The Calumet News from Calumet, Michigan (2024)

ieCsfforComtryEveiinjlleis PUBLI8UIUBT virrod Maokonzlo, Editor and Proprietor. X3TOffloo In theNiwt block, north end CiO street. Bed Jacket, Michigan. of ESKM Or HVIISCHlPTIONt MAIL OB vs roar (In advance) 18 00 Is months I 50 Tt SMUtA ttruiD at thi rorr ornca at calcmct, KIOHIQAH At gBCOHO-CLAM MATTKH. SfOomBunJeatlons and letters of business i09td with the paper should be addressed Cooper Country Evening News, Calsunet.

Leiand, Towle ZSamker and Broken, Members of the 2li Kfif TCrt ElCSlUES. vtopper stocks a Special vj. W. F. Fitzgerald, uwziui street Boston, Mass.

Mowland A5KBBS A1YD BBOKEBN, Ames Building, Interest allowed on deposits. Others executed for Cash or Margin Id tXocks. Bonds. Grain and Provisions dated on the Boston. New York and Chicago Exchanges.

mention Giren to Conner Stoch. 8ead for Clrou ar and Telegrauu C) fining Property JFor Sale. "toe property, real andjperso of the La Belle Mining Company, ttltaated la Keweenaw vo. Mich, ''ShSol iriffJO.TM acres south of mineral ranee with the oulies el railroad to stamp mill at Lac la Belle; oauet tnence to L.aae superior, riant at ae sitae and Lake all in good order and ready tor operation. Enauire for further partio- I Arttron W.

K. VIVIAN. suptT lawire Mine P. O. Keweenaw Oo.

Mloh. IMMORTALITY OF ANIMALS. fck For His Keren Statement Given by Her. Dr. fcprccher.

believe that animals are imnior- aV id the ltev. S. P. Sprecber of 'Iha LucJid Avenue Presbyterian church a Cleveland recently. jne -xateniens vvus inaue iu answer s.

Jarpe number of iuijuirit'h which jjlc iioiu received by Dr. b'precher in uie inoilduriufi the last few days, which "were jroujpted by a kltuioij lie recently leliven-d on the subject of "Physical Future Life." Dr. Sprecher it as Lis belief that the life in the -Auimul is immortal, but that the animal T.twuf may not have reached a ttate of f-jaffioient development to possess a bouI. Itelieve that the soul and life are special creations," said Dr. Sprecher.

do not believe that God will destroy Sbau." la answer to the query, "Does evolution $rive presumption of the pre-exist-mjcaof the soul?" be said: "'Jot necessarily, although such a vould not contrary to the doc-'fcinss of Christianity." iix answer to another query Dr. that he did not believe the vpirit 2ife would bo very different from Al if on earth. Chicago Times- Iler- A Question of Trimming. fiiortly after the war a Confederate 8 uuriuer 01 observed 3 street corner a cripple who was 'wtthuut leRs and arms, which be had i'ost, according to the sign, in the "late vx." The Confederate at once gave -oirc a quarter and passed on, only to Sara's lock and give him another. A third, fourth and fifth time the returned, giving the cripple a -juartT each time until the latter asked i JT9aftou for this unusual generosity.

Wh.y," replied the Confederate, tho first one of thoe 'iiwfi4n rjiue i nave seen trimmed up the old properties of the one-time pros-i-, ai: any tante. "-New York Post. perous county of Keweenaw. "The Welsh ltabblt. "Trwsa who have accepted the incon-''sifrteut xiamo of Wtlh rabbit for toast-'vnd che9 on the assumption that it is a 'mrvintian of Welsh "rarebit" will i ayq tc revise their view.

According to a "vvitae in Macmillan's Magazine, rabbit is a genniuo slang term to a largo pronp which de- erri'jfl tu the same humorous way the speoia' dish or product of a peculiar dis-iriT. JFor examples, an Essex lion i a -call; a Field lane duck is a baked sheep's icaC; Glasgow magistrates or Norfolk r4poccsare red herrings; Irish apricots plums are potatoes; Graves-ofirweetm eats' are shrimps." the year 1700 there was only one aifiwspaper in the United States. Now are more than in England, France Germany put together. tftagrcrty is said to be so safe in packages left unguarded any tara are hardly ever touched. LAKE LINDEN NEWS Mrs.

