Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (2024)

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (1)

NASA Conwaetor Report 8706


Low-Temperature Forming

" of Beta Titanium Alloys

R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods !

Lockheed.Cal|_ornia CompanyBur6ank, Call_ornfa

Prepared for ,,Lan|ley Researeh Center •:under Contraet NA$1.15S68


Nli(lorHilAeror_ullc8 .,Sflece_4'_tratlc_





https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19840003185 2020-06-13T22:52:06+00:00Z

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (2)


This final report summarizes a study performed for the NASA LansleyResearch Center under Contract NAS1-15558, InvesCtgettan of Low TemperatureFormins of Beta Titanium Alloys for Supersonic Cruise Research (SCR) Applica-tions, for the nertod December 1978 to.December 1982. Mr. D. M. Royscer was

the technical monitor for NASA. Results from concurrent Lockheed internalresearch studies on beta titanium alloys are also reported.

The program was conducted by the Lockheed-California Company, Burbank,with Mr. R.S. Kaneko of the Materials and Processes Department the ProjectLeader. Lockheed personnel who made key contributions to the program were:

Materials and Productbtltty C.M. Carrie, R.J. Retseck

Structures C.A. Woods, G.W. Davis,

J.C. Ekvall, M.U. _c_ster,L. Young, P. Schell

Manufacturln_ Research J.K. Lawson, F.H. Ruse, :T.F. Imholz, L. Moses

Structures and Materials Laboratory R.L. Lows, J.H. Cox,T. Gillette, F. Plckel,W. Renslen, T.K. HukherJl

Quality Assurance W.W. Leudere, J.F. Crocker,M.J. BerR

Creep ana elevated temperature compression coupon tests were conductedat t_ Battelle Columbus Laboratories under the direction of J. Van Echo.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (3)



Task Page i

_)REWORD ill• • • • • 'e



SUI_AKY ..... I




Literature Survey ...... 5

Test Materials ...... 5

Screening Testa ..... O

Formabillty Indices .... 7

Aged Mechanical Properties . 7


Press Brake Bending .... 20

Stretch Forming . , 21

Hydroformlng . . . 22

Comparison With Other Alloys 22


Aging Studies .... 36

Ti-15-3 ..... 36 ':

Beta-C ...... 37

Forming Linit Dia-rem (FLD) 37


Tension and Com,_reseion 56Notch Tension ..... 57 _

Creep ......... 58

Fati8 ue ....... 58

Fatigue Crack Growth 50

Fracture Toughness (R-Curve) _ 60



.. t_a


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (4)


Task Page


Brazing DeveXopment . . 106

C_ippliag Tests . , . 107

Welding Development . . 109


Desisn and Fabrication . 126

Testing ....... 127


Design and Fabrication . 136

Static Compression Tests 136

Fatlgue/Cra_k Growth . 137

NeIRht Study .... 140

Cost Study ..... 140


Desisn and Analysis 160

Fabrication .... 161

Testing ...... 163

Weight/Cost Study 164



REFERENCES .......... 195

, •

.- vi


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (5)


Figure Page

1 Microstructure of 0.065 in. Beta-C ghcc_ Solutioned

1600°F for 30 Minutes and Air Cooled. Longitudinal(Upper) and Transverse (Lower) Cross-sections.Sots Rough Surface. Meg. 100X ............ 16

2 Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for Two

Beta Titanium Alloys - Task I .......... 17

3 KR Versos Effective Crack Extension, TI-15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn0.063 Inch Sheet, T-L Orientation - Task I......... 18

4 KRVersus Effective Crack Extension. TI-13V-IICr-3AI0.063 Inch Sheet, T-L Orientation - Task I........ 19

5 Brake Bending Die Configuration ........... 27

6 Room Temperature Sprlngback of Annealed Ti-15-3 ...... 28

7 Influence of Bend Angle and Radius onCircumferential Strain ................ 29

8 Cross Sections of (T) Bends in 0.065 in. Beta-C.

Mag. lOOX ................. 30

9 Cross Sections of (L) Bends in 0.065 in Beta-C.

M_8. IOOX (Reduced 63X) ............ 31

I0 Stretch Formed Specimen Conflgoration (Heel-out Angle)... 32

lI Hydrofor_ing Test Configuration Illustrating SelectedLocations for Formability EvaluatLon ......... 33

12 HydroformTooliug ................ 34

13 Examples of Acceptable and UnacceptableHydroformed TI-15-3 Specimens ........... 35

14 Longltudlnal Tensile Properties of 0.080 in. TI-15-3Sheet at Room Temperature and 600°F for Various

Aging Cycles .................. 46

15 Longitudinal Compressive Properties of 0.080 in.Ti-15-3 Sheet at Room Temperature and 600°F forVarious Aging Cycles .............. 47

16 Microstructure of Ti-15-3 Tenbile Specimens (Grip Area)Aged 925°F - 12 Hours. Mag 400X ......... 48

17 Tensile Properties of 0.065 in. Beta-C Sheet at Room

Temperature and 600°F for Various Aging Cycles ..... 49 : :


vii ,,_.... lib'Ill ............ b , ..... __2 . ,. ,


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (6)


Figure Page

18 Room Temperature Compressive Properties of 0.065 in.Beta-C Sheet for Various Aging Cycles ....... 50

19 Hicrostructure of 0,065 in. Beta-C Aged 1000OF -6 Hours. Longitudinal Direction ........ 51

20 Punch and Die Set for FLD Test ......... 52

21 Tt-15-3 FLD Test Specimens, 0.080 in. Sheet ...... 53

22 Forming Limit Diagram for 0.080 in. Tt-15-3 Sheet . . . 54

23 Comparison of FLD Strains for 0.080 in. Ti-15-3 with

Accua] Forming Strains and Other Alloys ........ 55

24 Typical Ti-15-3 Panel After Stretching ........ 79

25 Processing Effects on Room Temperature TensileProperties of Ti-15-3 (Average Data). 80

26 Processing Effects on -65°F Tensile Properties ofTi-15-3 (Average Data) ....... 81

27 Processing EfFects on 600°F Tensile Properties ofTI-15-3 (Average Data) ...... 82

28 Processing Effects on Room Temperature Tensile

Properties of Beta-C (Average Data) . . 83

29 Processing Effects on -65°F Tensile Properties of

Eeta-C (Average Data) ..... 84

30 Processing Effects on 600°F Tenslle Properties ofBeta-C (Average Data) .... 85

31 Processing Effects on Room Temperature CompressiveProperties of Ti-15-3 (Average Data). 86

32 Processing Effects on -65°F Compressive Properties of

Ti-15-3 (Average Data)... 87

33 Pre saing Effects on 600°F Compressive Properties ofTi-t. J (Average Data) .... 88

34 Processing Effects on Room Temperature CompressiveProperties of Beta-C (Average Data) 89

35 Processing Effects on -65°F Compressive Properties ofBeta-C (Average Data) ..... 90

36 Processing Effects on 600°F Compressive Properties ofBeta-C (Average Data) ...... 91

37 Parent Unnotched (Kt - 1.0) Fatigue Test Results forTwo Beta Titanium Alloys ..... 92



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (7)


Figure Page

38 Parent Notched (Kt - 2.6) Fatigue Test Results forTwo Beta Titanium Alloys ............ 93

39 Constant Amplitude Notched (K t = 2.6) Fatigue TestResults for 0.080 in. and 0.063 in. Ti 15 3 inVarious Conditions .............. 94

40 Constant Amplitude llnnotched (Kt - 1.0) Fatigue TestResults for 0.080 in. Ti-15-3 in Various Conditions .... 95

41 Room Temperature Fatigue Test of Single OverlapBrazed Titanium Joints ............. 96

42 Brazed Lap Shear Fatigue Samples Selected forFractography ................ 97

43 Microstructure and Fatigue Crack Path of Brazed andAged Lap Shear Specimen No. 4-17. Arrows Denote GrainBoundary Alpha-Phase Precipitate in the Ti-15-3 ...... 98 l

44 Microstructure and Fatigue Crack Path of Brazed andAged Lap Shear Specimen No. 11-2. Arrows Denote GrainBoundary Alpha-Phase Precipitate in the Beta-C ....... 99

45 Fatigue Crack Growth Rates of 0.080 in. Ti-15-3 inAir and Saltwater ........ 100

46 Fatigue Crack Growth Rates of Nonstrained 0.080 in.TI-15-3 in Two Directions ...... I01

47 Fatigue Crack Growth Rates of Prestralned 0.080 in.T-15-3 in Two Directions ....... 102

48 Fatigue Crack Growth Rates of Nonstrained andPrestrained 0.080 in. Ti-15-3 in L-T Direction. 103

49 Fatigue Crack Growth Rates of Nonstrained andPrestrained 0.080 in. Ti-15-3 in T-L Direction. 104

50 KR vs Effective Crack Extension of Aged0.080 in. Ti-15-3 ........ 105

51 Isothermal Brazing Concept ............ 113

52 Effect of Braze Cycle on Tensile Strength of !

Ti-15-3 Sheet ............... 114 ._

53 Roo._ Temperature Brazed Joint Shear Strength of Some

Candidate Aluminum Brazing Alloys ....... 115 _.

54 Room Temperature Shear Strength of Brazed Titanium Joints . 116 "}'i.t.


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (8)


Figure Page .d

55 600°F Shear Strength of Brazed Titanium Joints ..... 117

56 Sections Thru 3003A1 Isothermal Brazed Joints. (Top)Ti-15-3/Ti-6A1-4V, abed 940°Y-12h; (Bottom)Beta-C/Ti-6A1-4V, ABed lOOOOF-Sh, t4sS. 250X ..... 118

57 Specimen Geometry for Short Column Crippling Tes¢_ ofZee-Stiffened glemnnts ............ 119

58 Typical Test Installation - Short Column CripplingTests of Zoo-Stiffened Elements ........ 120

59 Ti-15-3 Zoo-Stiffened Elements After Crippling Test . 121

60 Beta-C Zee-Stiffened Elements After Crippling Test.. 122

6l Bxamplee of Load/Strain end Load/Deflectiou Curves -Short Column Cripplin B Test of Beta-C Zoo-StiffenedElement - Specimen B .............. 123

62 Hardness Traverse of TIC Butt Welds in 0.080 in.Ti-15-3 Sheet ............... 124

63 Hardness Traverse of T_G Butt Welds in 0.065 in.Beta-C Sheet ................ 125

64 Specimen Geometry for Short Column Crippling Tests dof Titanium Hat-Stiffened Panels .......... 130

65 Stzaln GaBs Locations on Room Temperature Panels -Short Column Ccipplin B Tests of Hat-Stiffened Panels. 131

66 Typical Test Installations for Short Column CripplingTests of Hat-Stiffened Panels ......... 152

67 Failed Panels with Ti-15-3 Stringers - Short ColumnCrippling Tests of Hat-Stiffened Panels ..... 133

68 Panel 6-9, Strain ve Load (Cases 3 and 8) - Short ColumnCrippling Tests of Hat-Stiffened Panels .... 134

69 Failed Panels with beta-C Strlnsers - Short ColumnCrippling Tests of Hat-Stiffened Panels ..... 135

70 Cold-Formed, Isothermal Brazed Representative TitaniumWing Panels - Task 7........... 145

71 Strain Gage Locations, EdBe Clamp Details, Potting BoxInetallatlo_, Panel 7-2. Boom Temperature Long Column ..Compression Test of Representative Wi_g Pane] ..... 146



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (9)

1Figure Page !

! i

i_ 72 Strain CaSe and Thermocoupla ArranseMnts. Pane! 7-1. ji_ Elevated Temperature Lens Column Compression Teat of_;_ Repre Wins 147_ sentaCive Panel ..............

73 Isiotallation of Panel No. 7-2 in the 40G-kip Universal j:":" Static Test Machine for Room Temperature Lens Column_ Compression Test of Representative Wins Panel. (LVDT T

Deflection Transducer is at the Top of the Fixed Head)... 148

76 View of Panel No. 7-I Durin S Elevated Temperature LensColumn Compression Test. (Inside of One of the Heatersis Visible.) ................ 148

75 Panel 7-2, Load/Strain Curves (Gases 3 and IG), LongColumn Compression Testa of Representative WinS Pauels... 149 7

76 Unit Flight Loadin S Sequence and Masnitudes for BetaTitanium Alloys Study, Upper Surface Panel ..... 150

77 Fatigue Test Setup, Pauel 7-3 ........... 151

78 Strain Case Locations - Fatigue/Crack Growth Panel 7-3... 152

79 Fatigue and Static Compression Test Installations ofPanel No. 7-3 ............... 153

_ 8G Computer Loadin S Scan Durin S Flight 10GO - Fatigue/CrackGrowth Test of Representative WinS Panel 7-3 .... 154


81 Crack Growth in Ti-6A1-4V Skin During Second Applicationof 20,000 - Flight Spectrum, Panel 7-3 ....... 155

82 Predicted and Actual Crack Growth History -Fatigue/Crack Growth Test of Representative

! : WinS Panel 7-3 ................ 156

83 Two Views of Panel 7-3 Crack Geometry Iulaediately Prior toResidual Strength Compression Test. (Top) Rat Side,(Bottom) Skin Side ............ 157

84 Panel 7-3, Strain vs Load (Gases 5 and 10), ResidualCompression Strength Test Following Fatigue/CrackGrowth Test of Representative Wins Panel ...... 158

85 View of Panel 7-3 Following Residual Compression Test :im_ Failure. (End Fixtures and Strain Gage Leads Removed)... 159

86 Candidate Metal Matrix Composite Selective _!i Reinforcement Concepts ............ 172


-- I III I Im I .... ..........


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (10)


._sure Pese

87 Microscruc_urs of T1-15-3 and StC/Ti-6-4 Brazed with3003 A1 and Apd 940°F for 12 Hours ........ 173

' 88 Fhotomtcro$raphs of the Transverse Section Throush thei Center of • SpoCvsld Between 0.040 in. T1-6-4 (Am,.)! and 0.063 in. Tt-15-3 (a8ed) ......... 174

89 Phocomicrosraphe of the Transverse Section of theI StC/Ti-6-4 Composite Away from the Spotweld Ares

Show£uS the D£scrtbuCion of $1C Filaments. Note _vidouoef of Unfilled Gaps Between the Filaments (Arrows in

i Upper Photo) .................. 17590 Photomicrosreph8 of the Transverse Section Throusb the

i Center of the SpoCweld Between Ti-15-3 and SiC/Ti-6-4.

i Note the Fine Solidification Structure and the ShrinkeseCracks Around the SiG Filaments. Black Arrows Delineatethe Molten Reston of the Wsld Nusset. White Arrows

r Outline the Heat-Affected Reston in the Beta TitaniumAlloy .................. 176

91 Photomterosraph8 of the Lon$ttudinal Section Throush theCenter of the Spotweld Between T1-15-3 and SiC/Ti-6-4.Note Bandies of the SiC Filsment_ . . ........ 177

92 A SEN Photosraph of a Silicon Carbide Filament aud itsAdjacent Area Taken From the _lteu t_Stou of Weld NusKetShowln 8 ShrtnkJse Cracks end Dendritic SolidificationPattern (Arrows_ Within These Cracks. Letters A, B, Cand D Denote the Locations _uantitacive EDX AnalysesWere Made. 680X ................ 178

93 Sections Throush the Center of Resistance Bonds BetweenT1-15-3 end SiC/Tt-6-4 with No Meltin S at the Interface.Outline of HAZ 18 Visible ............ 179

94 Brazed Zee-Sttffened Elements Reinforced withSiC/Ti-6-4144C, After Crtpplins Test ......... 180

95 Representative WinS Panel Conftsuration with I_CReinforcement for Task 8 Wetsht/Cost Study ...... 181


" " 00000001-TSA12

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (11)


Table Pqe

_, Salactnd Room Temperature Properties of Candidate BetaAlloys (Task 1 Literature Survey) . . . . ..... , , , • . g

2 Creep Resistance end Thermal Stability of Candidate BetaAlloys (Task 1 Literature Survey) ......... . . . . 10

3 As-receivnd Titanium Shear Properties and Usala • . . . . • . ll

4 Matrix of Task I Screanin 8 Tests ............ 12

S Materiel Properties of Annealed 0.063 In. GaleTi-I$V-3Cr-3A1-3Sn and Ti-13V-IICr-3AI (Task 1) ....... 13

6 Effects of Strainin$ Followed By Asins On Tensile Propertiesof Two Beta Titanium Alloys (Task 1). , .... , ..... 14

7 Creep Results for Two Beta Titanium Alloys Tasted at 600°Fand 100 KSI for 1000 Hours (Task l) . ........ . . . . 15

8 Effect of ASin s on Bend AnSle of 0.080 In. T_-IS-3 Brake_ormsd Parts ......... . ......... . . . 23

3 9 Room Temperature Brake Rondtns of 0,065 In. Bata-C Sheet... 2410 Warm Brake Bendi_s of 0.06S In. Beta-C Sheet ........ 25

! 11 Evaluation of Stretch Formed Specimens ........... 25

12 Tt-15-3 8ydroformtns Results ................ 26

! 13 Room Temperature Formabtlity of Titanium Alloys ....... 27

_- 14 Room Temperature Tension Test Results of 0,080 In. Ti-15-3Sheet, Lonsttudinal Grain ......... . 39

1S Short Time Tension Test Results of 0,080 In. Ti-15-3 Sheetat 600OF, Lonsitudinal Grain ......... 40

16 Compression Test Results of 0.080 In. Tt-IS-3 Sheet atRoom Temperature and 600°F+ Lonsltudinal Grain. • 41

_ 17 Preliminary Astn8 Respons_ of 0,065 In. BetI-C Sheet_Heat No, 801008 (Source: PHI) .... . . . 42

18 Room Temperature Tension Test Results of 0,065 In. Bata-CSheet .............. . , . . . . 43

19 Short Time Tension Teat Results of 0.065 In. Bete-C Sheetat 600oF ........... , ..... 44

20 Room Tdmpa_ature Compression Test Results of 0,065 In.Beta-C Sheet ............. • 45 '"





Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (12)

LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

Table PaBe

21 Room Temperature TensiLe Properties of TI-15-3 withV.rious Processing Cycles 61

22 -h§OF Tensile Properties of Ti-15-3 with Various ProcessingCycles .......... 62

23 6OO°F Tensile Properties of TI-15-3 with Vari,.in ProcessingCycles. ........ b3

24 Room Temperatur_ Tensile Properties of Beta-C with VariousProcessing Cycles , , , 64

25 -65°F Tensile Properties of Beta-C with Various Proce_slngCycles ...... 65

26 600°F Tensile Properties of Beta-C with Various ProcessingCycles ....... 66

27 RoomTemperature Compressive Properties of Ti-l_-_ :_thVarious Processing Cycles 6?

28 -65°F Compressive Properties of Tt-15-3 with VariousProcessing Cycles . . 6A

29 600OF Compressive Properties of Tt-15-_ wlLh _artousProcessing Cycles . . 59

30 Room Temperature Compressive Propertle_ of Beta-C withVarious Processing Cycles 70

31 -65°F Compressive Properties of Beta-C with VarlousProcessing Cycles . 71

32 600OF Compressive Properties of Seta-C with Va_lousProcessing Cycles . 72

33 Sharp Notch Tensile Strength (NTS) of TWo Beta TitaniumAlloys .... 73

34 500 Hour Creep Test Results at 600°F for Two BetaTitanium Alloys , 74

35 Summary of Creep Stability for Tt-15.-3 and Beta-C Sheet . 75

36 Summary of Fatigue Data for Two Beta Titanium Alloys(RT, Lab Air, R - 0.1, 15 Hz) .......... 76

37 Analysis and Test Results of Room Temperature Short-Co]umnCrippling Tests of Zee-Stlffened Elements ...... II0

38 Mechanlcal Prope_tles of T_.g Welds in O,O80-tuch Ti-15-3. iii


....... 00000001 -TSA14

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (13)

!LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

Table Page

39 Mechanical Properties of TtS Welds in 0.065-Inch BeCa-C . . . 112

40 Analysis and Test Results og Short Column CripplinsTests of Hat-Stiffened Panels ............. 129

41 Analysis and Test Results of Long-Column CompressionTests of Representative Titanium WinS Panels ........ 141

42 Fatigue Load2ng Spsccrtun for Panel 7-3 ........... 142

43 Weight Comparison - Representative Wing Panel ...... 143

44 Titanium ging Panel Cost Sumaary ............ 144

45 geighC Comparison of a Ti-l§-3 Zee-SCiffenedElement Reinforced wiCh_4C ............. 166

46 Summary of Shear ScrensCh and MecalluraicalFeatures of Spotwelds ................. 167

47 Room Temperature Compression Test Results of Metal MatrixComposite Test Coupons After Various Processing Cycles .... 158

48 Analysis and Test Results of Room Temperature Shore ColumnCrippliug Tests of Selectively Reinforced Skin/StringerElements .................... 169

49 Theoretical Weisht Comparison of _4C-Reinforced andBaseline WinS Panel Concepts .......... 170

50 ROH Cost Comparison of _qC-Reinforced and Baseline WinSPanel ConcepCs ................ 171








Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (14)


Russell S. Kaneko and Carolyn A. Woods

Lockheed-California Company


Low-cost methods for titanium structural fabrication using advancedcold-formable beta alloys were investigated for application in a Math 2.7supersonic cruise vehicle. This work focuses on improving processin B and

structural efficiencies as compared with standard hot-formed and rivetedconstruction of all Ti-6AI-4V sheet structure. The principal alloy investi-gated was Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3A1 (Ti-15-3), and a more limited evaluation of the

Ti-3A1-gv-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta-C) alloy was made.

The beta alloys were readily cold-formable, brasable, end weldable in thesolution-treated and the aged mechanical properties appear suitable

c°ndition., 65OFfor postulated service at to 600°F. Skin/stringer panels were made bya new approach whereby cold-formed hera Ti stringers and Ti-6A1-4V face sheetswere Joined usinB a unique out-of-furnace isothermal brasine process, followedby low-temperature aBln B Lo achieve optimum properties. Structural verificationincluded room and elevated temperature crippling tests of smell gRin/stringerassemblies, and colume buckling, fatigue and damage-tolerance testing oflarBe-scale representative wing surface panels of a supersonic cruise vehicle.

This new methodology can reduce production costs by at least 25 percent and

weiBht by 16 percent compared with the conventional TI-6AI-4V hot-formed

and riveted assembly.

Increasing the structural capability of beta titanium components by localreinforcement with continuous fiber SiC/Ti-6A1-4V metal matrix composite (MMC)was shown feasible usin B the isothermal brazing process. Conversely spot-weldebtltty of the MMCwas poor and requires further development to eliminatelocal composite weekenin 8. Present costs of the MMC selective reinforcementconcepts studied are very high. _


' II


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (15)


For several years NASA ham been conducting a supersonic cruise research(SCR) program to develop a strong technology base for providing rationaJ deci-sions concerning the development of future supersonic aircraft. Titaniumalloys are of interest to the SCR program because of their structural efficiencyat elevated temperature. Conventional titanium sheet structure, however, hasa history of being dlfflculL and expensive to fabricate because of the exten-sive hot forming, machining, drilling and fastening involved. Alpha-beta alloyspossess very limited formabtltty. For example, the minimum bend radius ofTt-6A1-4V (Tt-6-4) sheet ac room temperature is about five times the thickness.Therefore, it is usually hot formed at 1300 to 1500oF to obtain the requireddimensions with minimal eprtnsback.

Macascable beta titanium alloys possess a body cantered cubic crystallattice having a relatively large number of active slip systems chat resultin increased ductility and the ability to be formed at, or near, room tempera-cure. This considerably reduces fabrication costs. Bein_ strip rollable theyare also more economical than alpha-beta alloys such as Ti-6A1-4V produced ona hand mill.

