The Sun from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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The Suni

Orangeville, Ontario, Canada

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'f ijpSMbjjj nQsni 1 A A NJIMIJEOG Wrigh tjBrcs He was EYI mpl wall 3 ARCHIVES OCTNTARIO ewi 4s civic vc luuuti ai ms urace on the shore days urgent cages not interfering Intel or Canada for three months on re ceipt of Ono Dollar Liberal discount allowed to postmastersgesti and clubs Sample copies mailed free Address all orders RICHARD OX ranklin Square NY Thrown on the World to iclddst A KINDS JMEAtS Market 'House Orangeville Orders prom ptlyfilled The best quality Meat Sausages always in stock Cash paid for Hides Skins and at Cattle IG83 'frfT iKwrrrf Land for Sale ABOUT orty ive Acres of Land for' sale being composed of Lot 22 6th Con East Caledon fin the Village of Mono Mills) Apply to tr CAPT JOHN PATTERSON Mono Mills ebruary 12 1890 7 Ji fi JV tl lww maawvs uetjVIl IIIQ ID UU JUUrWUI IsBdanum on the counter and served beP I YoaVtitiot''jirolihgit''fodhe hidment 1 1 I uttT1 rW' for death that should freerbet from shame She sent the boy to anoth er part of lieall unsuspic ioup 'went Whie he was gone she took the bbltle and fille'dhe little vial that sbe'had Iu hr hlnd then she paid him hastened Sway" Tbeddo dtkep Wai opened 'to her now She leld 'the kiv1 in1 hM WWISWVS' iwMvaiMj IM VIVIJ DUajJU IH VVCiJ lUllUj 'SloWly shd down the vuief I and 1 know that nothing justifies tuicide a re 'A a I She shrunk at 1 4 1 I have seen 'httmanAdesnlatinnLand by looked with wonder at her Through the tbick veil one eorild sea the white BUTCHEitS ANDDEALERRIN ATt face and the burning eyes: UJ A TV TUTie ww re i '311 A mast Bpeakoalmly gna thought "or they will think that I am mad" The himself stood on the steps of the hotel She clinched ter hands so tightly while she spoke to him that great red dents left their marks there for days afterward Is MrvRVmer here?" she asked and the man who knew her replied' madam be left at four o'clock He went to meet tbe train Ir understood Mr Rymer that he was I going to The landlord who knew that the lady before him Was called Mrs Rymer look ed at her in wonder She saw the look No need to sneer at her she would be dead soon Before people koew that she had lost her honor and her fair name she would be lying and do one sneers at death She clinched her bands more tightly and the physical bain brought her to her senses Thank you" she replied I did not know that he had Then she walked away with no trace 6f the deadly despair that bad mastered her in her manner That seems queer" said the land lord to himself "Why should be go to aris without telling his wife Still it did not concern him and he resumed his former occupation of whist ling "The Laird co*ckpen' How was she to die There was no mistake no hope left: it was nd jest but a grim horrible a shame she would not face a disgrace she could not but thedifficulty remained bow was she to die Great flushes of crimson were in the sky and the rosy light lay on tbe pave ment She passed bappy homesteads i where tbe father watched with smiles tbe I gambols of his children while the mother sung at her work She passed bappy young lovers whose shy glances told their secret and all tbe time pain and anguish were at her heart I (She could not bear it There was to be no more happy home for her no more belief in a love nor deligbtin tbe smiles of a child She must die soon before that golden sun set and be fore men knew tbe story of her shame There before her was a druggist's shop Plenty of means of death there Shg entered There was only a boy bebind tbe counter the master was out She went up to him 1 want some she said "lam sufferingUntense pain and I must have some at once" The boy looked up with aometbing like a smile Is' it toothache he askedfand she whose lips had never been sullied with a false word ij bad better take a bottle Jtedded pointing to some patent medi cine 4 3 1M A 4 Tepljed impatiently will take that as well but I must iiv laudanum Nothing but laudanum will deaden' my pain'' i 't I do not know if I can sell poison replied toId i oor child I be said gently "you wjth the deepest passion but I thought heard one cry from the Httl are innnv tn onnnA en mnnk II I 1 VDVUUVU Wil wiiak ever your sorrow mybe do not make bad worse This life will soon be ended whether it has been happy or miserable is I 4l 'W31 win uui lualiCr