Remaking Skyblock in a DATAPACK: 0.2.2 / 00 - 1.21 release, possible EOL (2024)

A pretty long time ago I made a pretty small recreation of Skyblock in a singleplayer world. In the case you want to check that out, I have it linked


. It had minimal features and was just a side project in the case I wanted to make something bigger.
Well, now is the time I want to attempt something bigger. I'm planning to make the entirety of Skyblock playable in vanilla minecraft with just a simple datapack. Currently I have a very small percent of the features I wish to add.
My end goal for this project is to make any Skyblock item/feature be obtainable and playable in any world you wish to add this in. I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish that, however I'm willing to attempt it.

Now that we have the intro sequence done, I'll explain the items I've included and the changes to them since the previous thread.


Aspect of the End

Some may remember the goofy raycasted Hyperion I made. It was slow and painful to develop, however I've removed the clunkiness aspect of it and added it to the AOTE.
If you don't know what raycasting is, you basically shoot a 'ray' (in this case an armor stand) in the direction the player is facing in order to get an accurate readout of what the user is looking at. In this case, we're using it to detect if there is blocks in the way and stop the player if there is.
This 'advanced' technology has allowed me to remove the AOTE's ability to completely pass through solid blocks. If anyone actually missed this feature then I can add an AOTE that can still pass through walls.

Other than that, its a simple AOTE. If you right click, you teleport 12 blocks forward and gain a small amount of speed for 3s.
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This shows the power of datapacks and why I switched to using them. With command blocks, this couldn't be possible.

This version has the implosion, the teleportation and wither shield (which was changed to heal AFTER the absorption was over), the sound as well as the raycasting. It's a pretty well replication.
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This item received the same treatment as the AOTE. There's no added delay between right clicking and teleporting, its all done instantly.
I've also made the explosions particles toggle-able using the admin book (more on it later), so no more annoying particles.
Another change; I've simplified the lore of the item and modernized it. It used to have unneeded stuff (like enchants) and the damage stats/catacombs level didn't add up at all.

A small note for both of these: You can still teleport through 1 block tall ceilings, so I haven't worked out all the kinks. I'll fix this later, I mostly just wanted to finish this and publish this before the New Years.

Spirit Sceptre

The sceptre works as expected. You right click, you spawn a bat that follows your aim. It's quite fun to spam.
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There wasn't any major changes to this item. I've made the spawning animation slightly more smooth (the bat now immediately turns instead of waiting like half a second) but nothing too major.
I've also modernized the lore a bit.
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Wither Cloak Sword

Begone, updated Wither Cloak. This version is MUCH better (ok I made this version before they updated it dont kill :c )
It still has the non-cooldown varient and still costs a flat 200 mana. In a future update I'll make it percent based, for now you'll have to deal with the slightly buffed version
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(skin reveal)
Changes wise, the only change I've made is making the chat messages show up in the action bar instead (however more on that later)
It should still be the same old wither cloak you're used to.
Maybe I'll add the new version of it someday.
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Axe of the Shredded

I'm pretty proud of how I managed to recreate this. It works exactly the same as Hypixel's version, except for a pretty major part of the animation.
You see, in the current day and age of datapacks, its legitimately impossible to get the armor stand facing the correct direction. Server-side, its facing away from you and works fine. Client-side, it faces south, no matter what I do to it. I've searched far and wide for a solution, to no avail. sorry :c
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Changes wise, the whole item is basically revamped. It no longer follows your aim like the sceptre, you can't replace items on it like before and I implemented the whole niche of the ability (damage and mana doubling). It works exactly the same as Hypixel's version except for the obvious animation thing.
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(Reworked) Sinseeker Scythe

Full credit of the idea goes to @UnclaimedBloom06. They made the idea and I simply wanted to recreate it in vanilla, as it seemed like an amazing idea.