With simple aging treatments, the beta alloys can attain a higher specificstrength then conventional alpha-beta alloys. Further weight savings arepossibla by exploiting selective cold-roll Caper forming and the close toler-ances and long lengths achieved by continuous strip processin S.

Based on the potential structural efficiency and formability virtues ofthe beta titanium alloys, this study was initiated to verify their advantagesover conventional titanium alloys for $CR applications. The general approachtaken to accomplish this objective was (1) developin E the manufacturing param-eters and mechanical property data for efficiently cold forming, brazing, weld-ing, and heat treating advanced beta titanium alloys, and (2) demonstratingcoeC and structural payoffs through design, fabrication, and evaluation oflarge structural panels.

The program consisted of eight major tasks, briefly described below:

• Task 1 -Hatertal Identification and Screening. - Identify and screenthree candidate beta titanium alloys for mechanical properties andrelative applicability to low temperature forming.

s Task 2 - Room Temperature Formabtlicy Study. - Investigate the roomtemperature forming capability of the two most promising alloys.

• Task 3 - Process Optimization. - Develop forming parameters and optimumheat treatment for the two beta alloys.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (16)

• Task 4 -Material Characterization. - Develop and conduct a testprogram to determine effects of forming, Joining, and gCR environment

i on the basic material properties of the two beta alloys.

Joining - Develop low-cost, efficient Joining methodse Task 5 Studies.

for the two beta alloys.

! @ Task 6 - Panel Specimen Fabrication. - Design, fabricate, and test hat-stiffened crippling specimens from the two beta alloys.

• Task 7 - Wing Panel Fabrication. - Desig_ and fabricate representative

hat-stiffened SCR upper wins surface panels from a selected beta alloy iand Joining method. Perform static compression and variable amplitudeflight-by-flight fatigue loading spectrum tests. Assess the relative

merits of low-temperature forming of beta titanium alloys for fabricat-ing SCR structural wing panels compared to state-of-the-art fabricationmethods for Ti-6A1-4V alloy.

@ Task 8 - Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) Selective Reinforcement

Concepts. - Design, analyze, fabricate and test selectively reinforced ibeta titanium skin-stringer compression elements, and assess the datafor scaling up 'the concepts to fabricate a full-size wing panel.

Preliminary results of Tasks 1 through 7 were presented in Reference 1.

Final results of Tasks I through 8 are reported herein.

Use of trade names or names of manufacturers in this report does not

constitute an official endorsem*nt of such products or manufacturers, either Zexpressed or implied, by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or "_

f the Lockheed-California Company.


a Crack length, inch

Aa Effective crack extension, inch _

A Aged, (thermal treatments are noted in text)

CT Compact tension

CW Cold work (refers primarily to tension strain; a mlnus sign denotes ?_compression strain)

da/dN Fatigue crack growth rate. in/cycle '_

e Elongation in 4w (w-specimen width), percent ,i

E Elastic modulus (tensl_e or compressive), Msi .,_,D

EDAX Energy dispersive analysis of X-rays :::1

flgRef Mean stress during climb

3 l


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (17)

fog Fatigue creek growth

F Compressive yield strength at 0.2 percent offset, ksicy

¥tu Ultimate tensile strensth, kst

Fty Tensile yield strength at 0.2 percent offset, keLFLD Forming limit dLegram

h Hour

K Stress intensity factor, ksi-in 1/2"

AK Stress intensity factor range, ksi-in 1/2"

L Longitudinal

K Plane stress fracture toughness (The value of KR at the instabilityc condition), ksi-inl/2

KR Crack growth resistance, ksi-iu 1/2.

Kt Geometric stress concentration factor

• 4C Metal matrlx composite

n Strain hardening coefficient

r Radius, inch

R Stress ratio, min strese/u_x stress

P'c Stress ratio below which compression loading is ineffective

Planar averase plastic strain ratiop ewidth/ethicknees

0 Density, ib/in3

SCR Supersonic cruise research

SCV Supersonic cruise vehicle

gEM Scanning electron microscopy

ST Solution treated

STA Solution treated and aged

t Thickness, inch

T Transverse

TIG Tungsten inert gas (weldin8_


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (18)



Literature Survey

A cursory review was made initially of references covering beta alloyswhich had been produced experimentally or co_.ercially as flat-rolled products.Further review was then limited to alloys which were commercially available andwhich lend themselves to low-temperature formine w%th the potential of beingage-hardened to strength levels of high structural efficiency.

A comparison of published properties and formability of the principal betaalloy candidates is summarized in tables 1 and 2. Formability data are givenfor the solution-treated (ST) condition. Other values reported in these tables

were selected to correspond with a common strength level near 170 kei to facili-tate property comparisons in the solution treated and aged (STA) condition.

Thermal et_bility characteristics of the six candidate alloys are presentedin table 2. Creep data were not available for all the alloys, but the limiteddata obtained from this literature search shows that the creep resistance of

the beta alloys compares favorably with Ti-6AI-4V. Exposure to 600oF forvarious times up to 1500 hours had llttle effect on the tensile properties of

these alloys. However, a direct comparison of thermal or creep stability can-

not be made because of the differences in the exposure times and stressconditions.

Assessment of the data led to selecting TI-15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn(TI-15-3),

Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr(Beta-C), and TI-13V-11Cr-3AI(B-120) for screening tests

in task i. Ti-15-3 is recognized as a superior Ti sheet alloy based on a

series of previous Air Force progrems having the goal of developing a strip-

,roduclble. formable, economical, and "forgivable" Ti sheet alloy (references

2 throu2h 5). E-120 _ae the first beta alloy of commercial importance, and

was chosen to serve only as a bssellne'for the screening tests in task I.

Beta-C has exhibited a good combination of cold formabillty and aged mechaol-

cal properties Includln_ creed etabilltv, and was the most readily availablealloy for this program of the remaining candidates.

Test Materials

Beta alloys TI-15-3, Beta-C, and B-120 were selected from the literature

survey for screening in task l, with Ti-15-3 and Beta-C for the ensuing tasks. _Properties of the _s-recelved sheet materlals and their progrem usage are

listed in table 3. |

RMI Company Experienced difficulties produeln E the hot-roll Beta-C

sheets for the program. It was not available for task i screening and the

thinner uf the two ordered gages 40.040 and 0.080 inch) was cancelled. Nominal

gage of the Beta-C received was 0.065 inch. Ductility was rather low as

evidenced by the tensile elongation and minimum bend radii reported in the millcertification (table 3).



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (19)

On receipt of the Beta-C material, the teneile propercles and microstructurewere checked. Th_ tensile properties shown below agreed wlth the supplier dataand were acceptable although elongation was marginal.

As-Solutlon Treated 1600°F, 30 Hin._ Air Cool:

Dlr Ftu, ksi Fry, ksi e,%

L 130.0 129.6 13.0

T 133.4 152.8 8.0

Metallographle examination of the Beta-C revealed a mixed beta grain size

consisting of fine and very large grains (> ASTM No. i). Also the surface

appeared heavily etched resulting in an uneven and rough text're. Microstuc-ture ie shown in figure 1. The grain size inhom*ogenelty is greater than normal

and can be attributed to the cumulative effects of renrocesslng applied to this

lot of material. To correct earlier deficiencies Including high hydrogen, low

ductility, and high directionality, the material was subjected to an additionalvacuum anneal cycle and a 1600°F resolution treatment.

Based on thls preliminary assessment, the Beta-C was considered to be

below Its normal quality. Consequently the BeCa-C evaluation was reduced in

scope to selectively perform sufficient heat treat, mechanical property, form-

ing, and Joining characterization to accomplish the task 6 panel evaluation;and the characterization of the Ti-15-3 alloy was increased.

Screening Tests

Three heat-treat conditions were selectively evaluated; the solution

treated condition for formabillty, and two agiDg treatments for mechanical

properties, representing near-peak and an intermediate strength level asfollows:

Alloy Peak Strength Intermediate Strength

B-120 900OF - 36h _ 900OF - 12h

Ti-15-3 850°P - 16h 900°F - 12h

*Although strength increases slowly with longer aging time, 36 hourswas chosen as a practical cutuff point.

A matrix of the screening tests is sho_ in table 4.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (20)

Formabilit Y Indices. - Applicability to room temperature forming wasinitially assessed on the basis of tension and compression tests of annealedmateriel in three grain directions (L,T,45°). Table 5 summarizes the results 'obtained for ri-15-3 and B-120 alloys. Ti-15-3 shows better overall formabilitycharacteristics than B-120, and little directionality as well.

The lower yield strength (hence, flow stress) and modulus of Ti-15-3in both tension and compression are favorable from a forming standpoint. Bothalloys exhibit high ductility, while strain hardening coefficients were suitablylow. Above about lO percent elongation, the B-120 appears to have a sigflifi-cantly higher strain hardening race than Ti-15-3. Planar average plasticstrain ratios (R_ greater than unity were obtained for both Ti-15-3 and B-120.This characterizes the materials as being resistant to thinning and, therefore,suitable for such forming operations as drawing, stretch forming, and hydro-forming (reference 17 through 20). Note, however, that while directionalplastic strain ratios (Ri) were nearly isotropic for Ti-15-3, the B-120 hadau R-value less than unity _u the longitudinal and transverse grain directions.

bleehauical_ed Properties. - All Ti-15-3 and g-120 test coupon blankswere aged in an argon atmosphere and then pickled in nitric-hydroflouric acidto remove the surface film.

@ Tension and Residual Strength. - Room temperature tensile propertieswere determined for Ti-lS-3 and B-120 aged to peak and intermediatestrength levels. The residual strength of material stretch-strainedCo a nominal 8 percent permanent set prior to aging Co simulate formingstrains was included. The reduced section was premachined oversizeand the individual coupon_ were stretched in a tensile test machine.

A test summary is presented in table 6. Ti-15-3 had less directionalityand slightly better ductility than B-120, while B-120 had greater stif-fness. Uniaxial prestrain tended to reduce the directionality in bothalloys. With prestraiu, overaging appears to have set in with the peakstrength age in B-120 and with both aged conditions in Ti-15-3, indicat-ing that the alloys were fully aged by these treatments. Prescrainaccelerated aging to increase strength only for the intermediatestrength age in B-120.

s Notched Fatigue. - Constant amplitude axial testing at R = 0.1 was car-

ried out on hole-notched coupons with Kt = 2.6, The S-N fatigue plotsfor Tt-15-3 and B-120 in two aged conditions are presented in figure 2.Ti-15-3 alloy showed generally improved fatigue behavior compared to

g-120. The two aging treatments for B-120 and the peak strength agefor Ti-15-3 produced similar fatigue results, while a 15-percent

higher endurance strength is indicated for the lower strength Ti-15-3. ':This apparent fatigue improvement for tho lower-strength aging treat- '."

J,meuC warranted further study and verification in cask 4.

, ,,,, _ - ...... _. _:..._.::_:...... _ ......... - . . . ..... •


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (21)

• Fracture Toughness. - R-curve determination for Ti-15-3 and B-J40 intwo aged conditions was conducted based on the guidelines of proposedAST_ Standard E561-76T, using compact specimens. The resultingR-curves ere shown in fieurez 3 and 4 in terms of effective crackextension. The adjustment of the plastic zone size was based on a

comparison of the physical crack length at the end of fatigue pre-cracking to the calculated crack l_,gth at the start of R-curve tes+ing.The R-curves indicate that for a given alloy, the higher strength heattreat had a discernible effect resulting iu a lower fracture resistance.

On the other hand, for a similar strength level, the two alloys havecomparable K-curve characteristics.

@ Creep. - The test temperature was 600°F, the time period 1000 hours,and the stress 100 ksi. There were four test groups representingtwo alloys (Ti-15-3_ P-120) and two aging treatments. One of the threespecimens in each grou? was stretched prior to aging in the mannerdescribed earlier for residual-strength specimens to represent tbeeffect of forming stralns. The specimens, were tension tested after the

creep exposure to compare exposed and unexposed properties.

The results are shown in table 7o B-I_O had better creep resistance

than TI-15-3 under these test condltlons_ displaying lower creep

strains and creep rates for both aglng treatments° The effect of aging

treatment was insignificant with Ti-15-3, but wlch B-120 the more fullyaged condition, 900°F/36 hours, had the best creep resistance. Cold-

work before aging (simulating forming prestralu) tended to lower thecreep resistance very slightly in both allys. Note that the creep

stress of I00 ksi is much higher than the anticipated sustained designloads for an SCR structure. In view of this, e lower stress wasevaluated in the creep tests of task 4 (Materiels Characterization).

Examination of the room-temperature tensile properties indicates

generally good creep stability in these alloys. Some strengtheningwas found in all specimens after creep exposure, however, with little

or no loss in ductility.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (22)



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (23)

L lo _


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (24)

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (25)



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (26)

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (27)



ApNrent Slamlc

A|In| Grcln _kl_ F c ModulusBetaNIov Treatment Direction Condition j (kiWi) (%| (103kid)n n

900°F -3Oh L 8TA 211 16 6.3 16.SPaekStrength 8TCWA 216 190 6.7 16.6

T liTA 219 204 4.3 16,7

TI-13V.I1Cr-3AI 8TCWA 216 187 4,0 17.00,01_Inibm

S00°F.12h L STA IS0 172 8.3 16,4Inttrrnndbto STCWA 303 119 5,0 163Strength

T STA 198 183 6.0 16.6STCWA 208 18 S,0 16,7

8IS0°F-18h L STA 203 189 6,0 16_PeakSmlngth S?CWA 204 19S 5.8 15.3

T STA 208 18 8.3 15.6

Tl.1|V-3Cr-3AI.,_n STCWA 306 100 52 15,00.063inemit

90O°F.12h t STA 196 183 7.3 15.5Intormedloto STCWA 198 IS0 I.? 16.3Strenp

T STA 200 ISS iS.6 15.6$TCWA 199 IS2 S,0 15.3

STA• Solutiontrmtedandaged. (AvwoileoftwospeCimens).

STCWA- Bclutiontromd, coldworked|ndabed.RIprercnts"residualstrength"ofmater/elstritchednominclly9%toIlmulotscoldformlnDpriortoaging.(AverlflplofthnitipecimJna).


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (28)

• 111!_! I° s.!

°' " IllI JI', ! ,,. r_ _:- I I '"'

i_/._ '

.' 1.5 i3




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (29)



Figure 1. - Htcros_ructure of 0.065 in. Beta-C sheet solut_oned !"a .

1609°F [or 30 minutes and air cooled. Eongitudinel

(u_per) and transverse (lo_er) cross-sections. No_:e i_ •'

rough surface• Nag _OOX. _'


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (30)







t _4 _


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llq_- lll_ilSI|Uwflwl_.in !


"I t7 i


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (31)


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (32)



|_, \ E'. /



i ,

r)t 'UX,



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (33)



Forming trials for TI-15-3 alloy ware conducted for press brake bendlngp

stretch press, and hydropress operations. These three processes account for

the majority of formed sheet-metal parts on current airplanes. The forming 'evaluation for the Beta-C was limited to developing optimum bending parametersfor brake forming the hat-stringers for the task 6 panels.

Press Brake Bending

Minimum bend radius, springback, and bending strains were determined forthe Ti-!5-3 material. Tests were conducted on two thickness of material,0.040 inch and 0.080 inch, with the bond a2_is both parallel to the rollingdirection (L) and across the rolling direction (T). Bending was done in a

Chicago llydraulic press, l_del 150-HF-8, using forming dies of the generalconfiguration shown in figure 5.


Generally, the minimum bend radius of a sheet metal is determined by makingbends of successively smeller radii until rupture occurs, and then reportingthe next larger bend radius. But the beta alloys, unlike most alpha or alpha-beta alloys, exhibit a severe orange peel effect before rupturc which makosit difficult to establish bend ratings. For perspcctlvo, 0.063 inchTi-13V-11Cr-3Al beta alloy specimens with the 3.0t minimum bend radius spccl-

fled in MII-T-9046 were used as a vlsual guide for accuptablc orange peel

appearance. After preliminary tests wi_-h standard l-lnch wide specimens,6-1nch wide specimens having a bend span-to-thlckness ratio of 75 for 0.80-1nch

gage and 150 for the 0.040-1nch gage were used to ensure a more representative

evaluation of bending behavior. The specimens were bent through various angles

from 25 to 135 deg. with the following results:

T[-1§.30mnp I_mlAppmmm_forOiwnRIt fl|tlo

6_n Gap Man8endOlmotlon (in,) 0,4to 1.2 1.8 2.0to 2.4 2.7 Radius(r/t)

L&T 0_40 Hosvv Heavy Lightto Light 2.0m0Omto

LiT 0.080 Huvy Lightto Light 10mo_raN

Note: NOfuptu_o_urred

The minih..,m bend radius in terms of acceptable oranse peel appears :.

conservatively to be about 2.4t for both gages of Ti-15-3, and bendingbehavior was uniform with respect to grain direction.


r 2o


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (34)

1Sprlngback information taken from l-inch w_.de specimens is shown in

figure 6. The springback increases wlth bend angle end radius, and is greaterin the thinner gage. Again, results were uniform relative to grain direction.

Circumferentia_ strain after apringback, as a function of bend angle andi radius, was measured on the OD of 6-inch wide bends using an etched grid ofi-_ 0.25-inch diameter circles. Figure 7 shows that the peak strain becomes nearly

constant aC bend angles over 90 degrees and the tighter radii had higher strains.The similarity of the curves for 2.0t and 2.4t is compatible with the similarorange peel appearance results noted earlier.

Brake-formed Ti-!5-3 Z and L sections in a free state were aged at 940°Ffor 12 hours (optimumage determined in task 3) Co measure aging effect ondimensional stability of the bends. This information is useful in predictingthe need for forming compensations or heat-treat fixturin 8. As shown in table 8,angular movement was only 2 degrees or less, and in most eases the bend angledecreased.

Room-temperature and warm-bending studies were conducted on the O.065-inehgage geta-C. Room temperat,lre tests were conducted to determine minimum bendradius and springback for (L) and (T) bends. Results of 45-, 90-, and 135-degree bends using 6-inch wide specimens are etumarized in table 9. Visualexamination at 20X was very difficult due to the rough surface texture, there-fore, bend quality was further evaluated by penetrant inspection and metallo-graphic examination.

Selected cross-sections in the bend area are shown in figures 8 and 9.

These photomicrographs illustrate the dlf_iculty in Judging bend qualitydue to the poor as-cecelved surface eonditlon. Mini_i_ bend radius appears

to be 4t for (T) bends and 6t for (L) bends. These results generally confirm

those reported by RNI (table 3>. They are considered further evidence of themarginal ductility of thls lot of Beta-C sheet, especially in the transverse

grain direction (L bends). Sprlngbaek increased wlth bend angle and radiusas expected.

Warm bending was done at 350°F and 4200F using heated dies to examine

the effect on bend radius and sprlngbaek. Results of (L) and (T) 90-degree

bends using 6-inch wide specimens are give in table I0. Cross-sections ofwarm bends to verify bend quality are also shown in figures 8 and 9. Accepta-ble bend radius was effectively decreased from 4t to 2t for (T) bends, andfrom 6t to 4t for (L) bends.

Stretch Forming _..

For the stretch-forming experiment, 36-inch long, O.080-inch sage Ti-15-3 '.,brake formed right angle sections were formed into heel-out angles as depicted _in figure i0, on a 60-ton Hufford press fitted with numerical control. Section ."

_ 21



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (35)


height (H) wM Va_lad co approach eplitting and buckling lie_Lts. Only thethree rune presented in table 11 ware considered satisfactory due to equip-mgnt problem. The 28 percent Mx:Lmum stretch is considered excellent.



Hy_roformin8 of 0.040-and O.080-itleh gage Ti-15-3 was evaluated by formingstretch and shrink flanges on each test blank Co the test eonfiguratlon offigure II, and adJustln8 the flange helghc Co very the severity of formingstrains. Form toolinR is shown in figure 12.

The ,primary hydrofor_Ln8 experiments were conducted in a production VersonWheelanpress, using a max_Lmumbladder pressure of 6000 psi whlch is the. limitnormally per_Ltted on this production equipment. The rubber blanket had aType-D Shore hardness of 45. Effect of a higher forming pressure was assessedin a lO00_ton HPMHydraulic Press (Cuerin trapped-rubber process), using a

• pressure of 7800 psi and a rubber with Type-A Shore hardness of 80.

Test results are presented in table 12, and examples of acceptable andunacceptable hydroformed test parts are shown in figure 13. The O.O80-1nchgage was more formable than the O.040-inch gage achieving a maximumnetstretch of 20 percent compared with 12 percent for the O.040-inch sheet.The prescribed shrink was not obtained because of a tooling error. Slightlybetter forming quality was obtained using the Cuerin process, indicating thathigher forming pressures are beneficial Although forming limits were notdetermined, these limited tee_s have demonstrated the adequate stretch flangeformability of Ti-15-3 sheet.

Comparison With Other Alloys

TabZe 13 gives a su_vary of the brake bend, stretchform, and hydroformcharacteristics observed for Ti-15-3 sheet. In each case, they comparefavorably with tim design limits of A40 grade commercially pure titaniumand Ti-6A1-4V.

22 .......


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (36)




-_/h,,;o_ ""- _ 1.0_ ---,vp

-F t1.l _. 2,0 in,

..o,.,o, -LLingth- 6 in,

AngloChange • •Aftw Aging(oq,)

01ndAngle EndI* End2""n" Punch Specimen Bind

(Ocg.) Radius Confi9, Axis II n2 il 12

46 2t Z L +0.0 +1.2 +1.2 +1.2

90 2t Z L .0.0 .I,3 ,0.9 .I.2

00 2t Z T .I.4 +1,1 .0.0 0

60 2.3t i L "1.2 "1.4 "1.2 .2,1

90 2.3t L L _0.1 "0.2

00 2.7t Z L +0.7 -I.2 +1.7 .0.6

136 2t Z L +2.0 +0,6 .0.4 -0,9

• Angbmuwld 1 _ fromNr,h mid, !

• * AgingTrimtlnmlt:940'1:for12houri, _i ,



23 :_-_


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (37)

i,-- s!_z-

t ,,, ,!_ z4

......... -...... 00000001-TSC11

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (38)


AverageAvor_[oFrH Sprint

Stmd Send FarmJng SendAngle ISKk VisualExamination Matllllo_ephl_AxisOlr Radius TampafllMrl(OF) (Oe_) (Olqpaee} at I§X |xamiMllan

L IS.St 350 90 I 5 Acceptable Acceptable(Figuraaid)

4.0t 350 02 14 Apparentbpamionl Acceptable(FailureOa)

3,St 360 OO 12 ApparentCrack UnxceptableSeplretioq(Figure9f)

2.Ot 360 90 5 Cracked Cracked(Figure9g)2.Or 420 OO 7 Creckod Crackod(FigureOh}

T 3.Ot 350 8IS 1! Acceptable' Acceptable(Figure6d)

2.Or 350 87 8 kA.oeptabte2.St 420 90 8 Acceptable Accvptable(FigureBe)


SectionHvloht Stretch Percentage StrainRata,SpecimenNo. (in,) Direction Stretch MIn'l Remarks


CL Z5 1,IS Longitudinal 8 0,013 Goodpart*

CTZ! 2,0 Tranwene 14 0,023 Goodpart*

CLZl 3.5 Longit,Jdlnel 26 0,046 GoodportexceptthathorizontalflangehodIlliDbtwaveendverticalflangedrewintodieblockdueto ,"dieblockseparation,"

e ,

*SlightIoclldlstortiooofve_Jaatflangee_ibutodto Ipad_uetadispressu_, ,,''. ' -a It* ,

s .