lO U8 fti ID6 DOUT 01 QPslu*tf Do DOt'nialie it worse eternal 4 I fcuu allo UaUK rum to it Yott kOow tbough men of hin) that V' a a 1 Dvivuuc tuy rave ana men 01 W0Uia De wisdom may you know tliat for the crime of suicide' there is no pardon 10000 PRESENTS jo UST APP1 TOC WHILE THEY LAST Wc wh send by mail nnap i mu iu uivn umiucn wire inotnvr or one to A who will try the SREAOMAKErs BAKIKO PCWDEB Cut the red circle from the label and send It In a letter Stntmir Kinioai opinion axicr Eitiwrad 10or25 win wveure ldc fptt giovvr or storekeeper knows where to getitif ashed ur oy you CHURCHILL C0T0R0KW Removed haa re0Te1 herb ress1st Of Department three doors'iir market Hats done over to GOODPAY WE want men women girls and boys in every Town Village and Hamlet inCanada tq take hold of a money making and perfectly honorable employment It will cost nothing to give it a trial Send for illustrated catalogue Address ROBERTSON Peterborough Ont MISS SNEIiL ASHIONABLE (Sflltal Dressand Mantle Maker ROD AY ORANGEVILLE TTIREDERJCKRANKLD fffitBBgL' Denist Ke 8 o1 "tend opposite Mill street office in the Jackson Block bas just received the very latest upstairs Entrance on Broadway Always! sPrD8 Summer' ashions and is pre at home Vitalized Air or any of the Pared to fin orders with neatness and sthtics used for painful extraction admin I promptitude istered when requested I 2 IWeddinp1 and dorland LD8 Den Mourning: Orders V7 tist OverLind PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO store Broadway Orange I ville Vltallzerl Air rfhn nn I Outline flnflA fz ArHnV svltilo anaesthetic) for painful extracting rmer Charges moderate pro myself his true wife Now tell me why I am so cruelly punished There has ir? I come to me to day a letter from him and he tells me I am nofliis wife that he purposely deceived me that I do hot know his namehis rank or anything of bas left me forever left me to marry a lady in bis own rank of life that he has left me money as though money could repay me God cyied the wretched girl "why did you not let me die? How am 1 to bear Tbe kindly face of the good minister grew very white as he rais ed bis band as though he would fain protest against the selfish cruelty the I sin the crime of men' I Then be laid his hand on the bowed head It is very hard cruelly hard ter ribly hard for you my poor he said "but it will be harder for him on the day when he must answer for his sins You never had the least suspicion then until now that your marriage was a false "I never even dreamed of such a thing how should I how could I I should as soon have doubted heaven as doubted It was her first experience of the wickedness but it was not his He had sqen heart broken women and wicked men before yet be had never been brought face to face with such sorrow as this You must not add to his condemna tion by adding to bis sin I' he said grave ly If you destroy yourself your death will lie at his Yet how can I live she cried passionately She plucked up the long roots of grass and fluung them away She looked so wild so bewildered that he felt afraid she would lose her reason "Others hare had the same to bear I Others have been thrown on tbe world I You must make the best of it You take a morbid view of your own case I Even suppose all he says is true you I have been deceived 1 can not see that you are guilty of any sin and if your own conscience be clear and you are in nooent before Heaven ah child I you must carry your burden bravely before men What has happened is your mis fortune not your fault Listen to me Let me try to give you more hopeful views of life A long and happy life may yet be before you though you are now friendless and thrown on tbe 1 TfVZ i la'iH b' ut xHfp USE II VETERINARY PREPARATIONS a Alterative Copdi tion powders 4 Crown Imperial Blistering Oil Carbolic Oil for Wounds Purgative or sale at Drug Store: Orangeville CHAPTER life's GRANDEST LESSON ENDURANCE to repeated Mr Douglas Let me give you nobler and higher views of She turned her despairing face to him You need not" she said gently I was well brought up 1 had teaching such as you would give to a daughter of your own lou do not quite understand Suppose even that as you say I am before Heaven quite innocent of all sin that in the eyes of men I have been betrayed not wicked supposing 'that 1 have not the weight of great and unmerited shame to bear still how can I live with a broken heart or one minute he made no answer but a light beautiful