This version completely reworks the scythe. Instead of shooting a line, you now spawn a marker on the ground. Shift-right clicking teleports you back to the marker no matter where you are. The main cost is dependant on the distance travelled (distance^2). If I were 7 blocks away from the marker, the mana cost would be 49. If I were 200 blocks away, the mana cost would be 40,000. This is actually really balanced and I could see it used in many different scenarios (most notably dungeons)
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Changes wise, I tidied the code up a bit to make it more optimized. I also fixed a weird bug with it that should hopefully make it more well-running.
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Crypt Witherlord Sword

This idea has seemed to be scrapped by Hypixel. It was originally found in the Essence Guide, and was leaked before they scrapped floors 8-10. Its thought that Crypt Witherlord's were a more powerful version of Crypt Dreadlord's and dropped a more powerful weapon, however we'll never know.
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Spammer mode still exists, you'll have to find it again though c:
No other major changes.

Midas Staff

This (in my opinion) is a better version of Hypixel's item. It works pretty much exactly the same, you right click and a wave of gold spawns.
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The gold blocks no longer follow your aim like before and instead just follow the direction of your crosshair the moment you cast the ability. The damage doesn't depend on the gold blocks anymore, but instead depends on the proximity to the armor stand. This means that the damage isn't interrupted by carpets and small barriers and will continue going and damage mobs. No more carpets ruining the spoon!
The blocks also have a max life now and the ability no longer just clears gold blocks around you while the ability is active. (yeh, amazing coding skills ik)
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Spooky Items

I've made a thread on these, if you want a detailed analysis on the items then you can check out the thread


Here's a quick rundown on the changes

Spirit Boots:
Now has a different color text on your return point depending on how long you have left. In ticks:
60-40: green
40-20: yellow
20-0: red
This is just to provide a better view of when you're gonna be teleported back.
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Angel's Ascent:
Major actionbar/chat message changes, more about that later.
Doesn't spam your chat anymore.
Changed lore a bit
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Terrorwraith Cloak (chestplate):
Name changed to match the idea that it was made off of (ty @Skrubulicious)
Modernized lore a bit
Actionbar stuff changed quite a bit.
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Spooky Mask:
Changed Lore quotes a bit
No longer teleports left click check if block you're looking at isn't air
Duping the masks should be a lot harder, however still possible (omg hypixel levels of coding)
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New Items
I had to add some more of course.

Rogue Sword

Matches the new ability of it. Grants some speed for 30s on right click.
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Fire Freeze Staff
Kinda ritualistic. On right click, creates a circle that after 5s, all mobs inside are frozen for 10s.
The animation for it was improved a bit. For the old animation, check

this out

The new animation sucks in all the skulls and makes them explode afterwards, which then freezes the mobs. Looks a bit cooler imo
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Fire Fury Staff

This item is currently unreleased, like the Crypt Witherlord sword. I don't think they scrapped it, however we may never know.
On right click, summons a slow moving projectile. It will spawn as a blue flame. It will slowly increase in speed as it travels some blocks until it turns into a red flame.
If it hits a block, it will make a firestorm where the projectile landed. This firestorm damages all mobs inside of it.
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I did hit the particle limit so the firestorm doesn't look the greatest, sorry ig!
It does a lot of damage though, I don't think anything can survive the whole 10s.
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Admin Items

Wand of Mana

Simply grants +250 mana back when you right click.
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Wand of Ascent:
On right click, grants 1000 Ascend charges. On left click, resets your Ascend charges. I used this to test the Angel's Ascent, but you can use it to play around with it as well.
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Wand of Sputing:tm:
Mostly redundant by the rework of the Angel's Ascent chat message spam, however it still can help with the chat spam.
This item toggles the annoying messages of the Spooky Set in chat.
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Misc Stuff
You thought I was done?

Actionbar Changes

I completely overhauled the actionbar. Before, ability usage was shown in chat. This would clog it up and make it annoying to see past messages. ALL ability usage messages have been moved to the actionbar.
This also includes both cooldown and mana shortages, both of those were moved to the actionbar.
Overall this was done to reduce chat clutter and match the real Skyblock a bit more.
This also includes the Angel's Ascent. Charge usage and recharge notifications were moved to the actionbar, however the duration is 0.4s instead of the usual 1s of uptime.