Alice Flynn now occupies tbe willing vacated some time agony Poet master Guck and is prepared to do all kind of dreeernaking. Meagre. W. Sutler, Thomas II. liar rfs, C.

Fiiedricb. Samuel LMdy and A. A Guck attended tbe funeral of Frank A. Douglas yesterday at Houghton, Tbe ice on Torch Lake is in a ratber dangerous conditipn ani is anything bu pate lor teams and people to cross. Sev era! narrow eacaites om drowning bare been reported recently.

Tbe Lake Linden Young People's sod ety oltbis city will stnda yery large delegation to tbe meetings of theconven on wnich will be held at Red Jacket Saturday afternoon and erenlog. Lake Linden teachers nave been in formed tbat in order lor tbem to retalu their positions it will be necesaary to take up a teacher's coarse of study dur ing tbe racation. This Is the order of I tbe 11011001 boarl wfao arealtraj. looking I tvmatu tuu OUIBUI.TU1CUVUI IUO BIUUU1B, Tbe sale of tbe Gregory property which takes place next month is attra ting a deal of at ention among mining people as it is stated that seyeral of the mining companies are looking after It, among tbem tbe Calumet and Uecla. If tbat I company wants it it is pretty generally conceded it will get it.

The Maccabees and Lady Maccabees of Lake Linden, are preparing to give a grand ball at tbe Opera House here on April 15. Committees have been ap pointed having the affair in charge and txteneive arrangements are being made fortbeeyent. Tbe Lake Linden band will furnish music for the occasion. The political situation is gradually warming up in Schoolcraft and Torch Lake townships and a couple of tickets bare been placed in the field. After the regular nomination ticket had heen chos en another caucus of those dissatisfied with the result was held and N.

Dondel- inger was placed in nomination for treas urer, John Parks lor commissioner of highways, Charles Ilorton for oyerseer and Jof eph McDonald, A. Lebault, John Bond and John Stanton were nominated for constables in opposition to the nomination ticket. Tbe remainder of the nomination ticket was indorsed. In Toreh towvMp the election prom iBt-B 10 ue quite interesting, mere were tnree candidates for treasurer, Joseph Schnotala, who was nominated at the regular and William Fitzpatrick. who ran hard against him for the nomi nation, while George Pfeifer.oi the Entry, is in tha field and is making a hard fight for the office.

The Eatry people are beginning to think they are entitled to an office on tbe tieket and are going to stand by tbeir man. KEWEENAW CO. EAGMC lilVER. The Ptu-nix school taught by Miss Bes sie Lanyon closed for tbe season on Fri day last. The regular teachers' examinations will he held at the courthouse here on Friday and Saturday of this week.

EAGLE HAKIIOR. James Finn, of Munising, is here on a business visit connected with the Eagle Harbor Co. James Carson, the range light keeper, has returned from below where he has spent tbe winter. Will Rohrig, of the lighthouse force here, has lust completed the building of a large sailboat which proves to be one of tbe finest boats built in this region and one that would do credit to a pro fessional boatbuilder. Mrs.

D. Drown left here on Sunday last in response to a telegram from Prof. Ferris, of the Ilig Rapids Industrial School, informing her of the serious illness of her Uon, Charles. Since leaving Mrs. Brown wlre9 that hi8 condition is very serious.

U. A. Heath, of Milwaukee, called on his Keweenaw customers on Tiesday and Wednesday. The miners working in the bottom of the Arnold shaft report the outlook to be greater than ever, tbe rock not only growing richer, but the copper is heavier. Arnold is undoubtedly one of the coming heayy producers and one the success of which will restore confidence in many of perous county Elections In Keweenaw are unusually quiet this year there seeming to be no opposition In any of the townthips.

CENTRAL. At the caucus meeting held here on Saturday evening tbe following ticket was placed in nomination: Supervisor J. F. Robert. ClerkJohn McRae.

Treasurer F.M. Bradshaw. Highway Commissioner FaMan Yendow. School Inspector. 2 Years John McRao ustlce of the Feace W.