to see came over bis face She repeated her question Tell said "how am I to live with a broken heart "You could not have asked that quest ion from one who would have known the answer better than 1 he replied Look do you see that white marble cross gleaming between those trees She followed the direction of bis hand The western sunbeams lay low on the grass and the trees standing in a rosy golden light rom between them she saw the gleam of a white marble cross fw I see she replied i "My heart was broken" he said "thirty years' ago and was buried lin that: grave irith my beautiful Yet I have lived on and have done my work faithfully ever o' i rJvHer eyes rather than berwords ask ed him bow it was 1 bad loved her for six be Mid gently "but we could not matry A Northern amily Down South His chares of pine Bluff Cottage where those who wish to escape the cold Northern Winters can get Board Moderate Prices AMID THE PINES Healthiest Spot in America Address COTTAGE RESORT Pinb Bluff Moore CoN English Remedy CATARRH RHEUMATIC CURE A ipecific for the opening of the Organs of the Body that become blocked with disease PRICE 50 Cents Har what the people say The best medicine we bare Ma co*kblYj Johnson House Owen Sound It has cured me of Owen Sound Will positively cure Catarrh We have proved it Ma Killy armer County of Have tried it and it Allzh Mc Uoulb Kirkfield It'i a World Beater Send $500 aairr Chesley 8llit8 nv case Send aionganother vl00 worth John Davis Graham House Uramoton done for my wife what doctors Mid not do for Two Hundred Dollars it David Smith Simcoe bat BOt cured me of Rheumatism also my gon who was suffering very Catarrh and it has been success other cases where I recommend ''Robrt Thnrnton Brick Manufac ter Harriston ly all first class Druggists1 olegale by Lyman Bros and Evans Sons on 29 ly ORANGEVILLE I13 1 t' iUSoiwEDbC AS lh world IwSj Twrrwnf rt i jSOLft) gold buntiaff caiM IM with worka ana urueninti GREENIS PROPRIETOR THE WEST PROVINCIAL LAND SDR 1 fl Or i veyor Civil Mngineer Ac Land 111116011 00311112 £3000 Agent Conveyancer Opposite the i 1 Market I which is situated on East Broadway I opposite the Paisley House WHEELOCK A SON DOMINION I Dtt and Provincial Land Surveyors Civil HAIR CUTTING' Engineers Draughtmen Ac: County En AND SHAMPOOING ineerfor the Counties of Wellington Peel Done in the Latest Style and Dnffenn Office Third Avenue Or ngevilleOnt: When writing state place Give me a Call Wi' GREENIH TONSORT4L ARTIST CB Whkblocx WnazLocx Orangeville July 18 ian CH APTER III? I i I 1 "WHY DID YOU NOT LIT MB 1 u' I know That wheresoever I am bv niirht and dav All earth and air seem only burning Tbbrb was but one hotel in the little town "The Brae and there Alrio had gone times to play at billiards8he remembered that and perhaps even how he might be there laughing at the jest such a cruel feo unlike him GouZrf it be a jest mter all One or two strangers who passed her Remembered only the shame of her posi tion and the blight of her life She would not remember her past she would not dwell upon the innocent days of her girlhood the days when he who bad deserted her had taught her to love him She would dwell upon nothing but her betrayal and desertion Suddenly' as she sat there with the poison in her hand shelbought of tbe little ehild in the madness of her anguish fihe had almost forgotten tbe child I Who when she was dead would be left done and friendless in the wide world "Better better she moan ed to herself "than that it should know xts mother's Then she raised the vial to her lin and across the bewildered mind and whirling brain came the thought that she had to meet her God A few minutes I more and she would be face to face with the Great ather whom she had never willfully offended She fell on her knees and a wild cry for pardon came from her lips He has driven me to death God!" she said "for I can not hide the shame of my life You are more merciful than men take pity on me Did that cry pierce those beautiful skies Could there be a deeper curse on any man deeper condembation than that a woman should utter such a prayer She closed her eyesT'Sapd placed the bottle to her lips Several drops of tbe bitter thick dark liquid had been swal lowed when a strong hand dashed it from her' and it fell broken into a hundred fragments the deadly poison staining tbe I sweet green grass What are you doing cried a clear strong voice How dare you fly in the face of the living God You are seeking