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (39)


If: ,D',i

ml i ,.-m ii 111111 I I , ,,


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (40)

i al_'"-- OF PO0/_ QUALI'i_.

TABLE 13. - ROOH TEHPERATURE FORHABILITY OF TITANIU_I ALLOYSYield Strltch HydroformI.Imlt(_)m Strength Galie MenBend FormLimit

_'_._ AHoy (kll) (in,) Radiue (_) Stretch Shrink

Tt.15-3, 110 0.040 2.4t 12 -_'_ ANN 0,080 2,4! 28 20 -

l C.P., 40 0.040 3.0t 30 12 1.0ANN 0.0O0 3.0t 20 12 I.§

Ti.OAI4Vo 120 0.040 4.7t 7 8 1.0ANN 0.080 6.6t 7 8 -

-_ rLI


A = 2,498R ;- 2t

-- Fendlledie



ItFigure 5. - Brake bending die co.flguratlon.

= ,'-. - 27

|i ,. ®


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (41)

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_Q_ j


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ou_ surfNetomeasure8trthu

Figure 10. - Stretch formed specimen configuration(heel-out angle),




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (46)

OF POCi_ ....... .,

Outcldo.,_ | I 90-deE.(typ)

Surfac'_J I

Vt_ B-__..._B ,_..,,.oI

VimA-A Vim C-C

i ,.,_..... o,

• 0.0R 0 Notes: "'"


A \ / h Dimensionsininches ,,.

\ 2. Outsidesurfaceelectro ' 'etchedwithn gridof ' ' '0.126dicmeter_nl_ntlmltirol#

3. SR Tibia12.

Figure ii. - l[ydroformlng test configuration illustrating selectedlocations for formability evaluation.

33 !


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ORIgtN_,LP, .";_'OF POOR_AL.I,'_'_

Figure 12, - Hydroform Cooling.

34 _t



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Aging Studie_

Tt-15-3 and Beta-C are air-hardening metastable beta compoeitions chatare very formable in the solution-treated (annealed) condition. Precipitationhardening occurs on direct aging from the annealed condition by decompositionof beta to alpha. The heat treatment objective was, therefore, to obtain acombination of cold formability in the annealed condition wlth subsequentaged properties suitable for the intended 14ach 2.7 service. With the programdirected toward wlng upper surface panels, the mechanical property goals favorhigh compressive strength and modulus. Heat treat variables were the aging

temperature and time.

Ti-15-,,_____3.- Task 1 screening tests at tensile strength levels of the orderof 200 ksl indicated possibly marginal ductility and toughness with some

degradation of notched fatigue strength. Therefore, a lower-strength aging

treatment seemed appropriate. Using the task 1 results along with aging data

from references 4 and 16 as a guide, the aging cycle selections were 925OFfor 8 and 12 hours and 950nF for 12 hours. To represent forming effects,

prestralns of nominally i0 percent stretch and 2.5 percent shrink (compression)were included, Prestralulug was accomplished on individual specimens in

static test machlnes,'then the test coupons were finlsh machined from the

strained section, Evaluations consisted of tension and compression testing at

room temperature and 600OF, plus metallurgical examination.

Tensile property data are listed in tables 14 and 15, and plotted in

_. figure 14. Compre3sive properties are listed in table 16 and plotted in

b figure 15. All three aging cycles gave suitable property sets at room and|600OF test temperatures. The ultimate tensile etre_gth retained at 600OF was

i particularly high. Aglng 950OF for 12 hours shows slightly more tensile

- ductility with a correspondlug lower strength than the 925°F, 8- and 12-hourtreatments. Also the 950OF. 12-hour age shows less difference in strength

between nonstralned and prestrained conditions, probably reflecting a fullerdegree of aging than the two 9250F aging cycles, Modulus was essentially thesame for the three aging cycles, both in tension and in compression.

LExamination of the microstructures revealed the desired fine, hom*ogeneous

precipitate distribution for each of the aging cycles. Figure ib showstypical structures for the 925°F, 12-hour age. The prestralned material

| revealed a worked structure indicative of slip deformation, and the 600°F

I tensile specimens showcd no evident microstructural changes. ',

From the above evaluation, a 940OF, 12-hour aging cycle was selected for ...

the Ti-15-3 alloy. Test data show that satisfactory mechanical properties

t can be expected given a normal aging temperature variation of ±lOOF.


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (50)

Beta-C. - Table 17 gives some preliminary 8-hour aging data at950-105"_UF-in 25oF increments developed by RMI Company for this lot ofmaterial. Inferior transverse ductility found in the solution-treated condi-

tion is evident again in the solution-treated end aged condition. From thesedata, aging temperatures of lO00°F end 1025°F were selected for further evalua-

tion. Five percent minimum elongation in the transverse direction was Iselected as a target. Room temperature and 600°F tensile properties, r_temperature compressive properties, and microstructures were evaluated.

Tensile property data are listed in tables 18 and 19, and plotted infigure 17. Compression data are given in table 20 and figure 18. Tensileductility, tensile modulus, and compressive modulus were relatively consistent

among the four. agingoCyCles, i.e., lO00°F and 1025°F for 6 and 10 hours. Thehigher-strength 1000 F age appesrs more attractive in view of the superiorstrength retention at the 600°F test temperature.

Mierostructures were similar for the four aging treatments. Figure 19shows a typical well-dispersed precipitate distribution, in this case for the1000°F, 6-hour aged Beta-C. With reference to the duplex beta grain size

(refer also to as-solutioned structure in figure 1), the large elongatedgrains evidently promoted denser nucleation, indicating a higher residual workcontent in these large grains. Partial recrystallization could account forthe smaller, more equiaxed grains.

Based on the foregoing aging temperature/time evaluations, 1000°F for8 hours was selected as the aging cycle for the Beta-C. Test results for 6and 10 hours indicate that 8 hours will produce acceptable strength-ductilitylevels coupled with heat treat economics of lower temperatures and shorteraging periods.

Forming Limit Diagram (FLD)

This punch-stretch technique for laboratory formablllty evaluation was

developed by Heeker (references 21 and 22), and it has been used by otheri investigators for evaluating the formability of steel, brass, aluminum, and

titanium alloys (references 23 and 24). The FLD may be used to characterize

limiting strains under the influence of uniaxisl or biaxial straining. In thediagram, major strain is defined as the largest increment of deformation inthe formed area and minor strain as the corresponding increment of deformationnormal to the major strain.

An FLD was developed for th_ O.080-1nch Ti-15-3. Steel tooling conform-

Ing to the dimensions in figure 20 was used, and the punch loads were applied

in a hydraulic tensile test machine. The forming limit curve was generated

by using square specimens and increasing lubrication on the positive minor

strain side, and by decreasing specimen width using dogbone specimens for

the negative minor strain side. Strain measurements were taken from an

etched grid pattern of O.125-1nch diameter circles on the test blanks.

Figure 21 shows typical Ti-15-3 tested specimens.



" 37 i


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (51)

The FLD la plotted In figure 22. Little difference was seen between tiletwo punch speeds that were used, and a limit tension strain of about 28 per-cent is indicated near the untazial strain condition (e 2 = 0). In figure 23the FLD boundary gone is compared wlth some actual formlng strains from task 2,

end with fomtnB limit curves recently developed by Battelle for variousalloys. Reasonable correlation is seen between FLD limit strains and theforulng strains for 2t bends and the stretch-formed flange with 3.5 inch flangeheight. Rydroformin s results fell considerably below the FLD limit, and it isconceivable that higher forming pressures would improve the hydroformab_lityof Ti-15-3. Good agreement with Battelle_o T1-15-3 curve Is seen, and the[ormabtllty of Tt-15-3 appears to be comparable to 2024-0 aluminum and muchbetter then annealed Ti-6AI-4V.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (52)



(I)Prs_eln, PercentAiled llpeclmen (+)Tendon

Condition No,(2) (.) Compression Fro(kad) FW (kad) e (95) E(Mad)

0260F.Oh T3 NoPrestrsln 180 164 9.6 16,2

02§OF.Oh 1"4 NoPrsstrsln 181 180 10.0 14.1

025°F.12h TI NoPrsstraln If :, 172 7.0 15,2

026°F.12h T2 NoPrestreln 186 171 9.0 14.6

960°F-12h T5 NoPrectrsin 176 181 11.0 14.1

960oF.12h T6 NoPrestreln 176 164 10.0 14.6

925°F .oh TT3 +9.5 194 179 8,0 15.0

026nF.oh TT4 +10.0 197 181 8.0 !§,4

026°F-12h "l'r2 �Ò182 8.0 16.4

0600F.12h TT§ +10,0 160 170 11.0 14.0

960OF-12h 1"1'6 +10.0 180 172 10.0 14.0

02§°F .oh TC§ .2,0 176 160 11.0 15.0

926°F -Oh TC6 -2.0 176 166 8.0 15,0

025°F .12h TC3 -3.0 170 167 12.0 15.4

926°F-12h TC4 -2.§ 179 160 12.0 15.0i. 980°F .12h TC7

"2.0 171 161 10.0 15.0

! 050OF"!2h TC8 "2,0 178 160 13.0 15.0





Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (53)



(t)hm_aln In

Aged 31xclmen Tendon,Condltlo_ No.(|) Portent Flu (kJ) Fty (k_) e (_1 E(Md)

926°F 4h TO NoPmtrain 160 138 7.6 12.8

$|0°F .6h T!0 NoP_'etmLn 160 130 7.0 12.3

026°F .12h T7 NoPrmraln 102 140 7.0 13.2

026°F-12h TO NoPrntrain 102 142 7.0 12.8

960°F -12h Tli NoProstrein 163 133 8.0 12.3

9EU°F.12h TI2 NoProstrmln 164 132 8.0 13.1

925°F .Oh TT9 10.6 178 148 10.U 13.4

926°F .Oh TT10 10.0 170 152 8.0 14.4

325°F-12h TT7 10.0 177 161 0.0 13.1

92S°F.12h TT8 9.5 177 154 9.0 13.6

SEQ°F.13h 1"1"11 10.0 166 143 10.0 13.3

900°F -12h TT12 10.0 167 140 g.o 13.8







Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (54)


(1}efmtrelninAI_I SlNclmon Ten Tonalon,

Condition No,I3) Tmpmture Pereont Fay(kil) EIMII)

92§°F -Rh Cl Room NoPrmtroln 174 15,2

925_F-Oh C2 Room NoPrastmin 177 15,3

r.25°F-12h C3 Room NoPrestfoln 179 15.2

025°F .13h C4 Room NoPrmreln 178 15.6

050°F -12h C6 Room NoPres_foln 170 16.2

000°F .12h C8 Room NoPre4trein 171 15.4

935°F .9h CTI Room 10,0 Sockt_i 16,0

025°F .Sh CT3 Room 10,0 Suckled 16.0

9300F-12h CT3 Room 10,0 192 16.6

935°F .13h CT4 Room 10,0 193 15.1

000°F .12h CT6 Room 11,0 104 10.0

9§O°F.12h CTO Room I1.0 186 16.2

036°F .Oh C7-C0(2) 600°F No Prestroin 146 10.0

93_°F -125 C0-C10(2) 6OO°F NoP,mnin 159 15.1

960°F -125 Cli-C12(3) 000oF NoPrestrein 143 15.0

020°F 4h CTT.CTII(3) O00°F 10.5 163 14,4

925°F-13h CTR.CTI0(3| O00°F 10.0-10.5 161 14.6

960°F.12h CTII.CT12(2) 600°F 10.5 102 14,7

(1)Strainedpriorto qino,

(3)Paired_Klmonsbuttedside.to.sideIncompressionfl_.(oro.Spa¢imtmehadto beremechinedandtestedinthismannerlincotheoriginallyIntendedfixturewasnotivlllliblo.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (55)


AgingTreatment DIr Ftu (kd) Fty (kid) , (_)

650°F-_ - A,C. L 199.9 111,0 6.5

L 199A 179.7 5.0

T 108,7 176,6 3,6

T 196.6 177,6 3.5

075°F-85 - A.C. L 190,8 173,0 0,0

L 187.8 167.7 6.0

T 192`0 173.0 3.9

T 191.1 173.5 4.5

1_0°F-gh - A.C. L 1643 159.0 7,75

L 1783 160,6 7.75

! T 184_ 166,6 4,9T 103A 166,5 4.76

[ lO26°F-0h - &.C, L 175.0 155.0 6

L 174.7 155,5 8

;__ T 173.5 168.5 6_" " T 174.2 168`0 6,6

IQTQ°F-8h- A.C. L 1673 140,2 0

L 164.3 144,6 8T 167.2 147,0 6.5

T 167.0 ;49.6 6,5

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (56)



AgedCondition Oir Ftu (ksl) FW (kid) e (%) Eapp(Msl)

IO00°F4h L 176 161 8.6 16.3L 177 161 8.5 15.4

avg. 176.6 16t 8.5 15.3

T 173 160 6_ 16.6t T 174 161 6.5 15A

T 175 161 6.0 15A

avo, 174 161 5,5 16.6

IO00°F-lOh L 161 166 8,0 16_L 183 167 7.5 16,1

avg. 182 166.6 7.7 16,0

T 181 168 4.0 16.0T 184 170 6,0 16.6T 193 171 5.0 15,8

ov9, 183 170 5,0 16_

1025°F_h L 173 168 8.0 16,7L 169 154 9.0 15.4

ovo, 171 156 8,5 15.5

T 167 155 5.5 16.6T 173 160 6.0 16.0

avg. 170 157 53 15.7

1025°F-1Oh L 172 156 8,5 15,6L 172 159 7,5 16.7

avg. 172 168.6 8,0 16.6

T 174 161 6,0 16.9T 172 160 6.5 16.7

avg. 173 160.5 6.2 15,6 .

(1)SpecimenCoofioulotion;FioureAI '



43 _

,. o, i


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (57)



AgedCondition Olr Ftu(kd) FW (kit} e(_) Eipp(Msi)

lO00°F.6h L 164 136 7.0 1_).7L 183 130 0.0 13.6

av$, 166 137 82 13.6

IoOOOF-1Oh L 169 139 6.0 13.6L 169 141 7,0 14.6

av|, 167 140 6,0 14,0

10260F4h L 154 120 9,9 13.5L 153 125 9,0 14,0

avo, 163.5 125.6 9,2 13.7

1025°F-10h L 157 128 9,0 14.0L 158 130 9.5 13.9

avg. 157.5 129.6 92 13.9

(I) SpecimenConfiguration:FigureAI


-....... 00000001-TSE03

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (58)



AiledCondition DIr Fcy(kid) |l_p (MII)

lO00°F.6h L 164 13_L 161 13J

avg. 163 13,6

T I_ 14.5T 174 14.4

avg. 171 14.4

lO00°F.1Oh L 170 14.0L 170 14,2

M, 170 14,1

T 176 14.8T 173 14.0

avg. 174 14,4

I025°F _ L IH 14,0L 162 14_

avg. 160 14.1

T 169 14.2T 167 15.0

_O. 168 14.6

1025°F-1Oh L 161 14.7L I_ 13.5

i I I

_. 160 14.1

T 175 14.7T 174 14.7

avg. 174,5 14.7


i (1)$pRtmenConfUtation:FigumA2


45 ;t


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (59)

Oi_i_iH,_;.,I'_:,.i..300 . ....

Romm_watm 600oF

;. 100 -- Fm_

r,_ /aa Ftu

,,o o_//_._.... .'_

i --',, /;_.--- 021'_-nb' (:r''f"0------ 926"F-12h '

160 _....- 96001:_!2h

N_, Om poimm ,vmtiosof tldmlatliddate

oi / .,o140 - ,_ / _" 16

_'* 15

"'_-'--" ..... _ ct_'" _ i130- " 14 I

-- 13

6 ) I-4 0 ",'4 +6 +12 0 +4 +8 +12

PreetrMn.percent_+Tenelon-Compm.lon ,,

• _L

FJ.suz'e 14. - Longitudinal tensile proper_ies of O.OBO tn. rt-lb-J ,,4'_ecat _oom t.empe_ar._re and 600 F for var'_ou_ aging c'yc_,_.



- - O0000001-TSE05

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (60)

200 .

Z_ .J r-nm umtitI reoo'FNJ" "---- _ • 9260/:-Oh

170 - IT" _ 0 • 925OF.12h

i .... r'l • 950OF..12hO- 8pednmbuckbd

,oo- JFCy-_

i, - _.,_/t / ..,,,i

r"" Note:Datapointsereawqes140 -- of tldJltoddata




13 I , I i I t I0 4 8 12

Pnlatrldoin_ percent

Figure 15. Longitudinal compressive properties of 0.080 in. TL-15-3 shoeCat roo_ temperature and 600°F for various aging cycles.

o 47


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (61)




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Roomtemperature 60O°F


i'" _-_L'8 o..,,,,_

140 _ IO00°F. L dJr F,y _/%1000_, T dir

-- 1025°F,L dir

0- - lm°F,'r,,r r%.-Oi O"120 * Note:Oltl pointsore

ovlrlguof tlbolatlddoto


15- --_14-


10 13-

5 -- It

ii I i i ; .8 I0 6 I0

Aoin8time,h ': "


Figure 17. - 'rensf.leprol)ertieH of 0.065 In. BULB.-(',sheeL at room

temperatux'e and 600°l,"for Various aging (:ycle,_. i-



___._:._ .......


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i 17o

i_o (D--...... -(3


,_ lOOOtF,T_-- 1025°F,Ldir_ 1026°F,Tdie




136 10


FiBure 18, - Room temperature compressive properties of 0.065 in.

Beta-C sheet for v'_rlous aging cycles,



i t

-_ '' _ = -_ ......... TSEO9...... 00000001-

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (64)

ORIGD],_,,,..,. . ....




, i ,

MW304X ' 'IO ,

Figure 19. - bRcrostructure o£ 0.065 in. geta-C aged 1000°F -6 l_ours, Longitudinal direction.

51 ,,


O000000]-TSE] 0

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (65)

ORIGI,N_LF/,, '. ",OF POOR Q!;_L!',':


_ i _.-_ 1.600 T�0�Z�r-0.005

_. /Clamp downtin9

1!0 __ _'_O,09r1 I,,,\\,.r_ ci,co..,b.,

0,44 "_ 'T'9--- Oir::l:r,roove

"_---'-- 3.2fl0.0.005Dil,

6,00+0.03Oil ,-0.00 "" .,.

Note:dimensionsin inches

Ftsure 20. - Punch and die s_t £or FLD test:.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (66)



Figure 2l. - Ti-15-3 FLD test specimens, 0.080 in. siteet.



.. . ®


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The effects of forming, Joining, and supersonic cruise environment onstructural performance of the Ti-15-3 aud Beta-C sheet have been studien. To

simulate cold forming strains, sheet stock in the form of large dogbone panelshaviug a l-iuch square grid scribed over the reduced area to measure elonga-tion, were stretched in a Universal test machine. Plastic atraln levels in

the test coupons mac|lined from the test section of the panels ranged from

4 to 9.5 percent in the Ti-15-3 sheet and 3 to 5.5 percent in the Beta-C,

over a 4-1nch gage length. A typical Ti-15-3 stretched panel may be viewedin figure 24.

Parent, isothermal brazed, simulated braze cycle, and TIC welded specimensfrom both nonatralned and strained sheet ware tasted in the aged condition,

using the optimum aging cycles developed in task 3, i.e., q4ooF-12h for

Ti-15-3 and 1000°F-Sh for Beta-C. All test specimens were aged in either

argon or vacuum atmospheres. Brazing employed 3003AI braze alloy and a peak

temperature of 1275OF. The test program included smooth and notched tension,compression, creep, smooth and notched fatigue, brazed lap shear fatigue,

fracture toughness (R-curve), and fatigue crack growth (fcg). Tust temper-

atures were -65°F, RT, and O00°F, as stipulated for a Mach 2.7 supersoniccruise vehicle (SCV).

Tension and Compression

Tests wore conducted according So standard ASTM procedures. Conventioual

radiant heating was used for the 600uF specimens as provided by a reslstan=e-

wound ft,rnace. The -65°F specimens were cooled within a chamber by vaporl-zing liquid nitrogen. Strain rate for tensile tests was 0.005 min-i to yield,then about I minute to failure. A strain rats of 0.005 min -I was used for

-65°F and RT compression tests, and 0.002 min -I for the 600°F tests.

The test results are listed in the following tables, and the average

properties are co1,_ared graphically in the figures:

RT teusion, Ti-15-3 - table 21, figure 25

-55OF tension, Ti-15-3 - table 22, figure 26

----- 600°F tension, Ti-lg-3 - table 23, figure 27

RT tension, BCLa-C - table 24, figure 28

-65°F tcusion, Beta-C - t_ble 25, figure 29

-- 600°F tens(,on, ,_a-C - table 2_, figure 30



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (70)

RT compression, Ti-15-3 - table 27, figure 31

-650F compression, Ti-15-3 - table 28, figure 32

600°F compression, Tt-15-3 - table 29, figure 33

RT compression, Beta-C - table 30, figure 34

-65°F compression, Beta-C - table 31, figure 35

600°F compression, geta-C - table 32, figure 36

Consistent trends may be noted from chase static test data:

• Tensile prestrain (cold work) enhances aged strength of Ti-15-3 andBeta-C with little loss of ductility (tensile). The strengthincreases were greater in the direction normal to the prestraindirection. No Bauschinger effect (loss of compressive yield strength)was noted in either alloy when aged after the tension strain.

• The simulated brazing cycle prior to aging resulted in a smallstrength loss presumed due to overaging. Tensile prestrain prior tothe brazing cycle further reduced strength in the direction of prestrainon subsequent aging. Compression tests of the geta-C alloy show,howeve_ that strength increases can occur in the direction normal tothe prestrain. The kinetics of these combined prestrain/brazing effectsneed to hp metallurgically iiLveetigated.

S Actual brazed (composite) specimens of either Ti-15-3 or Beta-C to

Ti-6-4 displayed properties intermediate to those of the two alloys

Joined, as expected,

i • Welded and aged Ti-15-3 sheet exhibited full Joint efflciencies. Cold

work after welding reduced subsequent aged tensile strength but appearedto have little effect on compressive yield strength.

• Tensile and compressive moduli for a given alloy remained fairly

consistent for the various processing conditions tested.

Notch Tension

Sharp notch tensile strengths for Ti-15-3 and Beta-C are compared at

three test temperatures, in table 33. Tests were conducted according toASTM E338. Notch radius varied rather widely from the dpe_ified radius of

0.0007 inch maximum, so the actual radius and calculated Kt factor are given

for each coupon. Despite the variation in Kt, certain trends are seen. Ti-15-3showed higher notch strength and notch strength/yield strength ratios (NTS/YS)than the Beta-C at all three test temperatures, For a given alloy, the



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (71)

notch strmugthg were reasonably similar at 65 F and room temperature, andhighest at 600 F, while HTS/¥S ratio increases with test temperature. _otchetr:.,gths were also fairly uniform wlth respect to grain direction. Prestrmlnoanerally lowered the notch strength of both alloys.


Table 34 summarizes results of creep tests of 500 hours duration at 600°F

and applied stress levels of 50 and 75 ksi. Test procedures of AflTM E139-79recommended practice were followed. The Beta-C alloy showed lower minimumcreep rates and produced less creep at both stress levels than the Tt-15-3alloy for comparable material conditions. However, the composite specimensof either Bata-C or Ti-15-3 when brazed to Ti-6AI-4V displayed equivalentcreep strength. The creep properties of the brazed (composite) specimensappeared to be strongly influenced by the TI-6AI-4V portion of the composite.