A. Kingston. Highway Overseer J. W. Kingston.

Boardof Review J. W. Kingston. Constables George Bryant, John Angove, Peter Schiller, Joseph Schiller. Tbe township ticket this year Is as fol lows: Supervisor William Chapman Clerk- Otto Sibllskf Treasurer Relnbold Slbllsky Highway Commissioner R.

C. Blight Justices T. J. Bennetts and P. O.

Decker Boardof Review Stephen Pooler School Inspector W. H. Bennetts School Trustee Fd win Bruneaa Hltfhwsy Overseer district No. I Andrew Aiderson; District No. 2 Frank Ileptlng.

LVmntables John Dodge, Christ Blrk, Riitela I MCLAWAItK. frbe following ticket was placed in mination here at tbe caucus held on turdaj: upervlsorW. U. VIvlau lerkratrick Byrnes 'reasurerCharlea Auger Ugh way Commissioner John Ilochstlne. torgan and Pryor are engaging in the flashing business on a large scale, hay ioi quite a force of men at Eagle Harbor, preparing for actiye operations thi sotig, and also quite a few men at Cop- Harbor storing ice and getting nets and boats in shape.

THE BRITISH BLUNDERED. Instance! Where the Coarse They Took Sltuply Tended to Spread the Revolution. It would have boon a very obvious part of good military judgment for the British conimnniWs to endeavor to forco Wash lngtcn nwny from Hostuh by assailing bis communications to the west and south or by attack in other Important quarters, which would have then demanded relief from tbo main army. Military judgment, howevtf, was not a quality for which the British generals in Boston were consrlcu ous. bull fet la it concclvnblo that any of them should have taken a broad view of tbo whole military situation and sought to co'upcMVjvshington to raiio tho sieze by a movoment in another direction, ni bclplo, to take a very familiar example.

forced Hannibal out of Italy by tho inva filon of Africa. This was one intelligent oourso to mirsuo. Another would have been to concentrato tho war at Boston and by avoiding and cultivating cimd relations with the peoi of tbo oihcr col onies endeavor to separate Massachuscttf from tho rest of the continent. The Brit ish took neither course and so lost tho ad vantages of both. Thty did enough to alarm and excite tho other colonics and to make them fuel that tho causo of Massa chusetts was their own, nnd yet they did not ilo anything sulnclently effective to even distract Washington nttcntlon.

much less loosen his iron grip on Boston. In October, 17t5, Captain Mowatt ap peared off Falmouth, In Maine, where the city of Portland now stands, opened fire and destroyed the littlo town by a heavy bombardment. It was an absolutely use- loss performance, led to nothing and was hurtful to tho British causo. Washington at once made preparations to defend Portsmouth, thinking that tho New Hampshiro town would bo the next victim, but the British had no plan, not enough even to make their raids continuous and effective. Tbey stopped with tho burning of Fal mouth, which was sufficient to alarm every coast town In New England and make the people believe that their only bopo of saving their homes was in a desperate warfare, and which at tho 6arae time did not weaken tho Americans In tho least or force Washington to ralso tbo siego of Boston.

Honry Cabot Lodge In Scribnor's or March. Smoke Klondike cigars. Visitors always welcome at the studio of Steckbauer Rorongh. Smoke Sbaug's Klondike cigars, manufactured by L. N.Shaug.519 Pine street, Red Jacket, Madame Smith the celebrated clairyoy ant, has returned and can be consulted at tbe Central hotel.

To Let Two furnished rooms with bath. Apply corner Woodland avenue and old Torch Lake road. The farmer, the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cures for piles.

SODEKGURN SODEKGREN. Clothes cleaning, dyeiftg, repairing altering and pressing promptly and neatly done. All work guaranteed to prove satislactbry. Michigan Dye Works. Oyer 312 Fifth Street.

To tne Owners of Cows. Cows found running at large In the township of Calumet after tbe first day of April, 1898, will be empouodtd. By order of The Town ship Board. George B. Secord.

tbe well known contractor of Towanda, N. says: I hare used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In my family for a long time and have found it superior to any For sale by Sodergren Sodergren, Druggists. Cheap Bates to the West and Honth. On April 5 and 10 tbe North-Western Line will sell home-seeker's excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the south at excep. trt-iu or ticaets ana inn luiurmaiiua bddiv to airentfl i North-Western railroad.