to kill She raised Ler haggard eyes and saw before her a stately old man whose hair was white with age hie face beautiful with goodness and benevojence' a You were going to kill yourself be said looking at her in horror But she fell at his feet crying wildly Why have you saved me Oh why 4id you not let me die little town and tbe old church with its vy clad' towers how beau tiful those great flushes of crimson' light in the Western I how sweet the song of the birds and the chime of the bells it all because the selfish sin of one man had made lire intolerable to her She was mad with shame an( sorrow no thought of right or wrong came to her She never once remembered thather life was not her own to destroy when she would she i' a "1 iwil tit Man Is published every Thursdayt the Office Sualtailding East Broadway Drhngevllle $100 ner annum in advance: ttt i 1 You do nit "jroy I mother les she should be unwilling for i wivi wuuiu nos unaerstana ay i iia the need fotsecrecy I must have been blind then I was so young I left home withhim Jeayiog a letter for my mother that 'explained all and I poor blind iofatnatedj'childp thought no harm and knew'no wrong" 1 ujShe paused for ii few moments the words'came'ffbm her lips in such Ai burn ing' torrent that he at times cd'uYd harb 4 hear them Jeri I came (With him to Scotland sir' and we were married 1 believed really honestly' and truly married If'l had not believed that sir dearly as loved hiip I would ten thousand times rather have 'died than have done' as 1 did' have lived for nearly two years' in a whifl a dream of happiness I thought auvlwlHklvw va as VUUllll VII9S often and often that heaven oould not be What dn in Hint I 1 Ct fairCr brighter sweet than earth and me I often in the first mad anguish whenmy baby came my heart melted grief did 1 1 dare to raise my eves with gratitude to God tHimven and sk why wasTf why I ho taken away why could npt her HiJ'bir listen tome I was brought up most sweet and gentle life have been modestly to love to value mo soul'spared They both died' Mother and he I tq value my fair name above all other I together iShe died in ureut niouy i wiHiuufc uuu wora lor me who lovau her I gifts 1 loved this mao who wooed me I wi ner 'I 1 ISO 1 never saw inv hhv a avaa a le voice 1 I was like one mad running from room to I room asking the question that no one 1 could answer "Why did she die I As surely as the sky shines above us my heart broke in that hour ho words I that I could invent would describe my sorrow My heart was buried with my I wife yet I have lived on for thirty long years and I never call in question the will of my Lord God I bow my head in lowest submission and you child you young and beautiful mav live with a broken heart if you will do the same" I Then and for the first time she broke into a wild passion of tears vwas half my she wailed he was all of it I bad nd thought outside my love 1 went to sleep with his name on my lips my last thought was of him I woke up blessing the bright day bfcause it would give him to me The World is I all dark all cold all desolate: With A out my love my love 1 I do not know how to live 1 His face made my light my sunshine my brightness His love made my warmth my happiness Are the summer days to pass and never briug him Are the flowers to bloom the sun to shine the leaves to bud on the I trees years to come and years to go yet never bring him once to me? I cannot bear it 1 I do not know how to live There was something so utterly des I pairing in her grief that tears rose to i the old eyes' "You do not know what such love as I mine is like she cried "Do you know do you know that if he stood there before me now I should fling myself at his feet and foririve him all "I do not think you would he has betrayed you As far as lay id his power he has spoiled your love Re member that while you gave him a pure and noble love be gave you nothing but la selfish passion undignified by the name of love Tryto forget him" He never forgot the look she gave I him i him she cried when the birds forget to sing the flowers to bloom when the sun forgets to shine and the earth forgets its light when 1 lie my grave cold and dead I shall not forget him Let him pass by and call my name had I lain there for twenty long years should loot hear it orget my pulse will stand still my heart will cease to beat but I shall remember him Her face flushed hotly her eyes grew bright and wild shall stand some day Before