Examining effects of processing variants upon the creep behavior of

Ti-iS-3j the creep strengths show an almost inverse relation to degree of

overaglng (or strength level), for the 1_rloue processing conditions. That

Is, the highest strength cold worked plus aged materiel had the lowest creep

strength, while the braze cycle or cold work plus braze cycle before aginglowere_ aged tensile strength (overaglng effect) but were beneficial to creep

strength. Minimum creep rates for the Beta-C were identical wlth or without

the braze cycle prior to aging.

All creep specimens were tensile tested at room temperature after creep

exposure. Table 35 compares tensile properties of exposed and unexposedspecimens in comparable material condlttone. Good creep stability is indica-ted for both alloys after 500 hours at 600OF and the two applied stress levels.Only slight strengthening was found after creep exposure with essentially noloss of ductility.


Room temperature constant amplitude fatigue data for unnotched (Kt=l.O),

hol_ notched (Ks-2.6), and brazed lap shear tests of the Ti-_5-3 and Beta-Calloys are detailed in table 36. The tests were run st an R ratio of 0. I,

and a frequency of 10 Hz for the lap shears and 15 Hz for the others.

The parent metal S-N curves are plotted in figures 37 (Kt-l.O) and 38(Kt-2.6). Ti-15-3 was superior to the Beta-C for both smooth and notched con-ditions. However, the abnormally rough surface texture and nonuniform grainsize of this lot of Beta-C are conditions which could have negatively influenced _the fatigue behavior. Also tension and bend tests of the Beta-C have showninferior ductility in the transverse grain direction. Note that somewhatinferior fatigue performance for traneverse Kt-l,0 Beta-C specimens is seen




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (72)

as well. In figure 3b s previous curve from task 1 (Screening) of 0.063 InchTi-15-3 with Kt-2.6 , _s, included. Results for the O.080-inch Ti-15-3 are com-parable, which tt_.nds to c_nfirm a particularly high endurance limit at Kt=2.6for Ti-]5-3 sheet product.

S-N fatigue curves showing the effects of proeersing variants on notchedfatigue characteristics of Ti-15-3 arc presented in fi_,,_re 39. Low-cyclenotched fatJgue behavior of T1-15-3 in various conditions was consistent withLockheed reference curves for Ti-6-4. The parent Ti-t5-3 STA material displayssuperior high-_:yclc fatigue strength, while brazing and cold work processeslowered the fatigue endurance strength.

Uunotched fatigue curves showing effects of processing are plotted infigure 40. litre, brazing and welding lowered fatigue strength of Ti-15-3, butcold work appears co enhance fatigue endurance strength considerably. Coldwork after welding, however, had a minor adverse effect.

Constant amplitude fatigue test results of single overlap isothermal brazed

Joints are plotted in figure 41. The S-N curves for either Ti-15-3/Ti-6-4

joints or Beta-C/Ti-6-4 Joints are in good agreement with reference curvesshown for weld-brazed Joints taken from NASA-Langley and Northrop Aircraft


Failure at high cycles of the braze lap-Jolnt specimens typically propa-

gated through the beta alloy sheet at the edge of the overlap (exceptionspecimen No. 11-3). Two of the Ti-15-3 and two of the Beta-C failures,

figure 42, were examined. Significant observations made on these samples aresum_arlzed below.

Opcleal metallography and SEM fractography revealed multiple crack origins

along tilebraze interface in all specimens. Some of the origins were located

r around voids in tilebraze, and some cracks originated within the braze or at

I" the braze fillet. The Ti-AI intermetallie layer formed at the braze interface

! was found to be around 0.0001-0.0002 Inch thick. Although some small grainbouadary (secondary) cr=cklng was present in the Ti-AI layer, no obvious

I crack origins were re,aid there. Previous work at Nortb:op on weld-brazedTi-OAI-4V joints (Ref. 25) revealed fatigue cracks originating from the

' brittle Ti-AI layer which was about 0.0005 inch thick. Furnace brazing with

i 4043AI braze, alloy was used in that program. Tile thinner Ti-AI intermetalllclayer formed iu the isothermal brazed Joiuts appears to at least minimize

fatigue crack inltiatlon in this layer.

| Fatiguu crack propagation in the Ti-15-3 or Beta-C sheet was for the most| part transgranular; however, in places, the crack followed the grain boundary

| alpha precÂpLtates. This call be seen ill figure 43 for tile Ti-15-3 and|'igurt' 44 for tim Bc.ta-C. The heating anti cooling cycles that the beta alloy •titld_,t'goes during brazing and subsequent aging appeared to cause precipitation

t of a aemlconttnuous alpha film along a grain boundary denuded zone presumed tobt, beta. :It was reported above that the brazing process reduced fatigue

! 59


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (73)

strength of unnotched (Kt=l.O) and notched (K.-2.fi) TI-15-3 specimens comparedwith the parent .mterial. Metallurgical evidence now suggests that thebrazing cycle increased growth of the grain boundary alpha film. resultingiu iutegranular crack propagation which could be a factor in reducing fatiguestrength. It is believed that shortening the time at temperatures above theaging temperature during the brazing cycle would produce more desirable agingresponse.

Fatigue Crack Growth

Fatigue crack growth tests of T1-15-3 were carried ouC in ambient air anda continuously flowing 3,5% NaC1 solution, using compact tension (CT) specimens

per ASTM E561-78T (figure A7, appendix). All tests were conducted accordingto ASTM E647 in a closed-loop eleetrohydraulic MTS fatigue machine at a fre-

quency of 6 Bz and R=O.l.

Figure 45 compares fcg rates (da/dN) of Ti-15-3 in air and saltwater,

figure 46 compares nonstrained material in two directions, and figure 47compares prestrained material in two directions. The fcg rates of Ti-15-3were insensitive to the saltwater environment and showed no discernible effect

of directionality. Both of these findings corroborate earlier Timet results(ref. 4). Also, very similar crack growth behavior between nonetralned and

prestralned material is seen in both L-T (figure 48), and T-L (figure 49)orientations.

Fracture Toughness (R-Curve)

Tests were conducted according to ASTM E561-78T reco_uended prattles using

compact specimens (figure A7, appendix). The specimens were tested In a

closed-loop electrohydraulleMTS fatigue machine, using antlbuckllng guides,

at a head defection rate of 0.025 inch per minute. (One specimen, K-7, was

• inadvertently tested at 0.05 inch per minute).

R-curves for nonstrained and prestrained (cold worked) Ti-15-3 are compared

in figure 50. Crack growth resistance parameter, KR, is plotted asalnst crack. extension as the precrack is driven stably under increasing crack extension

forces. Pronounced differences in KR behavior of the nonstrained and pre-strained material are seen. The lower fracture resistance is believed related

to both the higher strength l_ve !mtd reduced pl_sttcity as a result of cold

working. The differences in KR appear much greater than dlfferences indicated

earlier in notch tensile behavior. This suggests the need for KR as well as

notch tensile or KIt data in assessing residual strength of damaged structurein thin gages that are typical of real aircraft structure.


•C ®............... ............................. --_ ..... ___ . _ _ ...... • .


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (74)



..... _we

8NC, Test Prastrain Ft__ Fly o EappNo.(4) Condition Oir Oar (kill (kill (_l (Mail

?4 §TA L 196 101 12 15,07.5 $TA L 175 1§9 12 15.17.5 STA L 176 181 11 15,2avg. L 176 150 12 15.1

7A.2 ST+ CW+ A L L 180 - 8 14,27A-5 ST* CW+ A L L 189 173 7 14.5

avg. L L 185 173 3 14.4

8A-I ST+CW+A L T 193 181 7 14,68A-2 ST+CW+A L T 184 181 7 14.78A.3 ST+ CW+ A L T 195 134 6 14.7evB. L T 194 182 7 14.7

7.16 s"r+ Braze(Ti-15.31Ti-6.4)+ A _ .......... 15--5"--- 141 13 15.27.17 ST+ Braze(Ti.15.3/Ti.64) + A L - 154 140 12 15.17.36 ST+ Braze(Ti,15-3/Ti.54) + A L 160 136 14 16.0

avG. L 153 138 13 16.1

1-25 _'T �BrazeCycle �At. - 165 151 10 14.47.26 ST �8rueCycle L 154 148 10 14.77-27 ST+ BrazeCycle �AL - 165 150 IO 14,1avg. L 165 150 1O 1_.4

7A.3 ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle+ A L -1 _ 151 137 14 14.77Q-5 ST+ CW* Braze(:¥_te L L 148 134 15 14.9

avg. L L 150 136 15 14.8

8-1 $TA T - 181 168 10 15.78.3 STA T - 181 168 10 15.88-4 $TA T -- 177 164 7 14.8

avg, T - 180 167 9 15,4

8B.8 $T+CW+A T T 186 168 7 14.68B-t0 ST+ CW+ A T T 183 167 ? 14.3

avg, T T 185 158 ? 14.4

7E-I ST+ CW+ A T L 195 7 14.57E-2 ST* CW* _. T t, 197 167 $ 14.27E-3 ST+ CW T L 200 188 6 15.0

orB, T L 197 138 6 14.6

W.I ST+ Wold+ A T - '181 (I) 168 7 15.5W-2 ST+ Weld+ A T - 183(1) 171 7 15.1W.3 ST+ I"'eld+ A T - 183(I) 170 $ 15.4avp. T -. 182 170 7 15.3

3.1 ST+ Wold* CW+'A T T 164(2) 150 6 14.4 ',..2.2 bT + Weld+ CW+ A T T 164(1) 140 7 14.0

2-3 ST+ Weld+ CW+ A T T 164(3) 152 5 14.4 ' .iavg. T T 164 150 6 14.3

(1) Failedin parentmotel(2) Failedinweld

(3) FailedIdOlof Wllld(4) SplcimlnConfiDuration:Fig,reAl


-- - ' '" 00000001-TSF06

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (75)


Spot. Test Prestrain Ftu Fry e EeppNo.(I) Condition DIr Dir (ksi) (ksi) (%) (Msi)

7-1 8TA L 194 183 8 15.27-2 8TA L 166 188 10 16.27-3 8TA L - 197 186 S 16.2avg. L 196 185 9 15.2

7A7 ST+ CW+A L L 207 104 7 16.87A10 8T + CW+A L L 194 177 7 16.8avg. L L 200 185 7 16.3

7-13 ST+ Braze(Ti.15.3fri.6-4)+A L - 174 164 10 16.77-14 ST+ Braze(Ti-18-3/TI.64)+A L 174 165 10 16.27.15 ST+ Braze(Ti.16-3/Ti.84)+A L - 172 162 10 18.1avg. L - 173 164 10 16.3

7-22 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A L 195 173 8 16,97-23 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A L - !86 176 7 16.17.24 ST+ BrazeCycle* A L - 195 176 8 18,6evg, L - 185 175 8 16.9

701 ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle I. L 172 163 11 15.8703 ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle+ A L L 169 159 8 16.1avg. L L 170 161 9 15.9

(I) SpecimenConfiguration:F_ouraAI



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (76)


Spx. Test Pmtrain Ftu Fry e BeppNo,(2) Condition nlr Oir (kit) (ksi) (%) (Msi)

7.7 STA L - 160.9 129.9 S.B (1)7-8 STA L - 150.6 131.8 7.0 (I)7-0 STA L - 150.7 130.7 7.5 (!)avg. L - 150.8 130.8 7.6 (1)

7A.1 ST+CW+A L L 162.4 129,9 11.9 13.47A4 ST+ CW+ A L L 166.7 143.1 8.0 13.6avg. L L 189,8 136.5 9.6 13.4

7.18 ST+ Braze(Ti.15-3/Ti.6-4)* A L - 124,3 103.0 10,B 13.57.19 ST+ Braze(Ti-lG-3/Ti.6-4)+ A L - 116.4 97.8 11,0 12.07-20 ST+ Braze(Ti-18-3/Ti.64)+ A L - 123.3 102.6 11.0 13.2avg. L - 121.3 101.3 10.7 12.9

7-28 ST+ BrazeCycle+A L - 142.0 121.0 S.O 13.17.29 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A L - 141,9 120,2 10.0 13.17.30 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A L - 139.2 120.3 6.0 13.1avg. L - 141.0 120.5 9.3 13.1

7DA ST+ CW+ BrazeCycte+ A L L 127.5 109.2 11.6 13.B7D.B ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle+A L L 125.5 106.6 13.0 13.2avg. L L 126,5 107.9 12.0 13.6

0-5 STA T - 156.3 137.B 7.0 (1)8.6 STA T - 155,9 137.4 7.B (1)avg. T - 156.1 137.6 7.0 (1)86.9 ST+ CW+A T T 164.5 141.3 8.0 13.78B.11 6T+CW+A T T 159.8 136.8 8.0 13,8avg. T T 162.2 138.6 8.0 13.6

(1) Notobtained(2) SpecimenConfiguration:FigureAI


i, •



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (77)



i - , ]

Spec, rest Prestrnin Flu FW I _ i EippNo.(1) Condition Oir Djr (kei) (kii) (%) i (Mei)

1.4 ST_ L 19s 177 7 I 16.5I

1-5 STA t 190 175 9 _ 15,2

1,6 STA L - 191 176 7,3 J 15.7avg. L 191 !16 8 I 15.5

1C1 ST*CW+A L t. 154 178 6 I 16,01C3 ST+CW+A L L 195 177 6 i 15.51C5 ST+CW+A L L 196 180 J 6 16.1avg. L L 196 178 , 6 15.9

1,34 ST+ Braze(Bete-C/Ti_4) + A L 158 145 10 14.01-38 ST �Braze(Beta-C/Ti.6.4)+A L 161 152 12 15.03.27 ST+ Braze(Bete-C/Ti.6-4} L 159 149 11 15.3evg, L 150 149 11 15.1

1.44 ST+ BrazeCycle+A L 174 162 O 15,01.45 ST+ BrazeCycle �AL 176 164 9 15,2

._ avg. L t76 163 9 15.11--_ ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle+ A ---'L L 174 160 8 15,2

1C8 ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle+A L L 165 152 I1 15,2-- 1C10 ST+CW+ BrazeCycle+A L L 164 152 8 14,6evg, L L 166 155 g 15.0

1-64 STA T - 190 179 5 16,01.65 STA T ° 190 179 4.5 15,9avg, T - 189 178 4.5 16.0

S'_"_C-'W_+A- "--- "_ -- L 198 159 7 15.6

182 ST+CW+A T L 198 169 3 15.6163 ST + CW+ A "r L 200 189 2 15.6

-- avg. _ T L 199 . 18g 4 15.6

(1) SpecimenConfiguration'.FigureA1 .........


00000001 -TSFO

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (78)



8pK. Test Prestfein Ftu Fry e EoppNo,(1) Condition Dir Oir (ksi) (k|l) (%) (Msi)

1.1 STA L 214 20B 3 15,61-2 STA L 217 206 5 15.5I-3 STA L 217 210 3 15,6avg. L 216 207 3,7 15,5

1A! ST+ CW+A L L 214 4 16.6IA3 ST+ _W+A L L 212 201 4 16,6IA4 ST+ CW+A L L 217 207 3 14.9avg. L L 214 204 4 16.0

1-33 ST+ _qze (6ata-C/Ti-64)+ A L 178 169 8 16.4148 ST+ Braze(Oata-C/Ti-O4)+ A L 172 185 9 16.73-26 ST+ Braze(8ete-C/Ti-64)+ A L 179 173 7 16.3avg. L 176 169 8 16,5

: 1-42 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A L 198 193 5 16.6! 1-43 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A L 201 195 § 15,9i avg. L 199 194 5 15,4

1A6 ST+ CW+ Braze(9eta.C/Ti.64)+ A L L 174 165 9 15,7

i 1AS ST+ CW+ 6raze(Oeta.C/'i'i-64)+ A L L 175 166 9 16.6

avg. L L 174 16B 9 16,1

(1) SpecimenConfiguration:FigureAI





Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (79)


IkaK. TNt Prtifrain Ftu Fry e EeppNo.12) Condition Sir Dir (kil) (ks)) (_) IMs))

I-7 8TA L - 172,9 137,1 0.5 (1)1.8 8TA L - 174.4 139.0 0.0 (1)I-9 8TA L - 173,0 142,0 5,0 (1}avg. L - 173,6 139,6 0.3 (1)


IC.2 ST L L 174,0 141.4 7.0 13,7IC4 ST A L L 176.4 145,0 ?.0 13.81A-2 ST+ CW+ A L L 172,8 142.2 8.5 13,5avg. L L 174,8 142.9 7.8 13.7

1.30 ST+Braze(Beta.C/TI.6.4|+ A L - 131,2 107,3 11,0 13.3140 ST+Braze(Be_-C/Ti,64)+A L - 130,0 104.5 !1.0 13.4141 ST+9rue (BIta.CjTJ.64)+A L 133,9 107.9 12.0 13,4eVil, L - 131,7 100,6 11.3 13.4

148 ST+ BrazeCycle* A L 162,0 132,5 8.0 14,0147 ST+ BrazeCycic+A L 158,4 129,5 8.0 13,9rvll. L 160,2 131,0 ft.0 14.0

I C.7 ST �CW+ BrezeCycle+ A L L 144,7 120.1 9.0 13.7IC.6 ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle+A L L 147,6 119.4 12,0 13.7aVg. L L 140,3 120,0 10,5 13,7

1.66 STA T 171,1 142.2 4,0 (1)1.67 $TA T 175,3 143,1 0,0 (1)1-66 STA T 170,0 141,3 5,0 (1)eVil, T - 172.4 142,2 4.7 (11

16.5 ST+ CW+ A T L' 182,1 154.7 6.0 14.019.6 ST + A T L 176,2 159.1 2.5 14.110.7 ST+ CW+ A T L 162,7 153.5 0.0 14,2aVg. T L 160,3 155,4 5.5 14.1


(1) NOtobt_ned(2) 9pll¢imenConflguretion:FioureA1



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (80)



Sp_, Test Proitrain Fcy I:nPP

No,(I) Condition Dir Dir (ksi) (Mli)

4.3 RTA L - 169 14.44,4 STA L - 167 14,9avg. L - 168 14.7

i 4C.6 ST + A L L 185 15,0

4C.!1 ST+ CW+ A L L 182 143avg, L L 183 14,9

8A.4 ST+ CW+ A L T 195 15,68A-5 ST+ CW+ A L T 200 14,5avg, L T 197 15,1

4.29 ST+ Braze(Ti-15-3/Ti.6-4)+ A L - 146 14,6

447 ST+ Braze(Ti.15.3/Ti,6.4)+ A L - 147 15,6

avg. L - 147 15.14.41 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A L 164 16.2

i 4.42 ST+ BrazeCycle L - 165 16,0

avg, L 164 15,6

4C.6 ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle+ A L L 145 14,94C-10 ST+CW+ BrazeCycle L L 140 17,9avg. L L 142 16,4

7-70 $TA T 180 16.0

7-70X STA T 176 16.2avg, T - 179 I6,6

8A.8 ST+ CW+ A T T 183 14.66A-9 ST+ CW+ A T T 182 14,2avg. T T 192 14,5I-2 ST+ Weld+ A T - 177 15.3I-3 ST+ W_'ld+ A T - 178 16.6avo, T - 178 16.0

2-4 ST+ Weld• CW+ A T T 175 16.32-5 ST+ Weld+ CW+ A T T 178 12,5avg. T T 177 14.4

(I) SpecimenConfiguration:FigureA2




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (81)


_PK. Test Pr_tmin Fcy EappNo.(I) Condition Oir 0lr (ksi) (Msi)

4.6 $TA L - 173 16,44.8 STA L - 180 15.6evil, L - 177 15,4

4C.7 ST+ CW+ A L L 188 14.64C-12 ST* CW_ A L L 188 17.0avg L L 188 16.8

4.26 ST+ Braze(Ti.16.3/Ti-6.4)+ A L - 156 14,?4-27 ST* Braze(Ti.15.31TI-6.4)+ A L - 160 13.7avg. L - 158 14,2

4C-14 ST + Braze(Ti.15.3/Ti-6.4)+ A L L 149 14,84.32 ST+ Bl,'lzoCycle+A L - 175 15.44.3.'1 _T+ BrazeCycle+A L 173 I 5,0or0, L - 174 15,2

4C-9 -q_"+CW �Broz'eCycle+A L L 156 14,7

(1) SPecimenConfiguration:FioureA2


i 68



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (82)



Spot. T[st Preatraln Fc¥ ] Ecpp

No, (21 Condition I]if Oar (kaLI J (Millr 443 STr. L - 139 ' 15.14,44 STA L - 13D 15.1*vii, L - 139 15.1


4C3 ST+CW �L L 156 14,64C5 ST + A L L 166 14,Bav5, L L 15D 14,6

4-38 ST+ Brace(Ti.15-3/Ti-64)+A L - 110(1) i4.64.31 ST+ Braze(Tl.tB-3/'ri-64)+ A L - t0D(1) 14.5ivii, L - 169 14.5

4,4& 81"+ BraceCycle+ A L _ 132 14,74,46 ST+ 6razeCycle+ A L - 133 14.9evil, L - 132 14.8

ii i

4C2 ST4,CW+ Brlzt Cycle+ A L L !1'2 1_,74C4 ST* CW �erectCycll+ A L L 114 15.1av0, L L 113 14.9

(1| PermlnlntBendiniiNoted.(2) SpecimenConfi_ratlon: FI_mA2,


®, ......... O0000001-TSF14

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (83)


Spit, Test Prz$train Fcy EcppNo,(1) Condition Oir I)ir (ksi) (Msi)

1.10 STA L - 179 15.51.11 STA L - 180 14,7ovg. L - 179 15.1

3A5 ST+ CW+ A L C I e() i4.9 _3A6 ST+ CW+ A L L 182 15,0nvo, L L 181 14.83.3 STA T - 159 15,53.4 STA T - 183 16.2ovO. T - 188 15.8

3A9 ST+ CW+A T L 182 14.63A14 ST+ CW+ A T L 195 15.5avg. T L 193 15.0

10.1 ST+ Weld+ A T - "SpecimenP_JT_ -10-2 ST+ Wild+ A T - Specimenbent -

10.3 ST+ Wild+ A T - 181 16,8124 ST+ Wild+ A T - 179 17.012-5 ST+ Weld �AT - 178 16.7

_- avg, T - 170 16.73-42 s'r+ Braze(Beta-C/TO.64)+ A T - 153 14.8343 ST+ Braze(Bata.CITi,64)+ A T - 15.4 15.2evO. T - 154 14,8

3-44 ST+ BrozeCycle+A T - 177 15.53.59 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A T - 179 15.5|vg, T - 178 15.5

3A10 ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle+ A T L 191 15.33A17 ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle+ A T L 183 15.6av0, T L 187 15.4

|1) SpecimenConflourotion:FIooroA2



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (84)


Spat, Test Prestraln _cy 6appNo,(1} Condition Oir Oir (kti) (Mid)

3.5 BTA T 202 16,63,6 3TA T - 198 16.7avo, T - 200 16.6

3A8 ST+ CW T L Specimenlent -

3AI5 ST+ CW,,+A T L _picimznDent3-36 ST+Braze(aem-CITi.64)+A T *. SpecimenBent3.30 ST+Braze(Beta.C/Ti-64)+ A T - 153 14.93,53 ST+ Brace(9ata.C/Tl.64)+A T - 167 15.4avg, T - 160 15.1

3-40 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A T - 167 16.13,41 ST+ BrazeCycle+A T - 181 17.3avg, T - 184 16.2

3All ST+ CW+ BrazeCycle* A T L 162 16.5JA16 ST+ CW+ Br_ceCycle+ A T L 189 16,4evg, T L 190 16.4

(1) SpecimenConfioumtion:FigtJ,eA2



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Spec. Test Pmtrain Fcy EeppNo.(2} Condition 0el' 0Jr (ksi) (Mli}

346 STA T - 166 15.63,47 $TA T - 163 16,6avg. T - 161 16.6

365 ST+ CW+ A T L 172 16.1366 ST+ CW+ A T L 174 16.3avg. T L 173 16.2

3-48 ST+ Braze(Beta.S/Ti-64}+ A T - 115(I) 14.93-49 ST+ Braze(Bita.C/TI.BR)+ A T - I! 3 (I) 14.9avg. T - 114 14,9

3-60 ST4.BrazeCycle+ A T - 147 15.83.61 ST+ BrazeCycle+ A T - 144 16.7avg. T - 145 15.7

3B7 ST �BrazeCycle+ A T L 148 16,0396 ST+CW+ BrazeCycle+ A T L 144 15.6avg. T L 146 15.9

(1} PermanentBandingNoted.(2) SpecimenConfiguration:,FigumA2





Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (86)


Test PmSroln Test NotchRediul NTS N1_.SSTamp Alloy Condition Sir DIr (In,)(I) Kt (ksl) _"_(0) YS

Room Ti.10-3 STA - L 0.004 9.3 1_ 0.68S'rA - L 0.004 0.3 tl2 100 0.70

ST�CW + A L L 0.000 10.6 92 0.03F ST+ CW+ A L L 0._025 1I.§ 104 173 0,6U

STA - T 0.003 10,6 127 0.76$TA - T 0.004 0.3 124 167 0.74

ST+CW+A T T 0.0025 11.6 90 0.63ST+ CW+ A T T 0.003 10.6 90 168 0.57

Oeto-C STA - L 0.005 8.4 04 0.53176

STA - L 0.003 10.6 90 0.51

iST &�HL 0.9025 11.6 96 0.49ST+ CW+ A L L 0,0026 11.0 86 176 0.48

STA - T 0.003 10.6 91 0.51STA - T 0,003 10.6 84 178 0.47

-60°F Ti-15.3 STA - L 0.0025 11.5 110 0.69STA - L 0.0025 11.6 00 185 0.54

F_ 0.45ST+CW+A L L 0.005 8.3 83 186ST+ CW �AL L 0.005 0.4 91 0.4D

i 8eto.C STA - L 0.0012 16 83 207 0.46i 0 ST+CW+A L L 0.0030 11.0 77 0.30

_" l ST+CW+A L L 0.005 8.4 03 204 0.40600°F Tt-15.3 STA - L 0.0012 16 138 1.05

I I | STA - L 0,0020 11.6 >107(2| 131 >1.00

I t STA - T 0.0012 10 140 1. 1,00I Oato-C STA - L 0,0012 16 127 0,91

I J STA - L 0.0012 10 122 140 0.07

i - J i ST+ CW+ A L L 0.0J0 0.3 I11 143 0.78I I ST Ž&NL 0,006 7.7 III o.7s

W / I STA - T 0.0012 16 116 o.81

t t STA - T 0.0012 16 107 142 0.764

i (I) Specifiedrelies(r)WH0.0007In.,(Spec.Conflgmltlon.FlilmeA31(2) Foiledthroughtozd_nllpinhole

i (0)Averageyieldstrength(ref.Tables21-20)


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (87)


Bargingpercent MinimumSpat. Material CreepRate.