Mpaln Wants War Rut Laurium Fair prices will have war first, we have a very fine ine of spring stock consisting! clothing, ladies' and gent's fumishlogs; also a fine line of ladies' and gent's shoes and rubbers. We are yerj high op on the hill, bnt Lanr-ium Fair prices are yery low. Call and be convinced. I. Feinberg by the pOHtofflce.

Baekleas Araie Halve The best salye In the world lor Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Feyer Scores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chii-biains. Corns, and all Skin Emotions, and posiiyely cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.

Trios 35 cents per box. For sale by D. T. MacDonald, Calumet, and Belbomeor, Lake Linden. Notice Tho public will please take notice tbat I am now prepared to do all kinds of shoe making and repairing.

Shoes made to order, fine fit guaranteed from to 0 a pair; mining boots for 3 75. Min ing rubber boots for 1.25: half soles on every day shoes or boots for 40 and SO cents; ladies' shoes soled for 30 and 40 cents. All new work and also repair work made to look qeat and durable to wear. Shop 427 Fifth street. Red Jacket opposite Wennberg's feed and livery stable.

Charles Kemppainkn, Rer. E. Edwards, pastor o' tbe English Baptist church at Minersviile, when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. lie says: "A few applications of this lini mnt proyed of great ervie to me. It subdu'd the inflammation and relieved tbe pain.

Should aoy PufiVrer profit by giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me," Forsle by Sodergren Soder gren, Druggists. Thirty-fi ve years make a generation. That is how long Adolpb Fisher, of Zanesville, suffered from piles. He was enred by using three boxes cf De- Witt's Witch Haiel Salve. Sodergren Sodergren.

Hotel For Male The Jewell House property is for sale. A most decirable hotel location, Apply to Mr. B. Shea. To Rent Two rooms over the retan rant next to th postofflce.

AdpIt to Mr. Frank J. (loodsole, or.1. L. Hocking, Hanco*ck.

ANDREW BENSON. PAINTER AND DECORATOR. Hard Wood Finish. Graining, Calsomlning, Paper Hanging. Glazing, Etc.

A Full Line Of Wall Paper Samples. tJhopln rear of Clson's furniture store. Li Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Uleedinir and Itchlna Piles. It absorbs the tumors.

allays the itching at once, acts US a Poultice, elvea lnslant rn. lief. Dr. WilliamB'Indlan Pile Ointment isnrenarcd for PIIp and Itch. Inur of the private parts.

Every box Is warranted. II dnnrcikts mull m. eelpt of price. 60 cents and $1.00. WILLIAMS mANUf ACIURING Cleveland.

Ohio. For sale by T. Macdonald. druggist, Red Jacket. lleglfttratioii Notice.

It EUlMTKVriON NOTICE. The board of rezi'tratlon for the tnwnahln of Calumet will be In session at tho Light Guard Armory, on Saturday, April 2.1M8, from 9 o'clock in. until ft o'clock p. m. for the pur pose oi repisiennn tne name or all qualified votes not already so registered.

Persona hav ing removed since the last election from one precinct to the o'her will have to register for precinct, in wnicn tney now reside. For the convenience of voters residing In the variou precincts and others who cannot attend on Saturday, the board will attend At the Town Hall, It Jacket, on Monday. March 2Mth. 1SM. from 3 till Sand from 7 to o'clock p.

m. At the Town Hall. Laurlum Village, on Wod. n-sday, March aoth frcm 3 till 5 and from 7 to 9 o'clock p.m. At tbe t'aDtaln's Office, at the OntonnlAl Mine, on 1 riduv.

April 1st. from 4 until o'clock p. m. FItED MACKENZIE, Township Clerk. Calumet Township, March It KUISTltATION AOTICK.

Thn tinnrrla rt rnirlatrallnn tKn of Osceola will be in session on Saturday. April icto, irum ckk! a m. until clock p. in. for the purpose registering tho names Or nil nunllfltwl vnl nnt.