the judgment seat of God" she said ing my blighted ruined life in my haud I shall not forget him then" is mine saith the You cannot forget him child ydu must forgive him she repeated when I cease to remember how I lovo him how he wooed me how he has held my hands clasped in his own how he has kissed mv lios and called mb his 1 wife his sweet wife his dear wile his loving wife how he lias made medove him until my soul has grown one with his and my heart torn from his is like a heart rent in twain when I eease to 1 remember all this 1 will forgive him" There was silence between them ful some little time The vesper song ot the birds was dying away the leaves stirred faintly on the trees the flowers waved in the long grass the shadows fell darker tbe round golden suu had I set The minister bent his white head nearer to the girl The first smart of your sorrow is on ydu he said I know it is hard to bear VVilf you give me one promise You have been a eood liild and have said prayers at your knee you have had a little child lying in your own arms will you promise me by your love for your mother and your child by your love and respect lor the great God Himself not to try again to take your life Listen child to thgse sweet chimes look at the blue skies take some little comfort and give me your She raised her wliito face to his 1 do see how I am to bear my life do not see how I am to live without him Tie greatest merev the greatest kindness would be for some one to slay me here where I am but what you ask me tor uoa sake 1 will not refuse I promise you that come what may I will never take my own I thank Heaven said the old man Now child listen and obey me go home and do not turn to sick shudder ing from the helpless child who is there find comfort in it love it doubly because he who should love it is its worst enemy A Do you tell me in all sincerity that you! will never touch the money that thiff man whom you uelieve to Le your hus band has settled on you "I would rather that my baby and 1 starved to death she replied "1 commend you I think you are right You will want then to work for your own living Yes I can work 1 war never ashamed never too proud to Yon will go from hero a'nd seek for the means of earnin' tnonev an some large city perhaps As well that as anything else" re pncu mu Kriy wearily continued on 4th page itcaf 'KW 4 til It DiseSse4 arecurod rncanre radical change In' the Mfstaffi' riThe proOeaa in aome caaee inay not (jqnlte so rapid a in others but with persistence th result is certalaJ Bead these testimonials mi! i "or two years 1' suffered TTe 1117 sideband other troubles caused by a torpid liver and erta AaWImm Aw ill Jivn uwjl'Swa com i pletely John Benson 70 Lawrence st LoWell Maks i Last May $rok4 out ii oa my arm1 The nsual remedies had no effAQfe And I Wftffi AAnflnad vn I eight weeks A friend induced me to try' '3 AvenKirunUHiia lu bottles healed the sore InallmyexpZ 1 YlanOA with vneJUt i Rwjnaore WonderfulResuIts if Another marked effect of the use of this' the strengthening of my Adams Holly tu had a dry scaly hn mor for yearsana suffered terribly and as my broth er aad sister were similarly afflit ted 1'1 malady is hereditary Last Dr Tyron of ernandina la recommended me to take Sarsaparilla and continue it for A year! I took it daily I have' not had ffi lllfsvniafi nrvn raw 5 ai i last three months" Wiley 1 Chambers st New York City fall andwintar I wasitroubled'with a dull heavy pain in my aide I did not notice it much at first blit it I J55" until icDecama almost unbearable' During the part of this time disorders of the stem achaad liver increased my I began 'taking Sarsaparilla and ter faithfully continuing the use of medlcineifor some months the pain disappeared and I was I completely red Augusta A urbush i HaverlnMass VUI ma 9 rRKABKD BT i at Ayer Co Lowell Massl Pries1 al4 bottlca 5 Worth 4abouls I we were When this liv fing was given to me this pretty rectory llbcchtne my own with its fsirsurround jogs of flowers and trees I made it more beautiful still for her and bfouj I her home here one summer's dy uy wife Ah myrdear isTgiven to some of us to drink our chalice with tho foam on it to taste Abe highe blit to driuk the very dregs of thecup of'despair or one whole year I lived with my wife so happily that allsl bad conceived of thAGarden of Eden seemed jg mp faiot as a dream in comparison I was so intensely ko wonderfully happyJHhat I used to go about trying what do for