N_, (3) Alloy CnndIBonc(I) Inltlt_ Final Cfa_ pwotmVhour(2)


7.11 Ti.10.3 STA 0.475 0.610 0,135 0.00010

7A6 Ti,15.3 ST+ CW+ A 0,650 0,842 0,162 0,00019

7-33 Ti,15-3 ST4'BmzaCycle,t,A _.516 O,64Q 0.124 0,00012

7A8 Ti.10.3 ST+ CW4,BrazeCycle+A 0,614 0,730 0,116 0,00010

7-3; Ti-15.3/Ti-6.4 ST4,Braze+ A 0,588 0.695 0,108 0,00009

1-12 BateC STA 0.550 0,008 0.008 0,00003

3.30 BetaC ST+ BrazeCycle �A0.521 0.590 0,069 0.00003

3,20 Betacfri.6.1 ST4,Braze+A 0,516 0.626 0.110 0,00008


7-12 Ti-15-3 STA 0.267 0.344 0,077 0.00007

7A8 Ti.15-5 ST+ CW+ A 0.446 0,500 0,110 0,00010

7.34 "r1.15.3 ST4-BrazeCycle4._ 0.474 0,538 0,054 0.00006

702 Ti.15-3 ST4,CW+ BrazeCycle+ A 0,358 0.430 0.044 0,00005

7.32 Tl.15.3fri.6.4 ST+ Braze 0.400 0,466 0,056 0,00006

1-13 BetaC STA 0.408 0.460 0,052 0,00002

3-31 BetaC ST+ BrazeCycle4,A {I,438 0.484 0,046 0.00002

3-29 BetaC/Ti,6.4 ST+ Braze+ A 0.522 0.378 0,006 0,00005

(1) Tectaeftdcoldwork(tlmeLtoprectroin)arein tSnIonoitudielgraindi¢cctlon


i (3)Specimenconfiguration',FigureAIi



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (88)

',r'_.l'_lJ",'l']. _LIM_I_,¥ ()l,' (:Rt.'.I_[' ,_TA_AI,L'I"_ FOR Ti-kS-3 AND P,ETA-C _HEET

i ClampRe.Its(2) RTTansOsP_'ops_lles


mr.. creep I Ft. -- _ * I e

sp.o,...("..... (,.,) ___"°fi'*)..... i.,,. (,,! l !,.,)SolutionTreat+ Age

141 Ti.15,3 Unexpoled 176 180 12 15.17-11 ri,15.3 75 0,135 178 163 3 14.87.12 Ti.15.3 50 0.077 178 182 10 14.8I|

(4| RatI-C U_expuHd - ISI 176 I 8 [ IE.S1,12 SeII-C 75 0.068 I00 176 8 16.2



1-13 6atm,C 50 0.062 181 178 _ 8 I 15.4I

S_lutionTract+ ColdWork(3) �Age

7A6 Ti-15-3 75 0,192 196 178 7 14,97A9 Ti-15,3 56 0.110 185 168 ? 14.1

SolutionTreat �RruzeCycle �Ago

I14) Ti.15-_. Unexposed - 104 150 10 14,47-33 Ti,153 70 0.124 169 ISS 10 14.97.34 Ti,15,3 50 0,064 169 154 10 14.8

(4) Bete-C Unexposed - 176 163 9 15.13 30 Seta-C 75 0,069 178 16o 9 15,73-31 Beto.C 50 0,046 176 163 10 16,2

SolutionTreat+ ColdWork(3)+ BrazeCycle+ Agel

(4) Ti,15-3 [I Unexposed - 150 138 14 [ 14,8

7AS Ti-15-3 75 0,116 153 130 13 14.4702 Ti.10,3 50 0,044 153 137 !1 15,0

SolutionTreat+ Orate+ A_

(4) Ti-15.31Ti-6.4 Unexpoted - 153 139 13 16,1731 Ti.15-3/Ti.6.4 75 0.108 159 145 12 15,27-32 Ti,15-31Ti-6,4 50 0.050 154 134 !I 15.2

(4) Bete-C/Ti.6-4 Unexposed - 159 149 11 15,13,28 Seta-C/TiS.4 75 0,110 163 14S 10 15,3

3-29 BeIe-C/TI6-4 50 0.056 162 150 II 15,4 ,



(3)Tensilestrainin L direction

(4) Baselineproperties(ReferenceTables21,24)



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (89)


(R'rt LAB AIR, R ,_0.1, [5 llz) (SHEET I OF 3)

MaximumCoupon NetSlre..

Configuration No. ksl Cyclesto Failure,N

0.080in,Ti.15.3: 7.77 100 41,770$TA. 7.75 80 88,204Grain,,TranwlrNo 7.72 $0 81,088 (I)

Et = l,O 7-73 70 150.646(I)(FigureA4) 7-79 70 2,000,000NF

7-78 65 128,706(1l7.76 65 2,008,110NF7-74 60 2,590,820NF

0.065in,Beta.C: 1-80 80 14,796STA, 1-75 60 41,259Grain,,Tr|nwerse, 1-61 05 38,004

Kt ,, 1.0 1-76 80 - (2)(FigureA4) !.77 80 91,090

1-82 48 78,7661-79 44 107,8121-78 40 2,004.889NF

0,085in.Beta-C: 1¥1 O0 16,790STA, 1-15 06 27.459Grain= Longitudinal, 1-16 70 37,800Kt - 1,0 1.17 00 70,587(FigureA4) 1-18 00 270,400

1-20 48 218,4551-19 40 2,069,318NF

0.080in,Ti-15.3: 88.4 100 44,887ST+ CW+ A 86.6 85 35,064Grain= Tranwersv, 89.2 80 81,047CW=Trunweru, 80.5 87.5 44,824

Kt = I.O 66.7 67.8 67,900(FigurnA4) 86.3 65 2,000,000 NF

8B.1 80 2,000,900 NF

0.OBOin.Ti-15.310.070in,Ti.6-4: 7-89 80 38,418ST+ Braze+ A, 7.80 70 47,248Grain= Tranwarse, 8-7 60 630,916

5Kt = 1,0 7.81 55 423,531

I (FiouraA4) 7-92 62.5 958,897L 7-90 90 349,050 (3)

8.8 59 1.471.264i 7-93 45 2,0O0,G0ONFI O.08Oin, Ti-15-3: W-8 90 33,377 W

ST+Weld+ A W.7 80 30,080 PMGrain= Transverse W.19 76 55,100 W

Kt = 1,0 W-9 05 35,147 EOWi (FiouraA4) W.13 65 732,336 Wp W-14 60 54,810 W

W-11 60 2,000,000 NF


00000001-T.q n7

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (90)


Minx(mumCoupon NetStress,

Conf_iluratIQ, No. kti Cyclesto Failure,N

O,OG0in.T{-15-3: 1.6 80 63,253,ST+Weld+ CW+ A, 1-1 70 81,020Grain- Trur,sve,_, I-4 60 164,796CW- Tranwarm, !-2 50 172,066

Kt.I. O 1-5 45 3.000,000 HF(FigureA4) I-3 40 2,000,000 NF

0.080in.Ti-15-3i 7-47 80 9,260STA, 7-46 70 12,560Grain- Longitudinul 7.52 60 30,840

Kt - 2.6 7.50 56 39,020(FigureAB) 7.48 50 2,319,100 HF

7.51 50 679,0607.49 60 2,000,000 NF

0.065in.Beta.C: 1-24 89.5 4,080STA, 1-25 67 9,360Grain= Longitudinal, 1-30 60 14,810

Kt- 2.6 1-26 40 53,530(Piwre AGi 1.27 35 114.270

i-29 32.5 230,0901-29 30 2,000,000 NF

I 0.080in.Ti.t 5-3: 7C-1 60 22,686ST+CW �A,7C-2 50 123,785Grain- Longitudinal, 7C-4 45 66,650CW- Longitudinal, 7C-3 40 BB,13BKt - 2.6 7C-7 37.5 179,097(FigureA5) 7C.6 35 2,000,000 NF

7C.5 30 2,000,000 NF

0.080in.Ti-15-3: 4-58 60 26,664 iST+ Brazecycle+ A, 4-59 50 40,148Grain: Longitudinal, 4-60 40 98,181

Kt _2.6 4.64 37,5 236,243(FigureAS) 4.61 35 216,588

4-63 32.6 2,000,000 NF4.62 30 2,000,000 NF

0,060I_.Ti.15-31B,G7Oin.Ti-B.4: ?-53 60 24,841ST+ Braze+ A 7.67 60 45,707Grain" Longitudinal 7-54 49 64,969

Kt ,, 2.6 7.56 35 104,510(FigureAS) 7-68 32.5 168,160

7.65 30 1,405,644 (3)7-69 27.5 2,000,00B HF


..................................... 00000001'TSG08

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (91)



Coupon Net 9iroN,

Collflg,ratlon No. k$i Cyclicto Failure,N

0.090in TI.19.B/o.070in.Ti44: 4.9 60 1,351 (4)ST+Braze+A, 4,11 40 1,203 (4)Grain- Longitudlnnl, 4.12 30 32,334 (4)Lapiheer 4.20 29 28,879 (4)

(fIg.m AB| 4.22 20 168o960 FM (Ti.15-3)4-21 17,6 180,513 FM (Ti.fB-3)

4.17 16 933.938 PM(T1.10.3)4.19 12.5 2,G_,OOB HF

4.18 10 2,900,000 NF

0.069 in.8m.C/O.O7Oin. Ti.6.4: I1.1 30 36,000• 72,000 (4)(5)ST+ Braze+ A, 11-7 30 45,000 PM(Beta-C)

Grain- Longitudlnll, 11.B 20 66,412 PM(Beta-C)

Lapshier 11-9 29 60,262 PM(Rata.C)

(FiguraAB) 11.2 20 127,970 PM(Beta.C)11-3 15 296,838 (4) & PM(Beta-C)

11.8 12.5 196,_90 PM |Beta-C,)11.4 10 670,261 PM(0eta.C)11-5 7.9 2,000,900 NF

(I) Felledaww from center

(2) Machinemeifu_tion,tenin_ilid

"..- (3) Failedetgripe(4) JointshNrfailure

(B) CuuntardM notstopNF • nofailure,W- weldfailure,PM- parentmetalfailure,EOW- edgeof weedfailure





Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (92)

ORIGIN_kk .....


• ,*_ O _ _ a p

Figure 24, - Typical Ti-15-3 panel after stretching.

i_," 79i

00000001 'TSG 10

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (93)


........................................... O-O00()O01-TSG11

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OFPoof,, ";. --,'QL,d:.ijy

•-,e 81

0000000'I-TSG'I 2

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (95)

ORIGIN/'_L_.OF pOOR (_J,: •


® )r

00000001 -TSG 13

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F iiinnn -......... --. _'_ ........


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85 ',

• 1


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' ®


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87 '_


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'_'"'"OFpOOR (_ALI'I'Y.



'_ 90


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J ;'U



L--_I _I._n'lnlnpol,I _. ..

t ,,


ii i 11 i ........ • .....


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (105)


i I


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ST + CW' + A


80 STA

+ Weld �A

it ST + BrezelTl.15-3 to Ti.6.4) +


• ST.+ Weld,+ CW* + A


Trensvsmormin,fl.T.,"CWin transversedir lib air,R - 0.I. "5 Hz

0 _ i I I I ILIll I I I I li111 I ! I I IIII

104 105 106 107

Cyclesto failure

Figut'e 40. - Constant amplJtude unnotched (Kt = 1.0) fatigue Lust re.,;ults for0.080 _n, TJ.-15-3 in various conditions



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_' " .......... - .......... - .... --00000002H,, , ......... -TSAlZ

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_l o4





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iL . ,

I ,Ma9,2000X


Flgure 43. - Microstructure and fatip_ue crack path of brazed and aged lapshear specimen llO. 4-17. Arrows denote grain boundary

alpha-phase precipitate in the Tt-15-3.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (112)




Meg.2000X :

Figure 44. - Microstructure and _atigue crack path o5 brazed and aged lap iahear specir_en no. [1-2. Arrows d_,note grain boundaryalpha-phase precipitate in the Beta-C.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (113)


10-o-_,- a R,T.labair (spec.K1,K2, KS)" o 3.5_ NiCI (spee.K3,K4)gi

" Nonstriined|nd ailedi L-T, R- 0.1:6 Hz


" O0

10-70 15 30 46 60 75

_K, kniin.I_

Figure 45. - Fatigue crack growth rates of 0.080 in.TI-15-3 in air and saltwater,




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (114)


10.3. - OF POOR QUALITY +40i

" 04m



•- 0

4_10.4 i 0


-." OolbO

o e

i 10.5 4,




10"6 ..


" +L.T(spec.K1,K2,K6)OT-Llepec,K7,K9,K9)

" Nonltrainedandagedb R.T.,labair,R - 0.1, 6 8z


0 15 30 45 60 75

_K, ksi.in,1/2 _ •

Figure 46. - Fatigue crack growth rates of nenstralned 0.080 in, .'Tt--15-3 in two directions.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (115)






10"4I 0mlilom



.. • 0O•


£ "] ""10"6 •dRam





I+ I0'U .

,8+ L.T(_oec.4AI,4A21o T.L(spec,401,402)

8trdinlid"endlOldR,T,,labair,R - 0,1,0 Hz t

•Prestriinedinlongitudinaldirection ,,

Q *

710" ''0 15 30 45 00 76

AK, kli.in,112o

Figure 47. - Fat/sue crack 8rowth rates of prestratned 0.080 in.Ti-15-3 in two directions.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (116)





" 4_, +Noo4tflkuldand_ (lime.K1,K2,KOI

" t OStriined"andlOed(lpec.4A1.4A2}. L-Torientation

R,T,,lib ak, R - 0.1.6 Hz

" "Prlltr|inld inIonoitudinaldirection

I I I Iio,7 i ,,t I * ' ' ' ' * _ o_ i

15 30 45 00 75 " "

_K, ksHn,112

Figure 48. - Fatigue crack growth rates of nonstratned and prestraiued0.080 in. TL-15-3 in L-T direction.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (117)


I + NOMIrIInNtoldI_I IIFAi_,K7,

K8oKg)OStrllnnd*and_ (spec.4BI,482)

- T.L_tat_R.T.,labk, R - 0.1,6 Hz



4,10.7 ,+

0 1§ 30 46 00 70


Figure 49. - Fatigue crack growth rates of nonaCrained and prestrained0.080 in. T1-15-3 in T-L direction.



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NonstridudinvlFofspec,KI,K2).L.T,Fty- 101_.



90 (avg.ofapm.K7,K8),T.L,Fty- 167fud



60 "Prestreined(spoc.4AI),L.T,Fty- 173kld_


__"- _'Prutreimid(spe_.4611oT.L,Fry- 188ksi

•Pmatrainldintongitu4Jmddkoctioe,tim ilOed4O I I I I I I I

0 0,1 0.2 0,3 0.4 0,5 0,6 0.7 0,8


Figure 50. - KRve eEfecttve ccack extension of aged 0.080 in. T1-15-3,



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i Low-coat brazing and welding meChods were Investigated as a means of[e more efficiently Joining _hc beta alloys compared with conveutlonal mechanical

£ Joints.

Brazln_ Development

An isothermal (hot die) brazing system was developed for joining betaalloy structural members, such as stringers, to beta 811oy or Ti-6-4 skins.

The brazlns concept, illustrated in figure 51, employs alumlnum-base brazlnp

alloys and heated dies in a high purity argon atmosphere to achieve rapidout-of-furnace heatlnp.

Inltial efforts _ere directed at brazln_ the beta alloys in thn _A

condition. Tensile tests to explore the brazln_ cycle/agln S com_atlbilltv,figure 52, indicated that a brazln_ temperature below about 1150 F was neededto minimize the strength loss due to eye,aging. Room temperature lap shear

strengths of some candidate alunlnum brazing alloys covering a range of

, brazing temperatures are shown in figure 53. Unfortunately, candidate brazln_

L. alloys with flow points below llbO°F, such as 718 (AI, 12 percent Si),_.tdry 389 (AI_Si, H_, an, rare earths), and 39[ (AI, Si, Mg, Cu, rare earths)were eliminated because of inferior shear strength and wettabillty.[

_. In terms of shear strength and wetting_ the two best aluminum braze alloys

tested were 3003 (AI, 1.2 percent Mn), and II00 (99 percent mln. AI). But

" their liquidus temperature is about 1215°F, which dictated age-hardening after

the brazing operation. Braze alloy 3003 was favored over llO0 because of its

hi_her shear strenKth in all conditions tested (room temperature, 600°F,

as-brazed, aged) for both Ti-15,-3 and Beta-C brazements, as shown in figures 54and 55, and its slightly better flow characteristics. Braze alloy IIO0,

however, showed an advantaEe in formin 8 the thinnest tltanium-alumlnlde inter-metallic layer (0.00005 inch) of the materials studied.

A nominal Joint _ap of 0.003 inch was controlled usln_ small dimples

suitably spaced on one of the Joint members. Thicker i_aps provided no advan.- '

ta_es while addlns weight, and laps of 0.001 inch or less were virtually _'.

unlnspectable by conventional X-ray technique mainly because of the large _ • .difference in densities between the titanium mer_ere and the thin aluminum <,braze layer. _' :

! :i " lo6 ,:


! ,


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (120)

ffltrasanlc C-scan and high sensitivity X-ray techniques verified goodbraze coverage with scattered voids. Representative ultrasonic standardshaving 1/16, I/8, and I/4 Inch flat-bottom holes at the faylng surface wereused. Post shear and peel test examinations revealed good correlatio_t betweenthe non-destructive inspection (NDI) results and the void areas in the brazezone. Total aggregate area of voids not exceeding [5 percent of the Joint llaying surface was established as an acceptance level guide. Braze test Jointsand panels of tasks 4 thru 8 were X-ray and ultrasoulc luspected, and for themos_ part met this braze quality level.

Photomicrographs of typical isothermal brazed Joints of the beta alloysto Tt-6-4 using 3003 are shown in figure 56, Typical aging response(precipitate distribution) of the beta alloys as well as formation of atitantum-alumtnide layer nominally 0.0002 inch thick may be seen.

Crippling tests. - Four small skin/stringer elements, each composedof a single beta alloy zee stiffener brazed to a skin segment of Tt-6A1-4V,

were subjected to short column (crippling) tests at room temperature. Thistesting was performed to provide substantiating data on the integrity of theisothermal brazed section under compression loading and some preliminary design

data for the task 6 panel crippling tests. Two specimens had Ti-15-3 stringersand two had Beta-C stringers. The basic specimen configuration and nominaldimensions are shown in figure 57.

The TI-15-3 stringers were made from 0.063 inch thick annealed sheet,

room temperature brake formed on a 2t radius in the longitudinal direction

to the zee shape. The stringers were brazed to the annealed O.040-inch thick

TI-6-4 skln segment, one specimen using 3003 aluminum brazing alloy and the

other using 1100 aluminum brazing alloy. After brazing, the specimens wereaged in air at 940°F for 12 hours.

The Beta-C stringers were 0,069 inch thick annealed sheet, room temperaturebrake formed in the transverse direction on a 4t radius. Again, one specimenwas brazed with 3003 braze alloy and the other with 1100. After brazing, thespecimens were aged In air at 1000°F for 8 hours.

The ends of the specimens were potted and i mchined flat, square, andparallel. The resulting test length was approximately 4 inches. Two uniaxial

strain gages were installed back to back on each specimen, on the skin and

attached stringer flange at the midspan of the test length (figure 57).

To cusure uniformity of loading, a 2 inch diameter steel bearing waslocated between the upper (fixed) test head and the steel compression blockthat reseed directly on the machined surface of the upper potting box. The

lower potti.g box remained in direct contact wlth the lower (movable) head ._"

of the test machine. _m LVDT-type deflection transducer was installed parallelto the specimen to measure machine head travel. Testing was performed at

ambient conditions in a Universal static test machine. A typlcal test instal-

lation is shown In figure 58.

107 ,



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (121)

The initial buckling f_r these specimmm was the local beckling of the

widest portion of the Ti-6-4 face sheet, which was the dlstanee from the brazefillet to the free edge of the :_ktn. The Initial buckling stresses were cal-culated using Lockheed Stress Memo No. 80c, considering the widest portion ofthe face sheet as a flat plate with one edge free.