I've also changed the Angel's Ascent and Terrorwraith combo actionbar stuff. If you didn't know, both of these items added something to your actionbar, making it very awkward to work around. I've now made Angel's Ascent say "UNLIMITED" if you've used the Wand of Ascent and made Terrorwraith say "READY" if the cooldown is over. Both still show the charge amount and cooldown time until the next usage.
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Adding Stats

I've taken the time to add the stats for items into the items themselves. That means that you will get the 100 strength from the AOTE, or the 500 intelligence from the Hyperion.
Right now the majority of stats aren't used for anything, however in future updates I'll be sure to add functionality (maybe even damage calc omg)
The only stat that does work is Intelligence. You'll get the mana from your current held item and your armor added to your mana pool. Since you have a base of 1000 mana, the max mana you can currently achieve is 1750 (1000 base, 500 hyp, 200 terrorwraith, 50 spirit boots). The added mana is completely functional, however you cannot exceed it right now.

Placeholder Objective System

If you're on the world, you might notice the bossbar as well as a little particle which tracks a random armor stand. For now you should just ignore it, I'll refine it more later.

Admin Book - >>>> READ ME!!!! <<<<<
If you want access to any of item's, you'll need to use this book.
To get it, simply type this command into the chat box.


/function sbremake:book/give

This book contains many useful features, ranging from toggle-able settings to giving every item to you. You'll want to have this.
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Installation + World

As this is a simple datapack, you don't need the world download for this to work. This will work in any world you choose to download this in, which is a factor I want to keep.

Anyways, for installing the datapack into a world, follow these simple steps:


1/ Download datapack via google drive2/ Create a new world (or join your existing world)3/ Open up the world folder a) On world menu, click the world b) Click edit c) Click open world folder4/ Open the datapacks folder (if there isn't any, create one named datapacks)5/ Drag and drop the folder named SkyblockCreation into it.6/ Run /datapack list in your world. If SkyblockCreation is there, then you installed it correctly.

For installing the world itself, its much easier.


1/ Install the world file via dropbox2/ Open up your .minecraft folder (you can search online if you need help)3/ Open up the saves folder4/ Paste the world folder there.

You also would want to install NoCOS, which is a custom texture pack which hides both the Carrot on a Stick as well as the minecart texture; which is needed for the spooky mask GUI.
Download it, place the whole folder in the resource packs folder (plenty of guides available for that as well), and you're good.

Datapack Download:
World Download:

Once you've installed either the world or datapack, make sure to type /reload to reload all the assets and make sure everything loaded properly.
If you have ANY trouble downloading anything, contact me at @SadaN (Master Mode)#2278 on discord.

Ending Notes

This took me a very long time to transfer into datapack form, so leaving a like is appreciated.
If you want to support this project, bump this thread. It helps a lot to spread the thread's reach. Also leave a like and follow my profile and maybe even save this thread. I'll be updating the project regularly now, so expect more stuff like this in the future.

Unfortunately this disables your offhand. There is currently no other way to detect right clicks in vanilla. Even in Hypixel, they've had to disable your offhand in order to detect right clicks via shield blocks.
If you have any solutions for the AOTS conundrum, please hmu. I'm running out of ideas.
Bonus Dev Stuff
Longest item to make: Fire Fury Staff (holy **** this took so long)
Fastest item to make: AOTE
Fun-sit item to make: Fire Freeze Staff
Most interesting item to make: Hyperion
Most boring item: AOTE
Most fun item: Midas Staff

- precursor eye
- shortbows
- giant's sword
- flower of truth
- other wither blades
- frozen scythe
- regular sinseeker
- golem sword

Do '/scoreboard players set @p maxMana 1000000' to get infinite mana!

If you want me to make your custom items in this datapack, reply with them! I'm running out of interesting items to add, and your input is appreciated.
Thanks to everyone for reading this far, I put a huge amount of effort into this and don't want it to be wasted.
Have a great day!

many items in a datapack
very cool
you should download and bump thread

Remaking Skyblock in a DATAPACK: 0.2.2 / 00 - 1.21 release, possible EOL (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.