others and bow I could bekt dif fuse this great joy of mine or one year one short Jirief year out of a long life time We Were look ing forward then to the birth a little child and my wife sweet face ere brighter and sweeter each day with the anticipation of her comine bliss nnk uu yuu LIllDK UH 0061)0(1 all In a I whenmy baby came my heart melted grief did I dare to raise my eyes LI i'V 'ntrm a 1 I A oaiJii'WnX'3 Vi TftftH S' 'Is AV If re i 4 iijssil lads 1 till cl ilijifa' njj 'a e'isd Im 1 CHAPTER IV THROWN ON THE WORLD 4 1 i Life is mine I who gave it Alone can take The rector stooped and raised the un I bappy girl in his arms he looked in wonder at the white haggard face with its terrible itppressl of Buffering he won dered at her youth her beauty her sor TOW i i ti can have driven her to death?" he though She had not such misery as hers is rarely lost in uncon solousness He placed her on the grave where jhe bad been sitting and again she moaned: Why did you let me die:" He looked down on not fankind 1 I ly he had seen too much of human suffering forthatT" jf gaw ybu standing on therink of precipice he said riot draw you back If I saw you falling in Tbere is some law or other about can sell it to trustworthy people Slie jt 1 Lave to gn my name in book Xoa from tho pii od gnifaiah thoM 7 4f I know my I am Mrs Rymer of I eyes Histtnaiims ead Orangeville 10 MONEY ADVANCED 4y' I To armers and others on endorsed notes rvv I O1 good collaterals vouutyClerk I drafts issued PARTIES having business to transact lAusual teson principal business centres with the County Clerk will find him I in Ontario and Quebec and the on 1st DEPOSITS RECEIVED a to 3 ere I toOrangeville X7t Pnt I inu HEID I made on reasonable terms County Clerk I Monthly cattie airs At Gallery tRr 0g ISSOOperdozen Cabinet Photos $200 per doz Saturday before Guelph Card PhotOS per doz 2 Tintypes for25e and all other Third Tuesday in each month pictures in proportion Tuesday before Orangeville Ti above offer will last for a short time Tuesday before Guelph just to let my customers and the public pinkertonStationBrantConty generally know that I have got through Bruce last Thursday in each month fire smoke and water and am in a po Second Monday in each month 81 to turn you out better pictures than riaeus Thursday following Mount orest I be got elsewhere in town Scenery the irst Wednesday in each month I best accessories of the very Swing Wednesday after the second Tuesday I Hammock Ac Satisfaction guaranteed Hamovbb Monday before Dmham LYpurs truly Harriston riday before Guelph I irst Thursday In each' month I Photographer Hocklky The last Thursday in January I Orangeville Ont Anril lliltruwzi I ergus A Guelph road same day I as Elora I Listowbl irst riday in each month I Tuesday before Orangeville I Maravillr Wednesday before Orangeville I Moorbvild Monday before Guelph Mount orrst Day after Dnrham I 1 Naw irst Tuesday in each I month Pricb Monday before Durham Wednesday before Orangeville I Tuesday before Guelph 1 T7z zw I Dr Smith will in fu JD XO CoLLS Lf ture devote each Thursday to the re: The Div'e ii peptlon and treatment ot cases of Squint bjiTiaa World will be milled securely wrapped to any address iu the United on 'fit' WWW rwa i IIBVC 0VVU ftQQ Ltarleu oftLe Wllp tfce sweet old chimes Jt I misery ithit oould dot lie exceeded he was do longer a question of how should I continued remedy is to sue diebuc Irbcre jVberq should she LGodjiot uWilfuUeatructioDxCda jfbu take her last look aC tholair smiling loot trust mo with the story of four sor Aa'kiL 't I 1 A I Ma i AJciure uer lay ine cnuroh yaa there the dead slept iu 'pbace there was reet from shame 'from disgrace from mis ery would1 go "there 'andi sitting on one of those green graves would drink the laudanum and 1 That is my deatif kneH' she said to herself 'listening to lhe 'plain nhimes She sat down' on grave'that had been made under tbe'shade of a haw 1 thorn tree' then looked "round bn earth and sky'" Her farewell glance' and how fair that world was How grand I Ik Ch rtiafanl LSHre I wssvwaauw U1IIO UUVVrCU WHO 0100 COV ered with how beautiful the Would you like to be cut off foreverummer foods' with their shady calm from the face of the' Great God and springing' flowers' how beautiful the I 1 I had not thought of that" she re plied only thought that I could not bear the shame of my life' 'sat silent for some minutes be watching intently her beautiful ghastly face Suddenly