The t_aleulation of tim final failure stresses for these specimens wasbased on tile crippling strength of tim t,_t0blncd skin/strtngor cross-section,and was made using the procedure outlined in Lockheed Stress Memo No. 126a.The skin/stringer configuration is divided into its eomgJnent flat and curved

elements and a local crippling stress is ohtained for each element. This stressand the elemental area are then used to calculate the loading capability ofeach element. The average crippling stress of the specimen is determined bydividing the sum of these elemental loads hy the total area of the crosssection. The _inal failure s_ress was calculated using the average specimendimensions for each design.

The analysis indicated that the failure stresses in the Ti-15-3 and the

geta-C were in the elastic regions of their respective stress-straln curves.

Although the predicted stress in the skin at failure for the Beta-C specimens

did enter the inelastic region of the Ti-6-4 stress-strain curve, the effectof plasticity was so small that it was ignored.

The material property data used for Ti-6-4 in the analyses were taken

from reference 13. The properties for Ti-15-3 and geta-C were based or* the

data obtained in tasks 3 and 4 of this contract. A summary of the correla-tlon between the analysis and test results is presented in table 37 anddiscussed below:

• The two Ti.-15-3 specimens had equivalent crippling strength regardless

of the type of braze alloy used. Less than i percent variation wasrecorded between the failure stresses, and the predicted failure

stress was conservative by about 17 percent. The failed specimen_are shown in figure 59.

• A much wider variation in actual failure stresses was noted for the

two Beta-C specimens. Specimen B had a significantly lower crippling

strength than specimen A probably due to the realignment of the head

during the testing of this specimen. The crippling strength of 7.specimen A was I0 percent above its calculated failure stress and only ..3 percent below that of the two Ti-15-3 specimens. The failed

specimens are displayed in figure 60. Typical load/straln and load/ ;.,deflection curves are presented in figure 61. ':,

• For _he 'ri-15-3 specimens, the initial compression buckling stresses, ' .'

as indicated by the divergence in the strain gage recur<hugs, eorre- .

lated well. with the calculated buckling strength of the widest ', .

unsupported elt_ment on the Ti-6-4 skin segment, Initial buckling

stresses of the Beta-C specimens were about 22 percent below the :[ "

analytlca] prediction of the buckling strength of the w:|dest unsup- : .

ported skit* element.

608 "i'.,!


.... . . 00000002-'1-$B1


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (122)

• [t appears from these tests that the full crippling strength of thecross section can be attained using etthez 3003 or 1100 braze alloy.

Welding Development

_lechanized TIG arc welding was selected to demonstrate butt Joining ofbeta alloy sheet or strip. Single-pass square butt welds without filler metaladdition were made in 0.080 inch T1-15-3 and 0.065 inch Bete-C sheet. The

basic TIG welding machine setup was as follows:

Power Supply - Dimetries 600 amp DC at 16 kHz, DCSP

_rogrammer - Dimetrica Gold Track II

Carriage - Dimetrlcs with AVC head

Torch Gas - Helium

Trailing shield and underside gas - Argon, with Lockheed-designed purgecontrol box to maintain preset flow and pressure to underbead.

Electrode - 2 percent thoriated tungsten, 3/32 inch diameter machined to25-degree included angle with 0.020 inch diameter point.

Cup - No. 12

[ Sheet preparation - Milled edge, alkaline clean, Nitric-flY acid pickle,draw f_le and acetone wipe Just prior to welding.

The weld beads were within 0.006 inch of flush and not dressed. Welds

I met dimensional, X-ray, penetrant, and metallographic inspection criteria

for critical structural aircraft welds, with only some minor scattered

i porosity evident.

Weldments were evaluated as-welded and after aging. Tension and bendtest results are given in I:able 38 for Ti-15-3 and table 39 for Beta-C.Full Joint efficlencles with good ductility were attained in both as-welded

and weld plus aged conditions. The Ti-l§-3 TIG welds _ithstooo a 4t benO

radius and the Beta-C welds made 3t, confirming good as-weloea ouctlllty.

Mierohardness surveys of the Ti-15-3 and Beta-C weldments were made onas-welded and weld plus aged Joint cross-sections. The hardness traversesare shown in figures 62 (Ti-15-3) and 63 (Beta-C) aloPg with the cross-sectional nhotomacrograpba. For either alloy the hardness values were

suostantia£1y uniform auress the base metal, heat-affected zone (tlAZ) and

weld, in beth weld conditions, without notable hard or soft zones. Theas-welded Ti-15-3 does appear to display a minor aging reaction in the

vicinity of the HAZ, which was compatible with the tensile failures occurringin the softer weld zone.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (123)



Initial Bnckiingo Fellura.

Pll pll

|pKimen in IDescriptlon Prediction TeN Prediction Test Commentsp.,

2 Ti.15.3 aWingerl 65,900 65,600 84,700 113,400 Shuwidlame evidenceof separationTi.6.4 ikin at the brazeintarhlcOboty_tenthe

(3003 aluminum strinpr andskin

btaeo_4 1'i-15.3Itrinpr/ 84,500 63,300 94,700 114,300 Showedflu vii_bloevidenceof lisp.

T|-64 skin arition at thebrazeinterface

(f 100 aluminum


A 8ltl.C stringer/ 09,500 57.400 89,300 11U,300 Stringercontainedtwistprior toTi.6.4 skin potting

13003aluminum Stringerpopped10011from the skinbraze) sxqmvntit maximumload

6 61de,Cslriogar/ 05,000 54,100 N,300 00,000 Hiredree_ignmontnoted |o_lowingTi.04 skin initialbuckling

(I 100 aluminum Loaddroppedwellbelowmaximum

braze) valuebeforeesp0mtionwasobsewedat brazeinterface

|. Note: All stressesareaveraged




i II I I I " " I ......... -' • -- ............ _ .............

00000002-1-SB ] 4

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (124)



WoM Tm Whets MtoBind

Condition Dir CIr(I) Flu,hal Fly,kit e,% Failed Radius(2)m

ST - T 110 109 18 2t

ST+ Weld L T 110 107 9 Weld -

ST+ Weld L T 11! 109 10 Weld -

ST+Weld L T 113 111 8.5 Weld -

ST+ Weld L T - - - 4t

ST+ Weld+ Age(3) L T 186 176 6.5 BaseMetal -

ST+ Wild+ Age(3) L T 185 175 6.5 BaseMetal -

ST+ Weld+ Age(3) L T 186 174 6 BaseMetal -

(!) Bendaxisorloadingdirectionasapplicable,(2) Bentthru105e, andacceptablewithbothweldfacenndrootonODof bend,(31 825°F for 12boors

(4} SpecimlnConfiguration:FigureAI



1 ",®O0000002-TSC01

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (125)


TuMlunTUB (6)in

Weld Test Whmu MInBend

Condition Oh' Ok(1) Ftu,kd Fry,hi| e,_ Fulled B_dlus(31

ST - T 133 132 O,O - 4tST �WeldL T 130 123 2,6 Weld -ST+ WIdd L T 131 126 7.6 Weld -ST,_Weld L T 133 126 7.0 Weld -ST �WeldI. T - - - 3t

STA(3} - T 179 166 6.2 - -ST+Weld+ Age|4) L T 170 I ?f 3.0 Weld -ST+Weld+AlP}(4) L T 178 !88 3,0 Weld -ST+Weldt Ale (41 L T 162 170 3.0 Weld -


(!) BimdImllWhmdlngdlreotlonaeaPldkmb_.||) Bentthro1HO,endNceptabiowithbothweldfaceendrouton0Oo!bend,13) Intiwpoletadfrom100O°F,6end10houragingdenintalk3.(4) 1000°Fford hours,

(6) 8tHcimenConfiguration:FigureAI

OF P_R _.u_,.,




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (126)



s+ , •

Figure 51. - Isothermal brazlng concept.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (127)

OF pOORQ;,_ ....


__ STA* Brazeat 1125°F

i 170- STA+ Brazeat 114Q°F

STA+ Brazeat 1170°F- 150

130 J I [ I4 8 12 16


Fig,lre52. - Effect of braze cycle on tensile strength of Tt-15-3 sheet.






Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (128)



_p,I ,

_ ., t

I I I I i t _ };- '

Iili 'q||UllJl!,lllql dl1 .:' '.t; L

Ii ,




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (129)


,T,!.15-3toTi.OAI-4V 8m-CtoTi.GAI.4'_

14- I-1 .f Avo

10 3003

i 11008

L- _ 0

4 ""


2 1.25in.

Figure 54. - Room temperature shear strength of brazed titanium Joints.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (130)

@ ®

OF PO0_ "_"' ' "" "

T1-15-3toTi.GA_,4V kts-CtoTt.G&I,4V

]3 O i Aoml

! -.," _!3003

4 3003 110_. ._.1100 3003 1100._.


• 0.38In,_

_1.28 in,



t , •

L ,


Figure 55. - 600°F shear strength of brazed titanium toints.

iq 117 _'*:_



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (131)

F® @

Figure 56. - Sections thru 3003A1 isothermal brazed Jolnts. (Top) Ti-15-3/Tl-.GA1-4V, aged 940°F-12h; (bottom) Be_a-C/T_-6A1-4V, aged1000°F-Bh. Nag. 25_X.


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (132)

ORf_r_:_:_ , ....

OF POOR QU_,l_,{,

, _ o,d_iI- Dinmsioneininches

Ti.15.3stringers(_cimens 2 and41: titr - 0,063

ht|.C stringers(specimensA andO): tstr - 0.069


Figure 57. - Specimen seontetry for short column cripplingtests of see-stiffened elements.

119 :_


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (133)

O_i_i, _,......OF pOOR "" "

Figure 58. - Typical test installation - short column crippling testsof zee-stiffened elements.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (134)


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (135)



_Klmlm A, 8PKimmBo3003AIbmze | 100AIbraze L*t iSN

Figure 60. - Beta-C zee-stiffened elements after crippllng test.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (136)

® ®ORI_'_,'__ ,

0.0- _,- I000

-2000 _.% _ J-3000' --G*|* #l ,


'' G4|e Or'. ,,C-** ,_,',,,--5000 '

-\._ _.,..

- 7OOO-5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15,0 20,0 25.0 30.0


(el SpecimenB, strainvoload

0,08 - _ ......... :

0.06---:--"-- "-_ ----!

// .............0.02 .

0.000,0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0



Figure 61, - Examples of load/strain and ]oad/dt_f_l._'cthm curw_,q -' _hortco].ttmn c:rLppllttg test+ of Beta-C zt,c!-stt ffent, d ,,l._,menL -+l) t+_t:J.IIK!ll B,



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (137)


300 e

• • e

i 200 J I I f I I I I

0 0.1 0,2 0.3 0.4 0,5 0,6 0.7 0,8Distance,in,


!li_ IMe9,§x)i

! " "•400 • • •

e e • ee ee •,_. ee • eoe• e • •

350 I I I • I I I I • •O 0.1 0,2 0,3 0.4w 0.5 0,6 0.7 0.6


(b)Condition:ST+Weld+ Age(925°F/12h)

Flgure b2. - Hard.ess traverse ef TIG butt welds in 0.080 itt. T]-15-3 sheet.


J J III II Ill -- I I I I I .... ,. '_'_,'/MIm:e b _.: r'_'t_ Je_ _ ,


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (138)

(4"} (_.


350 Condition:ST+ Wold

""300 • • • °oOoo •

j • • •0 o• •0

260 I I I I I I I I I I0,1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0,6 0.7 0.8 0,9 1,0


-_ ,,_ I----.,°---I ,_ p.--

(Mq Do)

Condition:ST+Weld+Age{1000°F/Sh) •400

_ • •go @• • •• • OOQ360 o• • °•° • •

]300 I ,I I I I I I I I I ,,

0,1 0,2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 O.O 0,9 1.0 : ' ',;.,

Distance,in. ,. '. ,

Figure 63. - Hardness traverse of TIG butt welds in 0.065 in. Beta-C sheet;, ;"



1 :®,

_ -- _.. iiii t_r ' ,i ..,._,b_ _ • .


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (139)

r® ®-


Deelgn and Fabrication

Loekheed'e analytical studies for NASA in the design of supersonic czuisevehicles have involved all aspects of airframe design for vehicles wlth cruisespeeds ranging from Nach 2.0 to Nach 2.7. In one of these studiesj undercontract to NASA LaRC (ref. 27), a eon_rehenslve analytlcal study was per-formed to assess the various structural/materlal approaches for deslEn of prl-mary wln E and fuselage structure of a t4ach 2.7 arrow-wln_ supersonic cruiseaircraft. Various wine structural arrangements were investigated. Amongthese, a spanwiee stiffened wing structural arrangement was evaluated forvarious wink surface panel concepts includin E the zee-stiffened, integral

zee-stiffened, hat-stiffened, and blade-stiffened concepts, The least weiRhtconcept (most seructurally efficient) for this arrangement was thehat-stiffened.

A weight penalty was associated with an all beta titanium design duetogthe large amount of win_ surface area that is liEhtly loaded. Hence, thelower modulus/density ratio of the candidate beta alloy (Eeta-C at that time)

presented heavier designs than those of the corresponding Ti-6A1-4V (annealed)designs. However, in hiEhly loaded regions, such as the win E box near theroot chord, the Beta-C designs showed promise of weight savings because thestress levels are sufficiently high to take advantage of higher inelasticstrength capability of the beta alloy. Also, considerable cost savings areavailable using a beta alloy due to its cold forming capability when comparedwith the hot formin_ requirements of Ti-6A1-4V. Therefore, a hybrid designusing a Ti-6-4 surface skin and beta alloy stringers Joined by isothermalbrazing appears to present an efficient structural arranEement.

To demonstrate the compressive bucklinE capability of the isothermalbrazed hat-stiffened panel design, a series of six short-column compressiontests was conducted. The cross-sectional geometry of the test panelsapproaches optimum proportions: the stresses for local and general instabilityfailure modes are approximately equivalent. Each of the panels had three betatitanium stringers which were brake formed to the ha_ configuration, thenIsothermal brazed to an annealed Ti-6-4 skin using 3003 aluminum brazing alloy.

Four of the panels had Ti-15-3 stringers and two had Bet_-C stringers. Afterbrazing, the Ti-15-3 panels were aged in a vacuum at 940-F for 12 hours andthe Beta-C panels were aged at 1000°F for 8 hours. Nominal panel dimensionsand a completed pmlel are shoml in figure 64.

f_ 126


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (140)


Four panels with T£-L5-3 stiffeners were tested, two at room temperature

and two at 600°F. Oge geta-C stiffened panel was tested at room temperatureand the other at 600 F. Test length of the panels was 13 inches after pottingand machinin 8 the ends. The panel edges were supported during test by slottedtubes_ as shown in figure 65_ to prevent premature buckling. Ten strain gageswere installed on each of the room temperature panels, as also indicated infigure 65. A clamshell radiant heating arrangement was used for the elevatedtemperature tests with thermocouples attached to the panels to monitor temper-

+Oature. Test temperature was held within _25 F. An LVDT-type deflectiontransducer measured machine head travel continuously during testing. Thepanels were tested in a 400-kip universal static test machine. Typicaltest installations tot the room temperature and elevated temperature testsare shown in figure 66.

The initial buckling mode for these paneJs was that of the Ti-6-4 skin.The initial buckling stress was predicted using the method described on

pages 368-371 of reference 28, and assuming simply supported boundary conditions.

Both the skin widths under the stringers and between stringers were enalyzed_

and the predicted location of initial buckling for all six panels was betweenthe stringers.

Panel failure was by erippllng of the cross section. The cripplingstress was predicted as in task 5. A conservative estimate (ref. 28,

pages 371-376) of the effective width of the between-stringer skin sections

was used to aceou_t for buckled skin_ and inelasticity was taken into account

where applicable. The crippling analysis indicated that the TI-6-4 skin

stresses at failure were in the inelastic region for all six panels_ but

the only stringer stresses in the inelastic region were those of the Ti-15-3

elevated temperature panels.

The material properties used for Ti-6-4 were taken from reference 13, and

measurements made in ta_k 4 provided the stress-straln curves used for the

beta alloy stringers. The predicted _nltial buckling and crippling failure

stresses and the corresponding test results are summarized in table 40. Adiscussion follows:

• Of the four panels with Ti-15-3 stringers, panel 6-9, tested at roomtemperature, failed within one percent of the predicted value and

panel 6-8, tested at 600°F, failed within 8 percent of the prediction.Fanels 6-10 and 6-11 had considerably larger differences betweenpredicted and test failure loads_ 18 and 17 percent, respectively; thesuspected reason tor the low test failure loads for these two panelsis a variation in a_ing response of the Ti-15-3 stringers becausestringers for panels 6-8 and 6-9 were from one sheet and those for6-I0 and 6-ii from another sheet. Photographs of the failed panels

are presented in figure 67. A typical load/straln curve is shown in

figure 68.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (141)

® ®,

• The initial compression buckling stress of the TI-15-3 panels asindicated by the divergence in the strain gage recordings, fell within20 percent of the calculated buckling strength of the wides_ elementon the Ti-6A1-4V skin segment, the skin between the stringers. In

three of the four cases the prediction was conservative.

s The room-temperature Beta-C stiffened panel No. 6-5 failed within

2 percent of the predicted value, with an initial buckling load about15 percent higher than predicted. Beta-C panel 6-1, tested at 600-F,failed 22 percent below the predicted load, and was at a load about

25 percent lower than the predicted value when its skin began tobuckle. Photographs of the panels after testing are shown in

figure 69.

a In all six tests the brazed Joints remained intact until after panelfailure. Disbondlng after failure was generally minimal and confined

to the i_L_dlate vlclnlty of cLle crippled flanges.






Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (142)


InitialSuckling" Failure(ksi) (kll)

Sl_imon Test

IO Stringer/Skin Tamp Prediction Test Prediction Teat Comments

6-6 Oate.Crr._6.4 Room 66.0 75 116.0 118,1 Failureoccurred4Inchesfromtopof pane!Stringersfracturedat Nvafalloca-tionsalong.failureline3 to4 inchdlabonduherfailure

6.1 Oata.C/Ti.6-4 ll0O°F 60,1 45 92.2 75,8 Cripplingfailureoccurredat mtdspanSlightdiabondnotedafterfailure

6-9 Ti-15.3/TI.6.4 Room 62.9 76 120.7 121.3 Cripplingfailureoccurred9 inchesfromtopof panelSlightdlthondnotedafterfmlluro

6.11 Ti-15.3/Ti-8-4 Room 80.7 66 121.7 104.4 Cripplingfailureoccurredinlower1/4 lengthBucklenotstraightecrompenalStringerscrackedonbendsatfailurelocation3to 4 inchdithondnotedohm'failure

6-8 Ti.16-3/1"i.6.4600OF 62.0 62 91.9 64.9 Cripplingfailureoccurred4 InchesfromtopofpenalSlightdithondnotedeherfailure

6.10 Ti-15.3/Ti.6.4 600°F 63.8 70 92.4 78,4 Cripplingfailureoccurred4 inchesfromtopof panelSlightdilbondnotedafterfailure

• Initialbucklingwasdidermlnedfromsteingeparecordingsforroomtemplmlturetestsandbyvisualobservationforelevatedtemperaturetaste, Inallcms, Initialbucklingoccurredontheskinbatmenthestringers,

Note: All strasmeraavmped,



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (143)






Deta,Catiflmw:t - 0,066, r- 0.202Ti,1§.3|tiffimw:t - 0,060, r- 0,227

Fibre 64. - Specimen geometry for short column crippling testsof titanium hat-stiffened panels.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (144)


I12,_60 _ 6,00I 2 3 4 5

i t _ i --_ a_'_',_" htted

_';'_ T "T ,a

6 8 10Note:ANgapekited atmid.span

Oirnensionsininches of teatlength

Ftsure 65. - Strain 8ase locations on room temperature pane)s - :short eolurm cripplin S tests of hat-stiffened ":: ..panels. n



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (145)







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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (148)



E ®


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (149)


Four relatively large hat-stlffened panels were fabricated using Ti-15-3cold-formed stringers isothermal brazed to a TI-6-4 skin. Three of the panels,simulating wing upper surface panels of an SCV, were tested to provide insightinto the long-column compression and damage tolerance characteristics of panelsfabricated usln_ beta titanium alloys. The fourth panel was a demonstrationcomponent delivered to the NASA-Langley Research Center.

Design and Fabrication

i The panel deslgn represents an SCV wlug upper surface panel between

two ribs. The panels were 20 inches wide by 48 inches long, contalulngfour brake-formed Ti-15-3 stringers isotheru_al brazed to a Ti-6-4 skin usiu_

3003 alumim_m brazing alloy. Cross-sectional proportions and pitch were thesame as those of the crippling panels in task 6. After brazing, the panels wereaged in a vacuum at 940OF for 12 hours with no restraint fixturing. Flatnesswas checked before and after aging by means of deviation from a straightedBe. The panels stayed essentially flat (within 0.030 inch), demoustrating

that brazing in the fixture appears to effectively size and stress relieve.A completed panel is shown in figure 70.


P Static Compression Tests

One panel was tested at room temperature and one at 600°F. Test lengthof the panels was 40 inches after potting and machining the ends, For fullfixity, the effective panel length or distance between points of contraflexure

approximates an SCV rib spacing of 20 inches with the ribs providing simplesupport to the skin.

Strain BaBes were installed and the edges were supported by slottedtubes as depicted in fl,ures 71 and 72. An LVDT-type deflection transducerwas used to measure machine head travel and clamshell radiant heatlng wasused for the 600OF panel. Test temperature was held within _250F. Figures 73

E and 74 show the installations of the test pm_els in the 400-kip Universal static ,test machine. Load rate was 1200 pounds per second for the RT test and

1000 pounds per second for the 600°F test. ,..



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (150)

Skin buckling, cross-sectlon crippling, and taler column buckling wereanalyzed prier to testing. The crippling stress was calculated only toconfirm that crippling would not be the principal failure mode. A summaryof the correlation between the analysis and test results is presentedin table 41.

Panel failure was in the long-colurm mode, Tileanalysis based on full

_nd fixity indicated that for the room temperature panelj both the sklm stress

and the stringer stress were in the elastic region of the stress/straln curveat failure, For the panel tested at 600 F, only the stringer stress was inthe elastic region. A typical load/strain curve is shown in figure 75.

Both the room and elevated _emperature test results correlate closelywith calculated values using Euler's long column theory with an end fixityof 3.0. For this fixity, the distance between points of contrafle::ure

corresponds to a simply supported column with a length of 23 inches. Inboth cases, the deformed shape of the panel at maximum load was characteristicof a classic column failure. The maximum variation between the calculated

values and the test results was lees than 4 percent. No local buckling wasevident, and no cracks, braze separation or other da_Ige was found in post-test visual, X-ray, and ultrasonic inspections.

Fatlgue/Crack Growth Tests

Fatlgue/crack growth tests of a representative hat-stiffened wing upper

surface panel for an SCV were conducted to investigate the durability aspects

of the isothermal brazing process. The panel was subjected to an initial

20,000 flight lifetime varlable amplltude fllght-by-fllght fatigue spectrum.Then a flaw was introduced in the panel, and a second lifetime of fatigue load-lugs was applied. Finally, the panel was statically tested to failure in

compresulon to determine its residual strength, All testing was performedat room temperature.

The fatigue loading spectr_was based on Spectrum C, which was developed

i in the mld-1960's by the Lockheed-Callfornfa Company. Spectrum C representsservice loadlugs on a lower surface panel in the wlng root region of a super-

* sJnic transport aircraft, and is comprised primarily of tensile loadingz.Since this study is based on the requiremeuts for an upper surface panel inthe wln8 root region, Spectrum C required some alterations to create a seriesof compresslon-domlnated loadlngs appropriate for this application.