I poo Ho tered Persons having removed since th last Biuuuuii i rora one precinct 10 tne other will uaw rfBi8if ior i ne precinct in wnicn tney new hbM. For prrclnct No 1 the board will meet at the uniiu uru, on i sceoia mine location. For preofnet No. 2 the lioard will me at the general office at Dollar Kay. For precinct No.

3 the board will meet at the wi uuunc, uii iuB iHiiuirHCK mine incat'on JUllil Li. VIVIAN, Township Clerk. Tamarack Mine, March, 18U8. 1 action Notices. LKCTIO.X XOT1CK.

To the Electors of the Tnwmhin nf iu iirauuuuijr nuugnion. Notice is hereby given that at the annul township election to be held on Mnnda a r.i the following officers are to be elected: "im oupt-rinur. One township Clerk. One township Treasurer. One School Inspector.

One Commissioner of Highways. One Justice of thn I'naralfnll i.rml One Member of tho Board of uvi'w un one overseer of lilirhwava Four InsDectnrs nf Riiwtirm fn. -j IKIUVl tiu, a. Four Inspectors of Election No. 6.

for Treclnct Four Inspectors of Election for Precinct IV. o. Four Constables. One Pound master. The polls of said election win ha nnm, o'clock In the forenoon, or as soon thoroufta y.

win remain open until o'clock in the afternoon, and will be held at the following places: n'ela at 0mco at th Precinct No. 2. at the rnntnln. nm vniuuivi .11 1 1 17 t60.1."0, 3 Bt tne Town HH Ited Jacket Village. Precinct No 4.

at the Captain's Offloo at the Precinct No. S. at thn Tnm it.ii rCalumetl Village. 1 Precinct No. at the Light Guard lArmory FItED MACKENZIE.

Calumet Township, 1.8'"P U'rk' JLKCTIOX NOritK. of township of Osceola In the county of Houghton: "wiiu Notice is hereby given that at the annual spring election to be held on Monday. 4 lte 'ywln township offloers are io be elected. vl: one Supervisor, one clerk, one trfrMurer. one Comml-isloner of Highways one Jostles of the Peace full termlone trmJ.

ne Member of TW Vrmh one Overseer of Jlgh ways for District No one Overseer of ilirhwava for DlstrW. Nn iKrn. woh will be open from 0 o'clock thereafter as may te afWrnoon, will be held at the following plaoei: or precinct No. 1, at the band hall, on the Oscoofa sitae loettion. 16 rv No Et th general offlce.

ih csfpenter shop, on the Tamarack mine location, y' JOHN L. VIVIAN. Tamarack STATE BANK NO. 95. SUPERIOR SAYINGS BANK.

HANco*ck, IT1IC1I. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $70,000 Commercial and Saving Accounts Received 3 PER CENT INTEREST Paid On Savings Deposits. Compounded 4 PER CENT INTEREST Paid On Oertiflcatesof depoait payibietlnH umaiuita- JOHNSON VIVIAN, E. L. WRIGHT, JACOB BAEU, C.

A. ('hTCBEU OFFICERS C. A. WRIGHT. Pres't and Manager, C.

Cashier Superior Sayings Bank. We are here to make your photos and make mem num. The qualitioa oan be noticed at sight; Material tne nest, workmansbip tne same, If the photo don't suit who la to blame Not Steckbauer Borough. Livery, Feel and Sale Stable. JOB.

TD1IDELL, Prop'r. Keepa the fin of horses and tigs In the town, and "woula call especial attention to his large sieign noiding at persons just tne tning for sleighing parties. Ui Telcpbvne Kzehaage. Portland street opposite Salvation Army llarraoas. The Lake Linden Pharmacy Our store is replete with everything requisite to a first class drugstore, new and fresh.

Prescriptions will receive especial attention and be accurately compounded at moderate prices Open all night. S. C. Paull, II Prospectus or THE "Klondyke Bulletin," 'The interest which prevails among all classes, and demand for IJp-to-Date Information about the Klondyke countrv and that great Unexplored Krltisb North America Is enormous. Any information published today obsolete in a week ro ites shown now will probably be neglected by the rush in the Spring.