she looked up at him Can you tell me why this has hap pened she said "I have been a good gir tall my life I do not remember that 1 have ever willfully sinned I have been proud of my fair name 1 thought it the crowning glory of my life the crown of my womahood the one pearl beyond price Iwas never a coquette I never I spoke a light word 1 never gave a free look I wab modest as the white daisies here growing over the dead If anyone to tempt me had offered me the whole world as the price of my honor and fair name 1 should have despised it Now can you tell why this happened why my life istobe one long shame She spoke with such passionate eager ness he could hard ly follow her i You he said gently "that 1 do not know what has happened Will you not tell me A crimson flush came oventhe despair ing face she flung herseft upon the ground I cannot she cried "I cannot sully my lips with my own Mr Douglas looked at her not know ing what to do The bells were chiming more slowly now the sun was setting birds were folding their wings tho flow ers closing their eyes the crimson flushes were dying out of the western skies the gloaming was coming on What was he to do with the unhappy girl lying with her race hidden in the grass not weep iog not fainting but cold and silent in her despair He would ot leave her there He bent over her Have you father or mother living?" he asked and she answered him that her father had been dead many years but that her mother still lived far away though far away" Tell me where he asked patient ly Away in in Kent among tbe hills and orchards Will you not go to her or let me send for her she 1 shall never look upon face again Oh sii if you would but leave me to die I I cannot indeed cannot bear my Have you not looked up to the min isters of God as bolding any authority?" he asked 'gravely Yes" she answered with a weary woe begone expression deepening on her tace Then by that he said "I command you to tell me your story" I was she said "and cursed listen to me cursed with a beautiful when a stranger came to our town and married me He was handsome and clever ah me 1 there is no one like him He asked tne to marry him and my mother said 1 loved him how can I tell you how I wor shipped him? you would think it wicked He was the very light of my eyes the pulse of my heart I said I had done mo wrong Thad forgotten' My mother wanted' us to be married at the church in our town but he was not willing he told me he expected' some money from a relation who would never leave it tri him if ho found that Le was married' He asked me if I Would consent to keep the marriage secret for some time and I told bimYes He asked mo if instead of being1 married at' my1 hbffie'i I whuld to Scotland there was was danger for him'4iesaid in being married in Eng' land 3 I tt "I was inribcent'of 11' wrdng guile all a little child but 1 wrong of my life when consented He pleaded so earnestly with me he asked me not to tell my so 4 Atte riAnu lumnui mwww $ivv yvi uuuil iu aUyBDvvt a ou paiawitftin six monthffH'or $200 at viritine Oranevl I teatray LL VB lnterels Partiee deMrou of having 13 cent" a line to gr i Tier oUBinesa cards not exceeding ten a' from the following firms iinAa WiiltomA0 PctiqjUrecttona jlll be inserted fantlMbr! 8 1K bid and qhrged according Advertise T3 I mente'W ten and utidei7ffl Ofor three I I insertions RusiBeis notices inserted in af I rqadingcQlamns at 10 cents a Une for first La VAsa I insertion and 5 cents line for each subse I AiiAnf 1 nanrHnn Burdock Blood Bitters ruyB Bureuvn uivvu Airtvore 6 months $35 3 months $15 Half col ft a purely vegetable oompound possessing' I utrin 1 year 35 mos perfect regulating powere orar all the organs I $15 Quarter year $20 tbe system and controlling their socro months $l2 tf taoiiths '8 One ekht'oftiom 1 yearffii mbnthi $8 1 KT I Job RriwMwff of every 'description VUJA lteV I turned out inihebest style and moderate MI bleed humors and diseases from a com I prSi5t rtf a won pimple to the wont scrofulous sore and I kanx nblishea lUtoombined with its unrivalled regulating I fifclwuing and purifying influence on the I 1 Wntioiw of the liver kidneys bowels and 11 Any pereon pr person who take a paper render it unequalled as a cure tor all vegularlyXrom the post office'' whether tidMesofths "fHfectfd inhis or nawwJ2 father hr has SUbsdrfbedXfTSbt is re SKIN I ffliWiissjMX I 1 ed hertnust pay nil arrearsfothe pub rom one to two bottles will cmi boile I lisherA