.