I In Spectrum C, the lower surface mean stress was 25 ksl and the menu loadratio for the climb segment was I.e. The mean load ratios for the cruise and

descent of each flight were derived from this ratio by adding (orsegments

i subtracting) factors representing the fuel decrement and tile thermal stressincrement applicable to that flight segment. For the upper surface spectrumused in thls test, tilesame mean stress, mean load ratio, fuel and thermal

stress factors were used, with their signs reversed when appropriate. The

| 137

• . .. . ............-ooooooo2-TsD1

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (151)

resulting spectrum ia predemlnately eonilpo_ed of eoillill)re._sl,*ul-v_)mpros_lunluadtngs reflecting the upper surface mean and variable 1.,ad_ ast_oc.iat_.d withthe climb, eruit_e, and descent segmenth of a flight, Tt.ns[,n-ten_hm fatigue

loadlngu are included in the loading spectrum to represent Lilt" h)ntls appliedko the wing upper surface panel during kilt, landing and Lax! segments of _tflight. The reference _tresa used for Spectrum C, In combination with theminimum stress ratio in the loadings [t_r tile upper _tnrface_ Wlts compared with

the calculated crippling stress r.o prevent premature Jailors of tile pnnvlduring fatigue loadtn_. The spectrum applied k, the panel In i)reseated 111table 42. Figure 76 diagrams a unit flight profile. Table 42 lists thevariable loadings applied at tl_e lndlea¢_;d intervals during kite 20,000flight lifetime.

A preflaw was introduced into the Ti-6-4 skin betweel| the two centerTi-lS-3 stiffeners after the first lifetime of npectru_u fatigue t_stiug. Crackgrowth analyses were conducted to estimate the ln_tial prefluw size that wouldgrow to the edge of the hat stiffener within the second lifetime (20,000 flights).The analyses were conducted using the methods described in reference 29 andthe effectiveness of the flanges of the hat stiffeners in slowing the crackgrowth rate as the crack approachted the stiffeners was considered. The valueof g = -0.36 used in tim analysis was der*ved from constant amplitude fattgu_crac_ growth data at R=-I.O and ac R=0.1 using an analytical relationshxpbetween the R value for a constant amplitude loading and the associated crack

growth. These data indicated that compression loadings associated with g valuesless than -0.36 have the same effect on crack growth as a loading eyc,e ofR = -0.36 with the same maximum tension stress.


The ends of the panel were enclosed in a fixture designed to distributethe loads evenly throughout the panel cross-section. 'll,_. fixture, illustratedin figure 77, consisted of maple wood fillers b_tween and under the strtngers_aluminum doublers in a cascading arrangement on cash aide of the panel, withsteel plates and gussets outside of tile doublers. The fixturing was boltedand adhesive bonded to the panel, leaving an unrcinforced panel length of20 inches. The edges of the panel were supported by slotted tubes apd theends of the panel/fixture were machined flat, square, and parallel. Flexures

were installed at the ends of the unrelnforced portion of tlm Imnel to prevent

lateral deflection of the panel during fatlg_e loading. The flexures were not

used during the residual compression test.

Sixteen strain gages were installed on tile panel am shown tn figure 78.Load/strain and load/deflection data were recorded periodically during tilefatigue portion of the test and continuously during tltc reaidual compressiontest. In the 220-kip MTS fatigue test machine, the deflections were measuredby a position feedback transducer on the loading .jack uf tite test machint_.For the static residual strength test, an LVDT-Lype deflect:ion transducerwas used, Photographs of the panel Instal.led tn the 220-kip FfFS fatigue t_mt ',

machine and in the 400-kip Universal static test maclLLne are presented tn '.figure ?9. ." '

! •


, ®.... .......... -....... " " "- 00000002-TSD14

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After installation of the panel in the teat machine, preliminary load/

strain surveys were performed and the fatigue loadlngs were applied to the

test panel. Data were recorded periodically to ensure that the teat machinewas achieving the reqnlred stress levels. Typical loadings recorded during

flight number 1000 are shown in figure gO. Explicitly, the cycles of loadtngs

within any given flight is found by summing the columns ("Unit flight" through"20000 flip|is") which are exactly divisible into the number of this given

f!ight. Thus for flight number 1000, the complete listing of ioadlnga appliedwould include the summatlon of loadings for columns "Unit flight", "i00 flts,"

"500 flcs", and "1000 fits" in table 42.

At slightly less than I0,000 flights, a diabond between the panel akin andone of the wood fillers was noted. Each subsequent load/strain survey duringthe two lifetimes of fatigue testing showed distinct, though relatively small,

increases in the stringer strains for a given compression load, probablyindicating a slight redistribution of the load over the panel cross-section

because of the disbonding in the text fixture. No other problems were encoun--

tared throughout the remainder of the testing.

X-ray inspection at the end of the first lifetime (20,000 flights) showedno evidence of cracks or growth of existing voids in the braze as a result

of testing. A 0.98-1nch cut was made in the skin between the two middle

stringers (figure 78) and a constant amplitude loading cycle, Smax=15,000 psiand Rffi0.1,was applied until the cut propagated to a length of 1.196 inches.

Then a second lifetime of fatigue Ioadings was applied, and the crack growth wasmeasured periodically, as p/cited in Figure 81.

At the end of the second lifetime, the crack length was 2.537 inches,

extending slightly into the brazed region of the skin at the two adjacent

stringer flanges. As can be seen in figure 82, the crack grew much slower

than predicted. Tenslon-tenslon constant amplltude loadingwith Sma x = 15,000 psiand Rffi0.1was applied to further extend the crack before the residual compres-

sion test. After approximately 46,000 cycles of this loading, the crack hadgrown through the flanges of both of the adjacent hat atlffenera and was

beginning to grow up the side of one stiffener, as shown in figure 83, At

this point, the fatigue loading was stopped. In siCu X-ray inspection showedno evidence of testlng-related flaws other than the induced crack.

The panel was removed from the 220-klp MTS fatigue test m_chine andInstal_ed in the 40e-kip Universal static test machine. A fin_l load/

strain-load/deflectlon aur_ey was taken before the residual c_praasion test

was initiated. Strain gage r_adings during testing indicated initial skinbuckling st 190,000 pounds which was i3 percent below the predicted value. The

panel failed in crippling at a load of 341,000 pounds; there _¢aa no lateral

dcflection indicative of long-column failure. The brdaed Joints remained

intact until panel failure, but dlsbonded over the entire unsupported panel

length ef 20 inches at failure. A representative load/strain curve is presen-

ted in fJl_ure 84 and a photograph of the failed panel is shown _n figure 85.The panel's residual co,npressive strength was above 95 percent of the calcu-

lated strellgth for an undamaged pen_.


.... h _ ............

.........." "'" 00000002 -TSEO'I

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Weight Study

A theoretical weight comparison was made between a conventional, ho_-formed

and riveted all Ti-6-4 hat-stiffened panel and an isothermal brazed panel withcold-formed Ti-15-3 hat stiffeners and Ti-6-4 skin. The Ti-15-3 brazed panelwas chosen as the baseline and crippling was considered to be the critical

failure mode. The room temperature crippling load of the brazed panel(361,400 pounds) was used as the design load for the riveted panel. Twoapproaches were investigated in designing an all Ti-6-4 riveted panel based

on the large (20-by 4g-inch) wing panel geometry. In one case, the stringerthickness was held constant at 0.OqO inch and tl.askin thickness was increased

until the design load was reached. In the second, both skin and stringer thick-nesses were increased. In each case, 3/16 inch diameter rivets were used to

attach the stiffeners to the skin and sufficient width was added to the flangesof the stiffeners to ensure proper fastener edge distance. Table 43 summarises

the results of this study. Both design approaches showed that the brazed panelwith Ti-15-3 stiffeners was about 16 percent lighter than the conventionaltitanium panel.

Cost Study

A preliminary cost analysis was made to compare the cold-formed/isothermal

brazed beta titanium fabrication method for a 20-inch by 48-inch hat stiffened

wing panel with state-of-the-art hot-formed/riveted assembly of a comparable

Ti-6-4 structure. Panel geometry was kept as nearly constant as practical.

The riveted panels required slightly wider flanges to maintain proper edge

distance. The analysis included factors of raw materials, processing, tooling,

equipment, and associated recurring and nonrecurring costs. Where applicable,

labor hours were taken from the Lockheed-Cal_fornia Company "Engineering CostHandbook" and planning/operatlon sheets.

Tab%e 44 gives projected unit costs for quantities of 50, I00, and 200.

Compared with the conventional TI-6-4 panel, the cold-formed/isothermal brazed

structure composed of Ti-15-3 stringers and a Ti-6-4 skin shows projectedsavings of at least 25 percent.

qi, ,




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Panel Test Calculated* TestIO Stringer/Skin Tamp (kli) (ksi) Comments

7.2 Ti.I5-3/TI-6-4 Room 66`0 64.8 FailureinPottinomaterialafterattainingmaximumloadNobrazeseparation

7.1 Ti.15-3/TI-64 60OAF 603 58,2 Strain0egodl3recordednodataduringteatNobrazeseparation


Note:All stresseaareaveraged


1 14lt


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GrowShC PClNAddedEvery: CvdsePer20000FIIght_CyclicFlight f18Rof #10Rof Unit 100 1600 _10000000 10000 20000 Pe_Load Relo

_klonlent • • Flight fits fits fits flt_ fits fltl Level Cumul|tive (Hz)

0,61 1 20000 25015 30,61 22 I t 4460 6015 3

Taxi 0,24 0,71 2 2 480 505 20,81 1 1 I I 66 78 20,91 2 8 9 21,01 1 I 1 I

0.18 7 140000 199117 100,25 2 40000 59117 60,36 62 12400 19117 40,45 22 4400 6717 30,58 7 1400 2317 30,66 13 620 917 2

Climb -I,00 0,75 6 240 307 2

0.86 2 80 157 20.96 I 40 77 21.05 I 20 37 11.16 2 8 17 11.26 1 4 9 I1.35 1 2 G 11,45 2 2 3 11,55 1 I 1 1

0.16 3 SO: 76000 87239 100,25 48 i 8600 II 239 60.36 7 1400 1639 4

Cruise -0.25 0.46 200 239 30,55 I 3 32 39 3

• 0.65 I 1 6 _' 20.75 1 I 1 2

0.16 7 76 155000 187412 100,25 ! 30 26000 32412 60,35 26 6000 6412 40,46 5 2 1080 1412 3

0recent -!,00 0,58 1 I 240 332 30.65 3 1 64 02 2 ,0,76 I 20 28 20,85 3 6 8 20,95 2 2 2 2

•flgRef " 20kd i._'.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (156)



e 4 Hmo6 In.pitch WdgM

Pimetdescription • Length- 48in. LB A_• Width- 20in.


_thern_ brmel 24.36 L_bta Ti |trinolrl

_"-0.070 Ti,6.4

i ! n_f,/O_08(. f,,._O_080Tt.6.4

_J _L 29.06 + 18.2

Hot.formed,riveted -- 10.095T1-6.4

all11-6-4penal _u,_O,O90 Ti.§.4

_ _ojL '"" ""i "_"_G.088Ti'8.4F!b




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (157)


MaterialStringer/Skin Ti.64/Ti-64 Tt.16.3/Ti-64


FabricationMethod HotForm,Rivet ColdForm,isothermalBraze

Ouantity 50 100 300 50 100 200

RecurringCos_(S) 2307 2116 1945 1405 1347 1295

NonrecurringCam, 323 161 91 669 284 142Amnillzed($)

Totc_UnitConIS) 2639 2277 2026 1974 1631 1437

NetPro0mmSavings(%) Bmlineu ,_ 26% 28% 29%

implementationCOst($) 19.140_j - 28449 '_g

Panelsize:20x 49incheswith 4 stringers


L ,_ , .

t . • ,





Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (158)

r_¢' t¢;ORlr_tL_L- ......OF pOOR(Z_L.I'_'_.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (159)


I,,_ _a,uu

- 20.03._

'!:LII II, I II,lllll,II I1,11

TliilIlil!11ill[Illi, , ! .ooos" ITIITIITl




4.00_. ITyp.)

--1.00 Sym.

Steelplate _ _ _

,,,,, /pj _7_rr, ,, _-_'±_/ ,_ /o ,.andl•- _ _ li_ _ I tf '[,,.o I.._H_/-L_...-_.........._,, o,tr,d

I-T--/_-f-/_-f--/_-/_ _ l°'port.,"' I../ I../ I.J I / i'" --o.3s,

J I_ // 1(_ // 1_ / / L--.-. Steelpottingbox(Ref.}

(_ potting® @ @ [) .---- Oe..i,.


Figure 7]. - Strain gage locations, edge clamp details, potting boxInstallation, Pane] 7-2. Room temperature long columr,

compression test of representative wing pane].

I 146


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (160)


StrainGageArrangement ArrangementPaMi7.1 Panel7-1


2 equalspaced



2 equalspaced

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (161)

(_ +_)


_. O0000002-TSEIO

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (162)



OR'_r,_gLp_ "-" r,7OF.PbGR Q.;:.I:',


t 149


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.,, p.tlOl_lG_,i__,. ",,-..'"..,_....OF POOR QUALITY'


00000002-1-8E] 2

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UF POOR QU,_LITYJr, Panelcontroidand

MTStestmachineLoadc ¢enterlino



I Jyoke and flexurep_

13.04 i"I "_b_ReactiunI frame(Ref,}I


2 21.00


\l.: 113.1Ooublerandfiller,

X'16913"37s blockdetails_1_Compressionplate

$tdtestheed(Ref.) 220 kipMT$X

fatigue/l_Ali doublers,fillertest

machine(Ref.)blocks,MTSclua,pscoldbondedwith '.EastmanEA9309 . 'i ,

L_Test ore& straingage ' 'detailsonFig. 78

1;]_urc! 77, - "["_Li_LtL! te_L e_(!ttlp_ panel 7-3, "




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (165)

OF pO01_ QLh_,LI'_'_


20,12 5,00

(Test I_Sym.




Doublersod notchgripurea(Ruf.:Fig.77}




Ftguro 78. - St:rain gagt_ locations - fattgut_/crack growth pane] 7-3.i

! 152


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (166)


J • ',,_,_ t .p


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® ®1

OH!Gt,,._'C,:..' _ "OF POOR (Jo_L;T',



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (168)





141.950 --

(betweenflanges) ..v ,_u_


12 _.__Zs

_- Skinarea L- _. _.(centerbay) _ =

8_- Skin


6 _ flangeslFilletarea


• i

o, I I I I I I I1,2 1.4 1,6 1.8 2,0 2.2 2.4 2.6


}"f_ltr(' _1. - (',rnck _r*_wth hi 'i'i_()Al_4V !_kin ihlrin_ _l,t',_nd _ll)i_llc_tli,m_11 2()_()()() - f I I;,;ht ,'_I_¢'I'LFtUlI, _,"ll)*,] 7.-'_J.



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) )"'t :4


4.o, _'i.8AI.4¢, /3.5l .Ti'15"3 ,,._.0687" __ j j

I =i=il/ Hilt stiffener/skin , _ /

2.5 1 I CrackIsllOth / '_

i [ [ (initiallySew_tl /[ProdicLed crack

nL ' , , _I / Igrowth

| 1.Qt__c-o.3__.__/_ I I A_tus!=,o_k

I t . I _owth0.5 I_""_" r-- inlthlluw cutplulprscrKk I WJOwtfi ,

ool I I I I0 2000 400Q 6000 6GO010000 12000 14000 10000 1600020000



Ytgure 82. - Predicted and actual crack growth hi,_tory -fatigue/crack growth test of reprosentnttve

I wing panel 7-3.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (170)

OF POORO'J_l.l'l"_'

Figure 83. - Two views of panel 7-3 crack geometry immediatelyprior to residual strength compression tesL.(Top) hat side, (bottom) skin side.

ii 157


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__ ®


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(_ ,®


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This task investigated the feasibility of using metal matrix composite toselectively reinforce beta titanium structural components on an SCV. It

involved the design, analysis, fabrication and testing of coupons and short

elements of selected structural concepts, and assessing the data for scaling

up the concepts to selectively reinforce full-size wing panels.

Design and Analysis

The Ti-I5-3 zee-stiffelmd skin/stringer configuration of task 5 was chosen

for assessing the metal matrix composite selective reinforcement concepts. The

task 5 crlppling test results thus provided baseline data for the unreinforced

skin/stringer configuration. From a producibility and structural stability

standpoint, the unsupported (upper) flange of the zee stiffener was thesel¢_ted reinforcement location. Initially three candidate design concepts

as depicted in Figure 86 were reviewed to select two concepts for evaluation

having the most promising combinations of fiber/matrix system and compatible'

Joining process.

Two fiber/matrix systems used for preliminary sizing of the reinforcementwere state-of-the-art products of AVCO Specialty Materials Division: I) SCS-6/

Ti-6-4 consisting of 35 volume percent silicon carbide (SIC) continous fila-ments consolidated in e matrix of Ti-6AI-4V foll by diffusion bonding, and

2) SCS-2/6061 containing 45 volume percent SiC in a 6061 aluminum matrix. The

analysis indicated an optimum reinforcement thickness of 6-plies for either _C

system, with a reinfo_c-ment width of 0.5 inch. The outer skin of matrix alloy

was then increased to facilitate subsequent Joining to the beta titaniumstructure.

The three candidate design concepts (figure 86) were analyzed to assess

the effect of the MMC material and Joining method on their load-carrying

capability and weight. The crippling stress of the cross-sectlon was deter-

mined, then the optimum column length (simultaneous column and tripping failure)and associated weight were calculated for each concept. This theoretical weight

comparison is summarized in table 45. Concept i (SIC/Ti-6-4, isothermal braze)

was used as the besellne. Concept 2 (SiC/Ti-6-4, spotweld) requires a l_dC

2-plies thicker than Concept I to carry equal crippling load, hut their relative

weights remain essentially equal. Concept 3 (SIC/6061, LID diffusion bond)

was 6-percent lighter than tlleother two concepts. Concept 3, however, waseliminated because it was felt that tile6061 aluminum would lose its shear

transfer capability at tlle 600°F service temperature.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (174)


SiC/Ti-6-4 composite. - The MMC laminates received from AVCO were 6-pllesof 35v/o SIC/Ti'6-4 with , nominal 8 mil s"tn of Ti-6-4 on each side, result-

ing in a total thickness of 0,064 inch, _. , 30v/o SiC, The material was

ordered in machined specimen widths of 0,250 and 0,500 inc11 for compression

and component tests, and in a sheared specimen width of l, , in. for the lap

shear tests. The reported tensile strengths of the _C varied considerably

from panel to panel. Thus, for the purpose of correlating the test data, the

first number of a test specimen _D identifies the parent MMC panel number,

(Example: specimen 8-I is from panel no. 8.)

Brazing development. - Concept I (figure 86) required establishing the

brazeabillty of Ti-15-3 to the SIC/Ti-6-4 composite using the isothermal

brazing process and 3003 aluminum brazln8 alloy.

Nitrlc-HF acid cleaning of the MMC resulted in a scatteredj dark surface

smut. EDAX of the smut revealed nitrogen enrichment which is thought to be

a residual from the consolidation stage (possibly boron nitride st.poll).

This smut condition was mechanically removed by vapor honin E prior to brazing.

The braze shear strengths sho_m below for SiC/Ti-6-4 to Ti-15-3 lap joints

were below the II.0 to 13.7 ksi range obtained in task 5 for Ti-6-4 to Ti-15-3.

Contamination due to surface smutting could be a factor.

Shear Strength (psi)Joint Combination --.

(Braze alloy 3003 At) As-Brazed Ag.ed 940°F-12h

0.063 in. SiC/Ti-6-4 7,850 9,650

8,180 10,500

to 8,740 10,7000.063 in. Ti-15-3 10,200


Mitt,structure of the SiC/Ti-6-4 isothermal brazed to Ti-15-3, and thenaged at 940°F for 12 hours, is shown in figure 87. Good wetting was achieved,

and no detrimental fiber/matrix interactions were readily observed.

NOTE: Brazing a single flat strip of Ti-15-3 to the SiC/Ti-6-4 com-

posite causes significant lengthwise bow, apparently a result

!_ of differential thermal e_pansion and contraction rates of thematerials. This is evidence that more symmetric MMC placementIL is preferred.


1 'L





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Spotweldlng Development. - The two spetw_Id Joint combinations requiredfor design concept 2 (figure 86) were 0.063 in, Ti-15-3 (n_.ed) to 0.040 in.

TI-6-4 (annealed), and 0.063 in. TJ-15-3 (aged) to 0.063 in. SiC/TI-6-4 eom-

poslLe. The TI-15-3 was aged 940°F-12 hours before spotwelding, and the

joinLs _ere evaluated In the as-welded state. A summary of the spotweld pro-cedure development evaluation is given in tab%e 46.

Spotwelds between Ti-15-3 and TI-6-4 displayed satisfactory shear

strengths, regular nugget shape and size, and no evidence of internal defects.Photomicrographs of a transverse center section of a representative spocweldare shown in figure g8. Longitudinal sections exh_.blted identical micro-

grapillc features. The symmetrical columnar growth within the weld nuggetsuggested thorough taixiag of the two alloys and symmetric solidification. Thiswas further verified Cilrough SEM study and EDAX. A vanadium X-ray map of thefusion zone exhibited uniform distribution of vanadium over the entire region.

Quantitative EDAX analysis of the weld nugget showed almost identical compo-sitions on both sides of the interface with about 12 percent vanadium in both

locations. Thus, thorougi* mixing of the Ti-6AI-4V and Ti-15V-3Cr-Sn-3AI

alloys is indicated.

Spotwelds between the Ti-15-3 and SiC/TI-6-4 composite were unsatis-

factory. The presence of SiC filaments completely changed the weld nuggetstructure.

A transverse sec=lon of the SiC/T|-6-4 away from the spocweld location is

illustrated in figure 89, Though gaps from the consolidation stage wereobserved between the filaments, their distribution was fairly regular.

Transverse and longitudinal sections through the center of the spotwelds

are shown in figures 90 and 91 at several magnifications. The size of the

fuzed zone has decreased. X-ray mapping indicated that the nugget was poor in

wumdium, which substantiates that me,flag was mostly confined within theSIC/TI-6-4 composite material and lltcle mixing has occurred with the Ti-15-3.

Spotweldlag caused bending of the filaments and some cracks were observediu tl*efilaments. Figure 90 also illustrates the formation of shrinkagecracks around the filaments. Most of these cracks were located near the

ceaLer of the nugget which is the area that solidifed last. The columnar

grain growth of the Ti-lS-3/Ti-6-4 weld (figure 88) was,absent in the Ti-15-3/MNC weld nugget, last'cad, a fine dendritic structure was observed within

this area which suggests a rapid solidification process, and an annular ringof a flue cellular structure was observed around the SiC filaments (fig-

urns 90 and 91). Figure 92 is an SEM photograph of a filament and its

ad.iaecat matrix area containlug some shrinkage cracks. Qualltitative EDAX

perl:ormc'dat locatlous A, B, C, and I) (figure 92) revealed that the white .cellular growth at iocatlon A was rich 111s[lh:on (14 percent). The silicou

coutcnt decreased sharply as the dLstance from the filament [mrcased. Around :.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (176)

@ ®

2 wt. percent silicon was measured at locations B and C on either aide cf

the crack, and the silicon content was reduced to 0.fl2 wt. percent at D. The

2 wt. percent silicon in titanium can increase the temperature difference

between solidus and llquidus over 300°F, which encourages dendritic growth.

and in turn makes the alloy more prone to shrinkage cavity formation. The

dendritic solidification pattern is evident at the shrinkage c,raeks In fig-ure 92 (right-hand bottom side of the filament). Apparently, _e filam_mts

being of lower thermal conductivity dissipate less heat; consequently, moltenmaterial around the filaments freezes last and shrinkage cracks develop.