On ibis account commencing December 6th, IMC, the Soo Issues this publication every week, containing all new details, routes, additional service, steamship sailing, and every feasible scheme as same develops. 1 Telegraphic Dispatches from Coast and all our Northern Terminals. In Correspondence Column will be answered every inquiry received during the week. List of principal Outfitting Firms at different points wtll be alven We have special facilities for obtaining thi information and propose to make the Klondyke Bulletin" Invaluable to every person contemplating the trip themselves, or having friends who are doing so. To be placed on mailing list send six cents (6c.) In stamps to W.R.

Callaway G. F. A. Minneapolis. Minn.

TBM IPACTB ISJ ItBBBItTBD BY TUB Calumet and Heela Mining Company. its unpLoyiiis kOBMK who wish to rent rooms and those who ksvs rooms rant are lantl sdvsnu ksvt ni-'f'TA hou.80 and two lots located on Purchase a house of six rooms to plovee of the Calumet and Ileoli. Anblr to Mrs, Bast I4 North ltockland street, PP 7 "Ifrllouse No. 825 snd lot on Laur'm. Property belongs to P.

Tommei of No JJ51 Fifth street Bed Jacket. TTanted to Kent A house of four or five corner SVtrTef lnTbaSow Apply to Joseph LoTrenchich. Bta boarders, company employes preferable. Anplyto Mrs. P.

Tailor. 17M Boundry street, Mecla. 7 J11 hJ hornet and Hecla XrMI' Vflye tPom DOUM barn on the premises. Enoulre at tbla office. ARVtiKSr room'- Ponr boarders, enmpanv am- of five rooms or mow.

'aiZ VT.V' Par ma sii-room on premises. Blulr Blue Jacket. A No. 587 Oodar street the premises to Mlks Gaspcrlch. Por Mai a A iit.mimi on the premises No.

714 east Plna wanted To newt roar or Ira Knm Apply at the NswsoffloS roomi' house on Iwada- STATE BANK NO. 201 STATE SAYINGS BAN? lAtltlUJI, nir CAPITAL JAfOII HA Kit, Vice liswu M. L. EFFINGElt, Cashier State Savings Bank, Merchants Miners' Bank. CALUHBT, UATHAL eiOO(00( 8txrplnj and undivided profits, TIlitKK PKB CKBTT PBH ANNUS PAID ON INTEHE8T DEPOSIT.

omen i CHARLES BBIQG8 P. BOPPE.JB.... H. 0U BH First National Bankh CAX.tnriBT, Hiaa, so.ooi Capital, Narplna, I Three Per Cent Per Aannm Pal4 aTlnga Deposits. Deposlu of 11 ana Upwards Received.

omoiMi BDWABD BY AN Pbssisu JOHN B. DYMOOK Vici-Pbmuhit WILLIAM B. ANDERSON Caiem First National Bank Htek. oaoilal mm Snrplas ana andlTiied rrofils EMU Three Per Cent Per Ananaa AUswm on Interest Deposits, omoin: WILLIAM HAxtHT. PailUUi PBTEB BUPPB Vici-Pbibiddi WILLIAM CONDON CAiaTD CHARLES B.

GALE, No. 0, Willow A Calumet. T' Wednesdays at Langier's Studio, Hanco*ck, Thursdays at Lake Linden. IT MATTERS NOT WHAT WE SAY It's What Onr Monro Thousands of people in tlxj copper country will gladly te- tif to our skill as an expert! opticians. I Soliollor Ref.

IP. The oldest established optician in the copp) country. With Joseph Hermann, Calumelf' every Wednesdav. F. WILLIAMS, Piano And Urgan Tnner And Ilepalrer.

Also TONE REGULATOR Has had long factory experience in repairing and tuning and is able to do first-class work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Orders left at Bodergren's druK stort or with Harry King will be prompt- Settee Dental Office, Oyer SUr Clothlnjr Ston. ornca houbi-s to s. m.i i and to I srsntprt Telephone oonneouom.

5 Arvonen The Only Gold And Silvers In the Upper Peninsula. Workshop and tors No. 473 Pine street, Ws are prepared to execute All Kinds Of Worky In gold snd silver to order litone. gems, set and mounted perfection. I-All kinds of repairing aoS Stf reas and dispatch, Engravlnc Krodlj sail and give as txUl..

The Calumet News from Calumet, Michigan (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.