my ooatinoo mend it pimples blotches nettle rash scurf tetter I payment It Made andtlfgn collect the jndaUi he WU tauM akin disease I whole amount whetherthe paper is rom two to four bottles will cure salt rheum I taken or not or eczema shingles erysipelas jiloen ab 3 'phe courts thaklefnsing weoiM running sores and all skin eruptions I tn take a newanaiwr 7 a noticeable snffekerwfrom Lm re newspaper or periodical frpm junuu waeauMwwajAivBi sain 1 the post office or removing and leaving I a them uncalled for taprima facie levi 11 I wn 4 JI Id I nee of intended Are nearly always aggravated by intolerable SfrirtttLs Itching bat this quickly subsides on the I 'o4! Mmovtl of the disease by BBB Passing I jm to graver yet prevalent diseases such as Kiofulous swellings humors and I tor Acr OfflcC Nearliopposite OtrttM 11 the Paisley House in the ead RloCk tea I I I 14 fl I BT 'n Orangeville A large amount ofjirivate I WW BsniA I money to loan at lowest BARRISTERS Ac Application (diluted if the skinis broken) to Solicitors in Chancery Insolvency fte affected parts will effect a cure The On the ground floor opposite the Sreat mission of is to rrgnl Gordon House Broadway Orangeville rer kidneys bowels and blood to conect I Money to loan at 6 per cent 4 acidity and wrong action of the atomach I Elgin MybKs Giorgi Robb i and to open sluice ways ot the system I 1 to earry off all clogged and impure aecre I JT I IMTnlYss bona allowing nature thus to ud recovery I WWa sf As AUCAay sad remove without fail TbARKISTER Ac Officer Over' a i I Reid A Store Orangeville JI ri 1 fl fl II I Bounty Solicitor Ac Private unds to I Loan on Easy Terms Lirer complaint biliousness dyspepsia aiek I 1 beadache dropsy rheumatism and every I 2 ill species of disease arising from disordered I fSLVllrXlsl 1 1 liter kidneys stomach bowels and blood I 1 A TAMES HENRY bLD CPSOCOR the Counties of Simcoe and be glad to real tertLoniata and in of Women formation proving the effects ot in I Mnd Children a specialty LEWIS DMCPS GRADUATE I of University Office in rear of Dodds' Drug Store Orangeville HR! ur "TW" ivr 'Sir? I 1 ikitl L're (iQ re ref Mff le Lm 1 i iWUlSn If JH DAYS GONE BY4 the days gone byl The apples in 'the orchard and the'pathway' through ihe rye ie! The'clrrup of the robbin 'nf1 the quail '1 Ashe piped across the' mejdowssweei asPyMKhtlugaifli When the bloom was on thecpver andthh blue was in the aky I art Andm'y happi heart brimmed aver In the day gone by) si 4ra 1 ja)Ij 1 ntit? wi tassiif I 1X1 uays one wnen my nakta test were' I Byj thei faere jhe water lilies dipped I Andthe ripples of the river Upped the arose along sne nanK ic js tuatv Where the placid eyed andlasy footed 'cattre restore Are lt And the tilting snipe stood fearless of the 1 1 truant's wayward erv 'UJsrt And the spTdsMug'of thunwiffirn'er in' the a nt days gone byu row 3: 0 thedaysgone the diys by The music of the laughjng lip the lustre cf I I The childish faith in furies and Aladdin's magic 4ldi7 rt sThe simple squl reposing glad belief in I bod 1 fo WhenJifo was like a story holding neither isv sob'nor sigh mn In the golden' olden srlorv of the davs'ironh vypj jp r' iTt' Alterative and ge iif the Ulstein Lake Cottage" rt'' Theo jbefqre shg hadfio ished the hoth' her 'handsin his' they that it was not hers The boy I were cold as that tbe sJcnI aS at rS rema A re re sL re fl efl mb I a a a 'SuLre 2 I uiw uvt uwuicuauw true criaisoo miso chat i mjbcr him ky eanw overhcrjfacea th pain I poor child" ho sailqurotiyl "do7? the bottlof life is'ndt your own? iMdanum on the counter and served beP I faiomenttb 1 a smeH qfaanttty SheJwBS longing I norm can your dare td destroy it jGod gnvOi ijk'tqiypu God will take if back' You may not fling it in His AC Vein aareA fare re are 9 re I re 7 rtf ujuucunn No ldo not know perjjipj4 your particular sorrow but I am an old I man now 'khd ill my life long I have 'been teaching law of God 'l have seen I suffering in every shape in' every form street' At the end 'Sttfod the irtd ifoufeb Troth the tdwer of which P' A a t4 2" rs sms 4 4 MWSW res st i 7 i SU 5 1 yw Ws SiV'1 wi flvte Jg 'JJ 'I aiii i' re rea it teMil AAsJ" rev 1BOQI yoM a HL re AX urereuw I' wkw amsflk i' 11! IJIlKiS 'i 1 4J JXH1KV 0JBZ1 Arefl A fTtS Hr IB a ra a' lH TJ AiC? ikJUJUre tt Li 1 I are LM ywwyiAMte flfte 9 a 11 I PiE 03 'V Hta iM tr ri 7 rexSW 4U S' fre TJ ft 11 I I 'I 1 1 I II I iOEE 1 sd.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.