An attempt was made to limit weld nugget penetration to the outermost

8 mll Ti-6-4 skin of the SIC/Ti-6-4 composite by adjustment of the spotweldingparameters and heat balance. Transverse and longitudinal sections throughthe center of the bond made between Ti-15-3 and the $iC/Ti-6-4 are shown infigure 93. Microscopic examination indicates that the interface has the

nature of a solid state diffusion bond, although some melting has taken place

within the composite (where resistivity might be highest) as evidenced bypresence of the fine solidifl,.ation structure. Fiber distortion was minimal

and no shrinkage cracks were seen. As shown in table 46, the shear strength

of the resistance bond was comparable to the strength of the spotwelds whichhad a high degree of penetration. The reliability and repeatability of this

type of bond is yet undetermined, _Id work on the resistance spotweld approachfor Joining SiC/T|-6-4 to beta titanium was discontinued.


Coupon and short element compression tests of the selective reinforcementdesign concepts were performed.

Coupon tests. - The effects of the joining processes and heat treatmenton the compressive properties of the SiC/T|-6-4 MMC were evaluated. Tests

included the baseline MMC, MMC with simulate d brazing cycle, MMC joined _oTi--15-3 by isothermal brazing or ape|welding, and spotwelds between Ti-6-4

and Ti-15-3. Ti-6-4/Ti-15-3 brazed joints were covered in task 4.

The basic test coupon configuration is shown in figure A8 of the appendix.

The 0.90 in. gage length was selected based upon spanning at least two spotwelds

for tilemaximum spotweld pitch tested (5/8 inch). Two strain gages were

attached back-to-back iu the test section. Using hydraulic grips, loadingwas primarily in shear through bonded grip tabs. End loading was also

available in tile grips. The loading rate was 0.010 inch per minute.

Results of the coupon compression tests are presented in table 47. All icoupons failed by buckling (or bending) in tiletest section. These limited

tests show that the brazing and/or aging thermal cycles |lad negligible effecton the compression strength or modulus of the SIC/T|-6--4 composite, l_est

results of the spo_weld and brazed Joint speclmcns arc generally incouclu,,:Ive, :'although the brazed Joint strengths were higher. !



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Short element tests. - Two crlpplln_ teats were conducted for designconcept I of figure 86.- The specimen configuration i_ identical to the I'I-,15-3

zae-atlffcned el_nts £_ task 5 (see figure 57). with the addition of the

SiC/Ti-6-4 composite unidirectional reinforcement on the unsupported flang_of the stringer.

Tl-15-3 stringers were made from 0.063 in. sheet brake formed to the zoo

shape. The MMC, Btringer, and TI-6-4 skin segment were isothermal brazedusing 3003AI brazing alloy, then Lhe specimens were aged in a vacuum furnace aL940OF for 12 hours. The tent length of the specimens was 4 Incites after pottingand machining the ends. Testing details were eesentialJy tilesame as described

in the task 5 erippling teat section. The analysis and test results are sum-

marlzed in table 48, and the failed specimens are displayed in flgnr_ 94.

As tlm loading on specimen 0-27 approacheo its maximum value, the specimen

twisted slightly. This twist became more pronounced as the loading gradually

dropped off. The _MC reinforcement did not crack but folded over on itself,delamlnatlng at the fold and separating from the stringer flange over a

1.5 inch length. The skin and stringer crippled slightly at failure but did

not crack. The brazed skln/strlnger Jolut separated slightly over a lengthof less than I/4 inch.

The MMC reinforcement on specimen 0-28 buckled and delaminated slightly, but

only cracked part of the way through its titickness. T[_ brazed Joint betweenthe reinforcement and the stringer remained intact until the load had reacheu

its maximum value and was in the process of being relieved. The stringer and

skin exhibited a crippling-type failure, but did not crack or dlsbond.

Less than a 2 percent variation was recorded between the predicted failure

stresses and the test results of the two brazed specimens. Indications of

initial skin buckling were within 12 percent of the prediction. Propertiesfor the MMC reinforcement used in the analysis were derived from test data

obtained on other Lockheed programs. The modulus values sho_% in table 47 of

this report agree closely with the derived data, but the buckling failuremode precluded obtaining compressive yield strength nroeertles. The avera|_e

failure stress of the reinforced confJguratlon (126.5 ksl) is about II percent

higher than that for unreinforced specimens in task 5.

Weight/Cost Study

Nei_ht cpmparison. - A theoretical weight comparison was made between obaseline unreinforccd panel and the IdMC reinforced panel concepts. The basic

task 7 configuration for a SCV wing upper surface hat-stiffeaed skin i_anel20 in. wlde and 48 In, long was maintained; reinforcement location was on the

crown of tile [tats (figure 95).



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Table 49, which includes results of the earlier task 7 weight study, sh_tws

that all thri_e deaiRna incorporating TI-15-3 stiffeners provldt_ a consld_.rable

theoretical weight savings over the conventional TI-6-4 riveted Imm.l. The.

reinforced spotwelded pane] Is about 9 percent lighter titan the c.nvvnthnta!panel and the -nreinfurced brazed panel (task 7 configuration) is 16 percentlighter. The reinforced brazed panel shews the greatest: _he,_ret:lcal weightsavings, 22 percetLC, over tile cnnv_ntlonal titanium pane]. Viewing the unrcln-forced brazed configuration as clte baseline, only the reinforced brazed panelis lighter.

Coe_ camper/son. - A preliminary cost assessment was made for sealing upthe bRdC selective reinforcement of h_ta titanium _tructurc to fabrlcato a

full size wing panel for a $CV. The basic hat-stiffened wing pane] configura-tion of task 7 was used, w:lth the reinforcement located on the crown ttf the!

hats as depicted in figure 95. Projected costs for the selectively rein-

forced concepts are vtew,M as rough order of magaltudc (RUM) estimates becauseof the lack of fsmll_arl_y wlth _4C fabrication limitations. Table 50 com-

pares projected co._ts, based on a quantity of tO0, for the _iC-.reltfforced

concepts and baseline unre_nforced panels. The costs of the spotwelded and

hrazed reinforced pap.el coRcepts are, respectively, about 40 percent and60 percent higher than the conventional Ti-6-4 panel.


® ?L ,,, -- - O0000002-TSF13

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (179)

'I'/_I.E /_5 ,, - _E I (:llq' COMPARISON OF A 'l'l - 15- "] ZI,_I,_-S'I'IFFENI,'ll£1.1'_H_Nf REINFORCI_b WI'i'I! bill("


Optlmlz_Width Thickness PenalLenilh _lletive

Ctx_epl J"inin0Mlf_od HRt True" Ues_liptioh in. in. fit, Weight

1 llothermal After SCS.O/TI,64 B.SB B.063 20.56 1,000Brile (RilNline) Drilling (35v/oSiC)

2 Spotweld*" Before SCS-6/Ti.64 0.50 0,079 2B,62 1.083Welding 135v/0SiC)

3 Liquidinterlace After SC$.2/60BIAI 0.60 0.059 2B,53 I 0.940

DiffusionBond Bonding (45v/oSIC) Ig

"Agedat 940°Ffor 12hours,

**Mlxlmum sPQtweldsPecinOtuprivlnt inter.woldbucklinQ"1,3/16in,



O0000002-TSF 1,

Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (180)



Avg. Mex.NuggetDie. Penetrition

Av9, (in.) (%)TwoSheet Sheer*

Combihlltlons (Ibs) L T L T InternalQuality

0.040in.Ti.64 (Ann.) 72 70 Clearto 2890 0.199 0,208

0,063in.TO.l§,3(Aged) 87 84 (Ref,figure88)

0.063in.SiC/Ti-6.4 0.210 0.229 88 84 SiCfibersdisplacedwithsomefracturingto 1820

0,063in.Ti.16.3(Aged) 0,179 0.153 87 44 Shrinkagecricksaroundfibersnearmiddleofweldnugget.

(HighNugget (Ref.figures80,91, 82)Penetration)

0.063in.SiC/TO.C4 Solidstetsbondet interface,slightmeltingto 16_d N/A NIA N/A N/A withincomposite

0,063in,Ti-fT-3(Agee_ MinimalSiCfiberdistortion

(MinimumNugget NoshrinkagecavitiesevidentOevelopment) (Ref.figure93)

"Singlespotspecimens1in widewith1in.overlap.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (181)

® ®


Coupon Bt_klin9Sirra Ihitl_ TanosntIID(li Material(2) Condition(3) (kcl) Modulo!(Me)) Remarks

9.1 MMC Al.febriceted 289.7 2'_O8.2 MMC Ac.fibrioated 277,2 SO.4

Avg. 272.9 29.2

8.3 MMC Ago 268,6 28,6

8.4 MMC ABe 290.4 29.GAvg. 274,5 29.0

8,5 MMC 0razeCycle 277.5 29.78-6 MMC BrazeCycle 296,2 29.1Avg. 281.8 29.4

8-7 MMC BrazeCycie �A0a283.5 29.76-8 MMC Braze t,;ycta+ Ap 2T2,B 30.2Avo, 278.2 29.9

8.9 MMC/Ti.I 5-3 Braze+ Age 236.1 - Lengthwisebow0.08§in.6.11 MMC/Ti-15.3 Braze+ Ap 211,5 - Lengthwisebow O.ORtin.Avg. 223.8

0-16 MMC As-fabricated Failedin rat-up0.17 MMC As-fabricated 225.7 29.1

0-18 MMC Age 213.4 29.40-19 MMC Age 221.7 20.9

Avo. 217.6 29.2

0-22 MMC/Ti-I5-3 Braze+ Age 219.9 - Lengthwisebow0.O4Oin.0.23 MMC/Ti,15-3 Braze+ Age 227,2 - Lan0thwilebow 0,O4Oin.

! Avg. 223.0!

0-20 MMC/TI-15.3 Spotweld(9/8 in. pitch) 182.6 22.4h 0-25 MMC/Ti.15-3 SpotwMd(518in. pitch) 173.2 22.4_' Avg. 177,9 22,4I

C.I TI.B.4/Ti.15-3 Spotweld(5/8 in. pitch) 104.4

C-X Ti.B.41Ti-lB-_ Spotwetd(5/9 in. pitch) 105.0

Avg. 104.7

9.8 MMC/TI.15-3 *Res. Bond(3/8 in.pitch) 185.4 23.69-11 MMC/Ti-I§.3 *Res.Bond(3/8 in. pitch) 215.2 23,9Avo, 200.3 23,7

9-12 MMC/Ti-fh.3 *Bee.Bonq(511_in. pitch) f94.l 23.39-13 MMC/Ti-15-3 *Res.Bo,*d(5/8 in. pitch) 1654 22.29.14 MMCITi.15.3 *Res.P_nndt516in. pitch) 157.4 22.7

Avg. 169.0 22.7 .

(I)Firstnumberit',I0 idet*,tifiesoriginalMMCpanMnumber. Spaci_l_anConflliuratione*.FIGureAB.

(2)MMC= 0.063 in. SiC/T)6.4 (6.py. 20v/o);Ti.15.3= 0.063 in.; Ti.6.4 _ 0.940in.

(3)A0e= 940°F - 12h invccuum.(Note: Ti.f5-3 portionof ellspntwefdcouponsisagedprierto epotwMdlnÙ).*Refersto resistancespotbondof tibia 46with zuronullet Penetration.





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® ®



Initial SuckllnbStress FailureStmsSpac, (psi) (psi)

0ascription IO Calculated Test "Caic.,lated- Test- CommentsI

TI.15.3.strlnoee 0,37 116,000 120,000 12B,'/OO 125,800 Specimentwit,taddiBhtl¥justbstoraitTI-64 skin reachedmaximumload.ShowedsomeSiC/Ti.64reinforcement evidenceel separationet bothbrazeBrazedwith3003A1 interfaces.

B-28 174,000 100,000'* 128,600 127,300 Showednovisibleevidenceofseparationateitherbrazeinterfacebeforefailure.

*Basedonvisualobservation,notonstrainpoe dote.

Note: Allseres:aceereever_d.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (183)



PqmelOvKription .... PercentChenoe(20by48in.with4 stripiors) Lb RivetedaNeline Srezed8euline

8RAZEOPANELTi,16-3Stringers,t =0.080in. -16% -Ti,S4Skin,t I' 0,070in. 24,4

RIVETEDPANELTi.E4Stringers,t ,, 0,080in. -- _Id%Ti,64 Skin,t _'0.095in. 29.0

i" SPOTWELDEDREINFORCEDPANELTi.z5-3Stringlrs,t =0.000in.Ti.64 Skin,t =0.076in. -9% +8%

•.'-_ SCS.6/'ri.64Reinforcement,t • 0,003in, 26.3

BRAZEDREINFORCEDPANEL--,--ml Ti.15.3Stringers.t =0,080in,

TI.04 Skin,t _ 0.048in. 22,6 -22% -7%

SCS,6/Ti-64Reinforcement,t =0.063in. !









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Mataril/ ti-I 5-31TI.64 Ti,10,31Tl,64Stringer/Skln Ti.641Ti.04 Ti.1fl.31Ti.64 ($iC/TI.64Ralnforced)(SIC/Ti.64Rolnfor©0d)

*Hot Fnrm, *ColdForm, ColdForm, ColdForm,Fabric|teenMethod Rivet IsothermalBraze IsothermalErase Spotweld

RecurringCosts($) 2116 1347 3340 3106

NnnrecurringCosts.Amnrtised($) 161 264 270 46

TotalUnitCost($) 2277 1631 3616 3152

Costvs.Baseline(%) Baseline -28% +58% +36%

implementationCost($) 16140 26449 27613 4626

PanelSize:20by40 incheswith4 stringers.


*Ontofromtesk7, table44.



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• ._ ,_






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: t" Ti.64



iFlg_tre 88. - Photomicro_,,ral)hs el' tile transverse s_!_!tLotl t}tt'Otlgh thL!

I_!ott_r ()f a ,_potweld be_we_,n 0.040 In. 'f'1-6-4 (An,.)and 0.063 In. T|-15-3 (A_,,_,d).

t 174


O 00000002-TSG08

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iFigure 89. - Photomicrographs of the transw, rsc scctlon of the L'

$1C/T1-6-4 composite away from tile spotweld areal

showing the dlstr:[bution of SIC filaments. Note

evidence of unfilled gaps between the filaments

(arrows in upper photo).



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00000002-TSG 10

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00000002-TSG 11

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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (193)

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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (194)

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Figure 95. - Representative wing panel configuration with_C reinforcement for task 8wviEht/cost study. _'



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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (195)


Low-cost methods for titanium structural fabrication using advancedcold-formable'beta alloys have been studied for use in a Mach 2.7 supersoniccruise environment. The principal alloy investigated was Ti-15V-3Cr-3A1-3Sn(Ti-15-3), and a more limited evaluation of the Ti-3AI-gV-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr (Beta-C)alloy was made. Major findings of this investigation were as follows:

• Solution treated Ti-15-3 has good formability in terms of both

mechanical properties and actual forming behavior. Cold formabilityof Ti-15-3 appears comparable with low-strength grades of commer-cially pure Ti and much better than Ti-6-4; e.g., their average minimumbend radius is 2.4t (Ti-15-3), 3.0t (C.P.-A40), 5.0t (Ti-6-4).

• Aged Ti-15-3 displays high mechanical properties over the postulatedSCV temperature range of -65OF to 600OF. geta-C in limited testsshowed similar characteristics.

• Ti-15-3 showed exceptionally good high-cycle notched fatigue strength.grazing or cold-working before aging adversely affected notched

| fatigue strength.

• Fatigue crack growth rates of Ti-15-3 were found to be insensitive to

prestrain or a salt water environment, while the fracture resistance

I" was reduced considerably as a result of prestraln.

• For fracture toughness considerations, mill annealed TI-6-4 is superior

to TI-15-3 STA sheet at relatively high yield strength levels such asabove 160 ksl. It is recommended that fracture toughness and notch

sensitivity versus strength level of Ti-15-3 be further defined.

• Ti-15-3 and geta-C were readily TIC-weldable in the annealed condition.

As-welded and welded plus aged butt Joints achieved full Jointefficiency with good ductility.

• A unique low-cost isothermal brazing process has been developed whichachieves rapid out-of-furnace brazing in an argon atmosphere.Ti-15-3 and geta-C were readily brazed in the annealed condition to

Ti-6-4 using aluminum brazing alloys, and they responded well topost-braze aging.




Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (196)

@ Structural efficiency of small skln/stringer panels composed ofcold-formed beta alloy stringers and Ti-6-4 akin Joined by isothermalbrazlns was indicated in short column crippling tests at room tempera-Cure end 600OF.

• Further structural verification of cold-formed, isothermal brazed betatitanium structure was obtained in long-column compression at room

temperature and 600oF, spectrum fatigue, and damage tolerance testingof large-scale representative wing upper surface panels of an SCV.

@ Cold-formed end isothermal brazed beta titanium fabrication methods

can save at least 25 percent cost end 16 percent weight over aconventional hot-formed and riveted Ti-6-4 assembly.

• Feasibility of using continuous filament SiC/Ti-6-4 metal matrix

composite to selectively reinforce a beta titanium skin/strlngercomponent has been shown. The reinforced isothermal brazed configurationhas increased structural capablllty and weight savings potential.$potweldability was poor and needs further development to ellmlnatelocal composite degradation. Present costs of the _IC selectlve rein-

i forcement concepts studied would be prohibitive for many appllcatlons.



' 183


Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (197)


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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (198)


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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (199)

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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (200)


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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (201)

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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (202)



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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (203)



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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (204)


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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (205)



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Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (206)


I. R.S. Kanoko, G.W. Davis. C.A. Woods, and D.M. Royster. '*Low Cost Fabrication

of Shee_ Structure Using a Hew Beta Titanium Alloy," Vol. 27, 27th NationalSAMPE Proceedings, 1982.

2. R,A. Wood, ILN. W/lllamsj .I.D. Boyd, R.L. Rothman..nd E.S. eartlett, "StrainTransformable Beta Titanium Base Alloys," AFMI.-TE-70-257, Battell_ MemorialInstitute, Dec. 1970. (Available from DTIC as AD 877 899.)

3. H.W. Stemme, "Development of a Formable Sheet of Titanium Alloys" AFh_-TR-73-49, Lockheed-Ceorgla Company, April 1973. (Available from DTIC asAD 761 515.)

4. T.L. Wardlaw, H.W. Rosenberg, W.M. Portia, "Development of Economical

Sheet Titanium Alloy,'* A_-TR-73-296, Titanium Metals Corp., Dec. lq7_.(Available from DTIC as AD 775 358,)

5. G. Lenning, "Formable Sheet Titanium Alloys," AFML-TR-76-45, TitaniumMetals Corp., TIMET Dis., August 1976. (Available from DTIC as AD _033 187.)

6. P.A. Crossley and J.M. Van Ordsn, "A New Titanium A]_.oy _ox Forms andWeldments," Metals Engineering Quarterly, Vol, 13, May 1913,

7. R.A. Wood, *'Beta Titanium Alloys," MCIC-72-11, Bat2elle ColumbusLaboratories, Ohio, September 1972. (Available from DTIC as AD 753 _39.)

8. RMI Company, Technical Bulletin, "Properties of TI-3AI-gY-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr,'June 1978.

i 9. R.A. Wood and k.J. Favor, "Titanium Alloys Handbook," MCIC-HB-02 (ContractsF33615-72-C-1227 and DSA 900-73-C-0922), Battelle Columbus Lab., Dec. 1972.

I_ (Available from DTIC as AD 758 332)

i0. J,W, Hegemeyer avd D.E. Gordon, "Properties of Two Beta TitanlumAlloysafter Aging at Several Different Temperatures," Titanium Science and

Technology: Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Sol, 3_1973, pp. 1957-1968.

ii. Mechanical Properties Data Center, Battelle CoLumbus Lab.: Aerospace

Structural Metals Haudbook - 1980 Publication. (Formerly AFML-TR-68-115.)

t 12. V.C. Peterson, J.B. Guernsey, and R.C. B,'_hl, "Manufacturing Procedures| for a New High-Strength Beta Titanium Alloy Having Superior Formsblllty,"

i AFML-TR-69-171, Part I]I, Crucible Steel Company of America, June, 1969.

i 13, "Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle Structures,"MIL-HDBK-SC, 15 September 1976.



Low-Temperature Forming of Beta Titanium Alloys...NASA Conwaetor Report 8706 ms Low-Temperature Forming" of Beta Titanium Alloys R. 8. ganeko and C. A. Woods ! Lockheed.Cal|_ornia - [PDF Document] (207)

14. "Titanium and Titanium Alloy Sheet, Strip and Plate," MIL-T-9046H,14 March 1974.

15. B.R, Wright, et al., "Supersonic Cruise Vehicle Technology AssessmentStudy of an Over/Un=er Engine Concept," NASA CR-159003, 1978.

16. R.A. Wood and H.R. Ogden, "The All-Beta Titanium Allay (Ti-13V-IICr-3AI)"

DMIC Rept, ii0 (DTZC AD 214002), gettelle Hem. Inst,, April 17, 1959,

17. E.H. Rennhack and D.D. Crooks, "Elevated Temperature Plastic Anisotropyof Ti-6A1-4V Plate," Metallurgical Transactions, 1979, Vol. IDA, p. 457.

18. E.H. Rennhack, "How Normal Anisotropy Influences Formability of AluminumAlloys," Metals Engineering Quarterly, 1976, Vol. 16, p. 58.

19. W.T. Lankford, S.C. Snyder and J.A. Bauseher, "New Criteria for Predicting

the Stress Performance of Deep Drawing Sheets," Transactions ASM, 1950,Vol. 42, p. 1197.

20. R.L. Whiteley, "The Importance of Directionality in Drawing Quality

Sheet Steel_" Transactions ASH, 1960, Vol. 52, p. 154.

21. S.S. Hecker, "Formabillty of Alumlnum Alloy Sheets," Transactions of the

ASME (Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology), January 1975.

22. S.S. Hecker, "Simple Technique for Determining Forming Limit Curves,"Sheet Metal Inoastries, November 1975.

23. A.K. Gosh, "The Effect of Latersl-Drawing-ln on Stretch Formahility,"t Materials Engineering Quarterly, August 1975.

| 24. V. Nagpal and T. Altan, "Mathematical Modeling of Sheet Metal Formability

i_ Indices and Sheet Metal Forming Processes," AFML-TR-7B-140, BattelleColumbus Lab., October 1978. (Available from DTIC as AD B036 IISL.)

25. R.G. Hocker, "Weldbraze Airframe Components," AFML-TR-77-171, NorChrop

Corporation, Hawthorne, Calif., Nov. 1977. (Available from DTIC asAD A054 042.)

26. T.T. Bales, D.M. Royster, W.E. Arnold, Jr., "Development of the Weld-Braze Joining Process," NASA TN D-7281, 1973.

I 27. I.F. Sakata and G.W. Davis, "Evaluation of Structural Design Concepts for ,'an Arrow-Wing Supersonic Cruise Aircraft," NASA CR-2667, 1917. i,'

t i,,

28. D.J. Peery, "Aircraft Structures," McGraw Ilill Book Company, 1950. :..

29. T.R. Brussat, "Rapid Calculation of Fatigue Crack Growth by Integration," _ "presented at the 7th Symposium on Fracture Mechanics, College Park, MI)., ._"August 27-29, 1973,


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